Thursday, 15 February 2024 Over 120 individual programs plus dozens of programmer libraries and feature plugins are released simultaneously as part of KDE Gear. Today they all get new bugfix source releases with updated translations, including: * knavalbattle: Fix test for placing a ship vertically * konsole: Show wallpaper on non-translucent top-levels * neochat: Fix saving images
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TIMESTAMP = 1707889371
SHA256 (KDE/release-service/23.08.5/kiten-23.08.5.tar.xz) = 1ee8516beb7c9bf3accf5ee32a08e47609d897476a5f9967e4d179533531623a
SIZE (KDE/release-service/23.08.5/kiten-23.08.5.tar.xz) = 11336836