Pass maintainership to vvd (approved by Michael Zhilin)
Feature Enhancements
Debugger - option to use DBMS_DEBUG for database debugging
Load options include SET LOADFORMAT and SET LOADMETHOD for more flexibility on loading table data
ORDS installer supports:
REST SQL and SQL Developer Web configuration
Custom JDBC urls and TNS
Allows non-SYSDBA user to install/upgrade, repair and uninstall ORDS
SQLcl Liquibase new commands: ROLLBACKSQL, DIFF, DBDOC, VERSION
Liquibase changeSet IDs are now generated as a hash of the content
Explain Plan/Autotrace Search
Include Orakafka ZIP in all distributions
Java Home updated to 8u221
Oracle NoSQL plugin updated to version 19.3.12
Database Copy added 'Ignore Storage' to avoid tablespace dependencies
SQL Editor Code template options panel moved to code editor page
Code formatter new setting for number of commas to allow before a linebreak on PL/SQL call
Added SET CODESCAN to look for SQL Injection vulnerabilities
TABLE IMPORT enhanced to ignore virtual columns
PR: 249866
Submitted by: VVD <>