Li-Wen Hsu 7a74aea931 - Copy lang/julia to lang/julia06 and lang/julia07
- Update lang/julia07 to 0.7.0
- Update lang/julia to 0.1.0

PR:		230663
Submitted by:	Iblis Lin <> (maintainer)
2018-09-06 20:57:01 +00:00

196 lines
8.1 KiB

diff --git contrib/generate_precompile.jl contrib/generate_precompile.jl
index 6788558275..11e9de09ae 100644
--- contrib/generate_precompile.jl
+++ contrib/generate_precompile.jl
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ if !isdefined(Base, :uv_eventloop)
Base.include(@__MODULE__, joinpath(Sys.BINDIR, "..", "share", "julia", "test", "testhelpers", "FakePTYs.jl"))
-import .FakePTYs: with_fake_pty
+import .FakePTYs: open_fake_pty
CTRL_C = '\x03'
UP_ARROW = "\e[A"
@@ -43,6 +43,12 @@ if Pkg !== nothing
precompile_script *= Pkg.precompile_script
+using Sockets
+using Libdl
function generate_precompile_statements()
start_time = time()
@@ -62,82 +68,106 @@ function generate_precompile_statements()
- # Create a staging area where all the loaded packages are available
- PrecompileStagingArea = Module()
- for (_pkgid, _mod) in Base.loaded_modules
- if !( in ("Main", "Core", "Base"))
- eval(PrecompileStagingArea, :($(Symbol(_mod)) = $_mod))
+ print("Generating precompile statements...")
+ sysimg = Base.unsafe_string(Base.JLOptions().image_file)
+ mktemp() do precompile_file, _
+ # Run a repl process and replay our script
+ repl_output_buffer = IOBuffer()
+ @static if Sys.iswindows()
+ # Fake being cygwin
+ pipename = """\\\\?\\pipe\\cygwin-$("0"^16)-pty10-abcdef"""
+ server = listen(pipename)
+ slave = connect(pipename)
+ @assert ccall(:jl_ispty, Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid},), slave.handle) == 1
+ master = accept(server)
+ else
+ slave, master = open_fake_pty()
- end
- # TODO: Implement REPL replayer for Windows
- @static if !Sys.iswindows()
- print("Generating precompile statements...")
- sysimg = isempty(ARGS) ? joinpath(dirname(Sys.BINDIR), "lib", "julia", "sys.ji") : ARGS[1]
- mktemp() do precompile_file, _
- # Run a repl process and replay our script
- stdout_accumulator, stderr_accumulator = IOBuffer(), IOBuffer()
- with_fake_pty() do slave, master
- with_fake_pty() do slave_err, master_err
- done = false
- withenv("JULIA_HISTORY" => tempname(), "JULIA_PROJECT" => nothing,
- "TERM" => "") do
- p = run(`$(julia_cmd()) -O0 --trace-compile=$precompile_file --sysimage $sysimg
- --startup-file=no --color=yes`,
- slave, slave, slave_err; wait=false)
- readuntil(master, "julia>", keep=true)
- for (tty, accumulator) in (master => stdout_accumulator,
- master_err => stderr_accumulator)
- @async begin
- while true
- done && break
- write(accumulator, readavailable(tty))
- end
- end
- end
- if have_repl
- for l in split(precompile_script, '\n'; keepempty=false)
- write(master, l, '\n')
- end
+ done = false
+ withenv("JULIA_HISTORY" => tempname(), "JULIA_PROJECT" => nothing,
+ "TERM" => "") do
+ if have_repl
+ p = run(`$(julia_cmd()) -O0 --trace-compile=$precompile_file --sysimage $sysimg
+ --compile=all --startup-file=no --color=yes`,
+ slave, slave, slave; wait=false)
+ readuntil(master, "julia>", keep=true)
+ t = @async begin
+ while true
+ sleep(0.5)
+ s = String(readavailable(master))
+ write(repl_output_buffer, s)
+ if occursin("__PRECOMPILE_END__", s)
+ break
- write(master, "exit()\n")
- wait(p)
- done = true
+ if have_repl
+ for l in split(precompile_script, '\n'; keepempty=false)
+ write(master, l, '\n')
+ end
+ end
+ write(master, "print(\"__PRECOMPILE\", \"_END__\")", '\n')
+ wait(t)
+ # TODO Figure out why exit() on Windows doesn't exit the process
+ if Sys.iswindows()
+ print(master, "ccall(:_exit, Cvoid, (Cint,), 0)\n")
+ else
+ write(master, "exit()\n")
+ readuntil(master, "exit()\r\e[13C\r\n")
+ @assert bytesavailable(master) == 0
+ end
+ wait(p)
+ else
+ # Is this even needed or is this already recorded just from starting this process?
+ p = run(`$(julia_cmd()) -O0 --trace-compile=$precompile_file --sysimage $sysimg
+ --compile=all --startup-file=no
+ -e0`)
+ end
+ close(master)
- # Check what the REPL displayed
- # stdout_output = String(take!(stdout_accumulator))
- # println(stdout_output)
+ # Check what the REPL displayed
+ # repl_output = String(take!(repl_output_buffer))
+ # println(repl_output)
- # Extract the precompile statements from stderr
- statements = Set{String}()
- for statement in split(read(precompile_file, String), '\n')
- occursin("Main.", statement) && continue
- push!(statements, statement)
- end
+ # Extract the precompile statements from stderr
+ statements = Set{String}()
+ for statement in split(read(precompile_file, String), '\n')
+ occursin("Main.", statement) && continue
+ push!(statements, statement)
+ end
- # Load the precompile statements
- statements_ordered = join(sort(collect(statements)), '\n')
- # println(statements_ordered)
- if have_repl
- # Seems like a reasonable number right now, adjust as needed
- @assert length(statements) > 700
+ if have_repl
+ # Seems like a reasonable number right now, adjust as needed
+ # comment out if debugging script
+ @assert length(statements) > 700
+ end
+ # Create a staging area where all the loaded packages are available
+ PrecompileStagingArea = Module()
+ for (_pkgid, _mod) in Base.loaded_modules
+ if !( in ("Main", "Core", "Base"))
+ eval(PrecompileStagingArea, :($(Symbol(_mod)) = $_mod))
+ end
- Base.include_string(PrecompileStagingArea, statements_ordered)
- print(" $(length(statements)) generated in ")
- Base.time_print((time() - start_time) * 10^9)
- println()
+ # Execute the collected precompile statements
+ include_time = @elapsed for statement in sort(collect(statements))
+ # println(statement)
+ try
+ Base.include_string(PrecompileStagingArea, statement)
+ catch ex
+ @error "Failed to precompile $statement"
+ rethrow(ex)
+ end
+ print(" $(length(statements)) generated in ")
+ tot_time = time() - start_time
+ Base.time_print(tot_time * 10^9)
+ print(" (overhead "); Base.time_print((tot_time - include_time) * 10^9); println(")")
- # Fall back to explicit list on Windows, might as well include them
- # for everyone though
- Base.include(PrecompileStagingArea, "precompile_explicit.jl")