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Scilab Wavelet Toolbox (SWT)
Wavelet is a powerful signal processing tool developed and developing
in the last two decades. Scilab Wavelet Toolbox is a free software package
to enable you using wavelet analysis tools freely in Scilab on most OSes
including GNU/Linux, BSD and Windows. Scilab Wavelet Toolbox is designed
to work with any Scilab Image Processing Toolbox like SIP
for displaying 2-D results.
What Scilab Wavelet Toolbox supposed to do:
Discrete Fast Wavelet Transform, daubechies wavelets
1-D single level signal decomposition and reconstruction
1-D multi-level signal decomposition and reconstruction
2-D single level image decomposition and reconstruction
2-D multi-level image decomposition and reconstruction.
WWW: http://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/swt