PLISTs. Note: I know that this is going to break some symlinks and/or .so includes, I will back some of these out as I run into these during package building.
25 lines
707 B
25 lines
707 B
# New ports collection makefile for: vcg
# Version required: 1.30.r3.17
# Date created: 19 February 1995
# Whom: hsu
# $Id: Makefile,v 1.5 1996/11/18 11:29:26 asami Exp $
DISTNAME= vcg.1.30
PKGNAME= vcg-1.30
CATEGORIES= graphics
MASTER_SITES= ftp://ftp.cs.uni-sb.de/pub/graphics/vcg/
DISTFILES= vcg.1.30.r3.17.tgz
USE_X11= yes
MANL= pbmrot90.l pbmshift.l pbm2hp.l vcgdemomaker.l vcg.l xvcg.l
@mkdir -p ${WRKSRC}/preconf/X11ccFreeBSD
@cp ${FILESDIR}/conf ${WRKSRC}/preconf/X11ccFreeBSD
@cp ${FILESDIR}/demo.csh ${WRKSRC}/preconf/X11ccFreeBSD
@cp ${FILESDIR}/globals.h ${WRKSRC}/preconf/X11ccFreeBSD
@cp ${FILESDIR}/tMakefile ${WRKSRC}/preconf/X11ccFreeBSD
.include <bsd.port.mk>