ports that depend on guile. As such I have tested most of them. Here are my results: --KNOWN TO WORK-- devel/gconf games/gnomegames games/gnomegames2 devel/g-wrap x11-toolkits/guile-gtk x11-toolkits/guile-gnome math/guppi finance/gnucash deskutils/gnotime devel/libgtop devel/autogen games/gnurobots audio/snd math/drgenius net/serveez science/libctl x11-wm/scwm (works with patches to be sent to maintainer) --KNOWN NOT TO WORK (maintainer is working on update)-- cad/geda cad/geda-symcheck cad/geda-utils cad/gnetlist cad/gschem cad/gwave cad/libgeda --UNKNOWN-- mail/icqmail (marked IGNORE for other reasons) lang/gnustep-guile (could not build for other reasons; will notify maintainer) math/siag (did not test) science/mpb (did not test) PR: 43910
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60 B
MD5 (guile-1.6.4.tar.gz) = a4aceb5f185878c1de4e8aa7c38b6d1d