2020-07-13 10.4.1 Fix for parent classes sometimes not being found in the PHP 7.4 Loader. Fix for incorrect errors arising when a class implemented an abstract method through a trait in the PHP 7.4 Loader. Corrected build for Aarch64 PHP 7.4 loaders. 2020-06-29 10.4.0 Loaders for PHP 7.4. These will run files produced by the PHP 7.1 and 7.2 encoders. Fix for an issue with the encoded_paths feature in Windows. 2020-02-28 10.4.0 beta 2 Second beta release of PHP 7.4 Loaders for Linux. These now run both 7.1- and 7.2-encoded files but do not support IC24. These beta loaders should not be used in a production environment. 2020-02-27 10.4.0 beta Beta release of PHP 7.4 Loaders for Linux. At present these only run 7.2-encoded files and should not be used in a production environment. 2019-10-11 10.3.9 Fix for an issue in the PHP 7.3 Loader which could cause OPcache to be disabled on unencoded files. Fix for an issue in the PHP 7.2 and 7.3 Loaders which could give a spurious warning message if a parameter of a method with a null value overrides a method with a nullable type. 2019-08-23 10.3.8 Fix for a possible crash in the PHP 7.3 Loader when OPcache was also enabled. Fix for PHP error exceptions not being caught in the PHP 7 Loaders. Fixes for PHP issues 71980, 75396 and 75786. Fix for an incorrect call order with certain combinations of foreach, finally and exception in the PHP 7.1 Loader. Fix for incorrect line numbers being reported for undefined array index errors. Fix for a potential memory leak with the encoded paths feature of the Loader. IC24: Minor bug fixes, improvements and support for future features. Upgrading to the 10.3.8 Loader is particularly recommended for IC24 users. New 5.4 and 7.2 Loaders custom built for IBM for ppc64le. 2019-06-25 10.3.7 Fix for a potential segmentation fault in the 10.3.5 and 10.3.6 Loaders when including a large file defining an array. The Loader version now can be obtained using phpversion("ionCube Loader"). 2019-06-18 10.3.6 Fix for an issue in the PHP 7.3 Loader where a case within a switch could be triggered even though the variable in the switch was undefined. Fix for filepaths shown in debug_backtrace and similar functions being incorrect in some cases in the 10.3.5 Loaders. Fix for possible segmentation faults in the 10.3.5 Loaders occurring with include file protection. 2019-06-04 10.3.5 The ionCube Loader now has its own section in the phpinfo() output. That will include IC24 settings where relevant. Fix for some memory leaks in PHP 5.6-7.3, particularly when including files in a loop. For undefined variables in assignments, correction to ensure that the line numbers in error messages are not mangled when line number obfuscation is not in place. Fix to ensure that the loader will accept large property values that were accepted by the Encoder. Fix to ensure that external encoding keys set at runtime using ini_set would be found. 2019-04-07 10.3.4 This updates Linux x86 32/64 bit Loders only, and fixes corruption of the HTTP_HOST server variable if it includes a port number, e.g. somedomain.com:1081. There is no change for other platforms other than the version number for consistency. 2019-04-05 10.3.3 Fix for callback files not being called from bundled encoding files. Added AArch64 (ARM64) as a new standard platform. 2019-01-02 10.3.2 Fix for a potential issue with the corruption of included file paths, particularly on Windows. PR: 240651 Submitted by: Svyatoslav Lempert <svyatoslav.lempert@gmail.com> (maintainer) Reported by: Eero Hänninen <fax@nohik.ee>
5 lines
413 B
5 lines
413 B
TIMESTAMP = 1595868480
SHA256 (ioncube/10.4.1/ioncube_loaders_fre_11_x86-64.tar.gz) = e309978953dadf4e524eab40cbe725dc7120c56faf570bd78c5a0fa7f75b1998
SIZE (ioncube/10.4.1/ioncube_loaders_fre_11_x86-64.tar.gz) = 13150650
SHA256 (ioncube/10.4.1/ioncube_loaders_fre_11_x86.tar.gz) = 97e78e31d098cc6b5c476374d658c213ef6da9fbbb84d483abf0f7d6c804c3ad
SIZE (ioncube/10.4.1/ioncube_loaders_fre_11_x86.tar.gz) = 13129900