a resized 16x16 bitmap font) by CMEX and DynaLab for the X Window System (PCF). This is one of the few Big5 or Big5+ Chinese bitmap fonts on the Internet that is DFSG-compliant. The font was designed by DynaLab and released by CMEX as part of the proposed Big5+ standard documentation. It was then converted to HBF and BDF format and further modified by Wei-Lun Chao in September 1998. Submitted by: statue@freebsd.sinica.edu.tw Handed to me via: keichii
56 lines
2.2 KiB
56 lines
2.2 KiB
--- copyright.orig Wed Jul 25 01:53:09 2001
+++ copyright Wed Jul 25 01:53:09 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+This package was debianized by Anthony Fok <foka@debian.org> on
+Sat, 14 Mar 1998 20:20:06 -0700.
+It may be downloaded from:
+ http://metalab.unc.edu/pub/Linux/X11/fonts/cmexfonts-0.1.tar.gz
+Big5+ Standard by: CMEX, http://www.cmex.org.tw/
+ Font Designed by: DynaLab, http://www.dynalab.com.tw/
+ BDF converted by: Wei-Lun Chao <chaoweilun@sinanet.com>
+ (Rough translation from the original Chinese copyright notice)
+ The standard documents, font files and programs are Copyright (C)
+ by 行政院研究發展考核委員會 (Executive Council Research and Development
+ Committee???) and 中文數位化技術推廣基金會 (中推會, CMEX).
+ The general public are welcome to use and redistribute these files freely,
+ but please retain the copyright notice and give credits to the
+ copyright holders, and to the designers or producers or the fonts
+ or programs.
+ Fonts designed by DynaLab, Inc.
+ Converted to HBF and BDF format and further modified by
+ 趙惟倫 (Wei-Lun Chao) <chaoweilun@sinanet.com>, 1998.1, 1998.9.
+ Chao claims no extra copyright for the BDF font.
+Original Chinese copyright notice (Big5 charset) follows:
+ 本工具磁片所含之規格、字形及程式的著作權為行政院研究發展考核委員會
+ 及中文電腦推廣基金會所共有,歡迎各界廣為流傳並視須要複製使用,但請
+ 註明著作權擁有者、字形及程式的設計或製作單位。
+ 這些轉碼程式,僅供各界參考使用或修改,提供單位恕不負責服務。
+ 著作權為行政院研究發展考核委員會及中文電腦推廣基金會所共有
+║◎提供單位:行政院研考會、中文電腦推廣基金會 ║
+║◎字形設計:華康科技 ║
+Big5 code follows:
+COMMENT 著作權為中華民國行政院研考會、中文電腦推廣基金會所共有
+COMMENT 字形設計為華康科技 Dynalab Inc.
+COMMENT http://www.cmex.org.tw/
+COMMENT Modified by 趙惟倫 wchao@hrz.uni-bielefeld.de, 1998.1. 無新增權利宣告
+COMMENT -dynalab-ming-medium-r-normal-fantizi-24-240-75-75-c-240-big5p-0
+COMMENT 正確字集名稱為 big5p,因相容性改為 big5
+FONT -dynalab-ming-medium-r-normal-fantizi-24-240-75-75-c-240-big5-0