136 lines
4.6 KiB
136 lines
4.6 KiB
# New ports collection makefile for: mencoder
# Date created: 23 June 2007
# Whom: Thomas E. Zander
# $FreeBSD$
PORTNAME= mencoder
COMMENT= Convenient video file and movie encoder
RESTRICTED= Port has restricted dependencies
.include "${.CURDIR}/../mplayer/Makefile.shared"
OPTIONS= DEBUG "Include debug symbols in mencoder's binary files" off
OPTIONS+= RTCPU "Let mplayer dynamically check for CPU features" on
OPTIONS+= OCFLAGS "Use optimized compiler flags" on
OPTIONS+= SIMD "Allow mplayer to use vector engines (MMX...)" on
OPTIONS+= IPV6 "Include inet6 network support" on
OPTIONS+= JACK "Enable JackIt audio server support" off
#OPTIONS+= POLYP "Enable polyp sound server support" off
OPTIONS+= NAS "Enable NAS sound server support" off
OPTIONS+= OPENAL "Enable OpenAL sound support" off
OPTIONS+= LIBUNGIF "Enable gif support" on
OPTIONS+= LIBDV "Enable libdv support" off
OPTIONS+= MAD "Enable mad MPEG audio engine support" off
OPTIONS+= TWOLAME "Enable twolame MPEG audio codec support" off
OPTIONS+= DTS "Enable DTS audio codec support" on
OPTIONS+= LIBMPCDEC "Enable libmpcdec support" off
OPTIONS+= FAAC "Enable FAAC audio codec support" off
OPTIONS+= LADSPA "Enable LADSPA plugin support" off
OPTIONS+= SPEEX "Enable speex audio codec support" off
OPTIONS+= TREMOR "Use built-in tremor instead of libvorbis" off
OPTIONS+= XMMS "Enable XMMS plugin support" off
OPTIONS+= WIN32 "Enable win32 codec set on the IA32 arch" on
OPTIONS+= THEORA "Enable ogg theora video support" off
OPTIONS+= X264 "Enable x264 (H.264) video codec support" off
OPTIONS+= XANIM "Enable xanim DLL support" off
OPTIONS+= XVID "Enable XVID video codec support" on
OPTIONS+= REALPLAYER "Enable real player plugin" off
OPTIONS+= LIVEMEDIA "Enable LIVE555 streaming support" off
OPTIONS+= SMB "Enable Samba input support" off
OPTIONS+= FRIBIDI "Enable FriBiDi support" off
OPTIONS+= LIBCDIO "Enable libcdio support" off
OPTIONS+= CDPARANOIA "Enable cdparanoia support" off
OPTIONS+= LIBLZO "Enable external liblzo library" off
MLINKS= mplayer.1 mencoder.1
PATCHDIR= ${.CURDIR}/../mplayer/files
DATADIR= ${PREFIX}/share/mplayer
TOOLFILES= calcbpp.pl countquant.pl dvd2divxscript.pl \
menc2pass mencvcd mp.pl subedit.pl subsearch.sh \
sws-test w32codec_dl.pl wma2ogg.pl x2mpsub.sh
.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
LIB_DEPENDS+= mp3lame.0:${PORTSDIR}/audio/lame
BUILD_DEPENDS+= mplayer:${PORTSDIR}/multimedia/mplayer
RUN_DEPENDS+= mplayer:${PORTSDIR}/multimedia/mplayer
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-vidix-internal \
--disable-freetype \
--disable-x11 \
--disable-fontconfig \
--disable-rtc \
--disable-arts \
--disable-esd \
--disable-caca \
--disable-lirc \
--disable-sdl \
--disable-svga \
--disable-aa \
.include "${.CURDIR}/../mplayer/Makefile.options"
.if defined(WITH_TWOLAME)
LIB_DEPENDS+= twolame.0:${PORTSDIR}/audio/twolame
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-twolame
.if defined(WITH_FAAC)
LIB_DEPENDS+= faac.0:${PORTSDIR}/audio/faac
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-faac
@${ECHO_MSG} "N - O - T - E"
@${ECHO_MSG} ""
@${ECHO_MSG} "There are some knobs which *can* *not* be selected via the"
@${ECHO_MSG} "OPTIONS framework. As this one is a slave port of multimedia/"
@${ECHO_MSG} "mplayer, you might want to check mplayer's Makefile(s) in"
@${ECHO_MSG} "order to learn more about them."
's|libxmms.so.1|libxmms.so|' \
@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|/dev/dvd|${DEFAULT_DVD_DEVICE}|; \
s|/dev/cdrom|${DEFAULT_CDROM_DEVICE}|' \
@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's!/usr/local!${PREFIX}!' \
@${FIND} -E ${WRKSRC} -type f \
-iregex ".*(configure|.sh|Makefile)" -print0 | \
${XARGS} -x -0 -n 10 \
-e 's|[[:space:]]gcc[-[:digit:]\.]+| ${CC}|' \
-e 's|[[:space:]]gcc| ${CC}|' \
-e 's|\$$\(CC\)|${CC}|' \
-e 's|/usr/X11R6|${X11BASE}|'
@${FIND} ${WRKSRC}/DOCS/man -name "mplayer.1" | ${XARGS} ${REINPLACE_CMD} -E -e \
's|/usr/\\:local/\\:etc/\\:mplayer|${DATADIR:S/\//\/\\\:/g}|g ; \
s|/dev/\\:(dvd[[:alnum:]]*[[:>:]])|${DEFAULT_DVD_DEVICE:S/dev\//dev\/\\\:/}|g ; \
@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's#-pthread#${PTHREAD_LIBS}#g' \
@${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/mencoder ${PREFIX}/bin
@${CHMOD} 755 ${DATADIR}
@${MKDIR} ${DATADIR}/tools
@${CHMOD} 755 ${DATADIR}/tools
.for tool in ${TOOLFILES}
.include <bsd.port.post.mk>