Sunpoet Po-Chuan Hsieh ad4f267b7a Update WWW is shutting down.
It will redirect to after June 25, 2018.

With hat:	perl
2018-05-27 20:15:16 +00:00

22 lines
907 B

Catalyst::View::TT::ControllerLocal is like a normal Catalyst TT View,
but with template file names relative to the current Controller. So
with a set of templates like:
and an action "add" in the Controller "MyApp::Controller::Frobniz", you
set "$c->stash->{template}" to "add.html" in order for it to pick up
the "./root/frobbiz/add.html" template.
Setting the "$c->stash->{template}" from Controller "MyApp::Con-
troller::Bogon" would instead pick the default template in
"./root/add.html" (since there is no Bogon subdirectory under root).
In addition, since there is no file "edit.html" except in the Frobniz
directory, C::V::TT::ControllerLocal will default to looking for
"edit.html" in ./root/ and ./root/base (or whatever you set MyApp->con-
fig->{INCLUDE_PATH} to).