Omit the definition of DISTVERSION which is only necessary for ports tracking snapshots of GCC and simplify the definition of GCC_VERSION (but keep the latter as a variable to align the gcc6-devel and gcc6 ports). Remove files/patch-unwind-ia64.h since we have not been supporting ia64 with this release series (ONLY_FOR_ARCHS has not been including ia64).
3 lines
153 B
3 lines
153 B
TIMESTAMP = 1482692157
SHA256 (gcc-6.3.0.tar.bz2) = f06ae7f3f790fbf0f018f6d40e844451e6bc3b7bc96e128e63b09825c1f8b29f
SIZE (gcc-6.3.0.tar.bz2) = 99903185