This port now installs man pages. (Patch-ac is responsible for following three items.) This port now installs files into ${PREFIX}/{bin,include/canna,lib/canna} instead of /usr/local/Canna/{bin,include,lib}. Changed the location and the name of the lock file to /var/run/Canna.pid. Changed the location of the log file to /var/log. Now the readme file is not installed into the directory where the lock file resides. (patch-ab) In post-install:, /etc/services is checked and the user will be notified if there is no entry for Canna. Added new patch to modify source of several man pages to avoid it displaying an empty page before showing its content. (patch-ad)
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# New ports collection makefile for: Canna
# Version required: 3.2p2
# Date created: 3 November 1995
# Whom: Nobuhiro Yasutomi <nobu@psrc.isac.co.jp>
# NIIMI Satoshi <sa2c@and.or.jp>
# $Id: Makefile,v 1.8 1996/08/09 02:40:13 asami Exp $
DISTNAME= Canna32p2
PKGNAME= Canna-3.2.2
CATEGORIES+= japanese
MASTER_SITES= ftp://ftp.nec.co.jp/pub/packages/Canna32/ \
PREFIX?= /usr/local
MAN3PAGES= RkRgnBun.3 RkDefineDic.3 RkDeleteDic.3 RkEndBun.3 \
RkEnlarge.3 RkFinalize.3 RkGetDicList.3 RkGetKanji.3 \
RkGetLex.3 RkGetStat.3 RkGetYomi.3 RkGoto.3 RkInitialize.3 \
RkIntro.3 RkLeft.3 RkMountD.3 RkNext.3 RkNfer.3 RkPrev.3 \
RkRemountDic.3 RkResize.3 RkRight.3 RkShorten.3 RkStoreYomi.3 \
RkUnmountDic.3 RkXfer.3 cannalib.3 uilib.3 RkCloseRoma.3 \
RkCvtEuc.3 RkCvtHan.3 RkCvtHira.3 RkCvtKana.3 RkCvtRoma.3 \
RkCvtZen.3 RkMapPhonogram.3 RkMapRoma.3 RkOpenRoma.3
MAN1PAGES= cannaserver.1 ctow.1 dicar.1 dpromdic.1 splitword.1 wtoc.1 \
mkromdic.1 mkbindic.1 dpbindic.1 cannakill.1 canvert.1 \
cannacheck.1 cannastat.1 cshost.1 catdic.1 cpdic.1 lsdic.1 \
mkdic.1 mvdic.1 rmdic.1 addwords.1 delwords.1
STARTUP_SCRIPT= ${PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/canna.sh
/sbin/ldconfig -m ${PREFIX}/lib
.if !defined(NOMANCOMPRESS)
for f in ${MAN3PAGES} ; do gzip -9nf ${PREFIX}/man/man3/$$f ; done
for f in ${MAN1PAGES} ; do gzip -9nf ${PREFIX}/man/man1/$$f ; done
@if [ ! -f ${STARTUP_SCRIPT} ]; then \
echo "Installing ${STARTUP_SCRIPT} startup file."; \
echo '#!/bin/sh' > ${STARTUP_SCRIPT}; \
echo 'canna=${PREFIX}/sbin/cannaserver' \
echo 'if [ -f $$canna ]; then' >> ${STARTUP_SCRIPT} ; \
echo ' rm -f /var/run/Canna.pid' >> ${STARTUP_SCRIPT};\
echo " echo -n ' Canna'" >> ${STARTUP_SCRIPT}; \
echo ' $$canna' >> ${STARTUP_SCRIPT} ; \
echo "fi" >> ${STARTUP_SCRIPT} ; \
chmod 755 ${STARTUP_SCRIPT} ; \
chown bin.bin ${STARTUP_SCRIPT}; \
@(grep -v ^# /etc/services | grep canna >/dev/null) || \
(echo "Now, you need to add following entry to your /etc/services:" ;\
echo ;\
echo " canna 5680/tcp" ;\
echo )
.include <bsd.port.mk>