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The purpose of this project is to develop a free (open source),
platform independent alternative to Origin. QtiPlot is being actively
improved, all your suggestions to our "wish to" list and all your
contributions are most welcome!
* QtiPlot is fully scriptable via Python, which gives you the
possibility to use powerfull existing scientific tools, such as
* OpenGL based 3D Plotting
* Publication quality 2D plots
* Easy export of plots to vector formats (EPS, PS, PDF) and
to other various image formats (BMP, JPG, PNG, TIFF etc ...)
* Powerful and versatile spreadsheets and calculations in column-logic
* Easy ASCII-Import/Export of single or multiple files
* Linear and non-linear y=f(x) curve fitting and estimation of
statistical errors of the fit-parameters
* Multi-peak fitting with Gaussian and Lorentzian peak profiles
* Data analysis: statistics, sorting, FFT, data smoothing
(Savitzky-Golay, FFT smoothing, and moving window average), data
filtering (low/high/band pass and band block filters),
convolution/deconvolution, correlation, interpolation, numerical
integration/differentiation, etc...
* Matrices optimized for 3D plotting
* Templates support: all the settings for plots (2D/3D), tables
and matrixes can be saved to ASCII files and restored later on for
a fast editing process
* Project files based on folders, a powerful project explorer with
extensive built-in features: drag and drop, searching facilities,
WWW: http://soft.proindependent.com/qtiplot.html