Sean Chittenden 894d797199 Add nifty little script that parses the CIA's World Factbook and
converts it into SQL for PostgreSQL, DB2, or MySQL.  Includes
referential constraints for PostgreSQL and DB2.  Useful for those
wanting to populate a database with dummy data that isn't completely
fake or people who make frequent use of the data.
2003-08-21 09:32:49 +00:00

8 lines
424 B

For those either needing a dummy PostgreSQL database full of real
facts and data, or those who make frequent use of the CIA's World Fact
Book, this is the port for you: wfb2sql converts the WFB into SQL
inserts. Act now and get your copy of the WFB for free now! The
WFB is a public domain document that may disappear as fast as you do
after the black helicopters lock in on your location!!!!