126 lines
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126 lines
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--- src/utils/os_divers.c.orig 2020-06-16 16:17:17 UTC
+++ src/utils/os_divers.c
@@ -1680,6 +1680,123 @@ Bool gf_sys_get_rti_os(u32 refresh_time_ms, GF_SystemR
return 1;
+#elif defined GPAC_CONFIG_FREEBSD
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/sysctl.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/user.h>
+#define GETSYSCTL(name, var) getsysctl(name, &(var), sizeof(var))
+int getsysctl(const char *name, void *ptr, size_t len) {
+ size_t nlen = len;
+ if (sysctlbyname(name, ptr, &nlen, NULL, 0) == -1) {
+ GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_CORE, ("[RTI] sysctl(%s...) failed: %s\n", name, strerror(errno)));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (nlen != len) {
+ GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_CORE, ("[RTI] sysctl(%s...) expected %lu, got %lu\n",
+ name, (unsigned long)len, (unsigned long)nlen));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int stathz = 128;
+Bool gf_sys_get_rti_os(u32 refresh_time_ms, GF_SystemRTInfo *rti, u32 flags)
+ size_t length;
+ u32 entry_time;
+ struct kinfo_proc kinfo;
+ unsigned long result;
+ u32 u_k_time = 0, idle_time = 0;
+ u64 process_u_k_time = 0;
+ long cp_time[CPUSTATES];
+ struct clockinfo clockinfo;
+ entry_time = gf_sys_clock();
+ if (last_update_time && (entry_time - last_update_time < refresh_time_ms)) {
+ memcpy(rti, &the_rti, sizeof(GF_SystemRTInfo));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int mib[] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, KERN_PROC_PID, the_rti.pid };
+ length = sizeof(kinfo);
+ if (sysctl(mib, 4, &kinfo, &length, NULL, 0) == 0) {
+ process_u_k_time = (u64)(kinfo.ki_rusage.ru_utime.tv_usec + kinfo.ki_rusage.ru_stime.tv_usec) +
+ (u64)(kinfo.ki_rusage.ru_utime.tv_sec + kinfo.ki_rusage.ru_stime.tv_sec) * (u64)1000000;
+ }
+ if (GETSYSCTL("kern.cp_time", cp_time) == 0) {
+ u_k_time = cp_time[CP_USER] + cp_time[CP_NICE] + cp_time[CP_SYS] + cp_time[CP_INTR];
+ idle_time = cp_time[CP_IDLE];
+ }
+ the_rti.physical_memory = the_rti.physical_memory_avail = 0;
+ if (GETSYSCTL("hw.physmem", result) == 0) {
+ the_rti.physical_memory = result;
+ }
+ if (GETSYSCTL("hw.usermem", result) == 0) {
+ the_rti.physical_memory_avail = result;
+ }
+ the_rti.sampling_instant = last_update_time;
+ if (last_update_time) {
+ the_rti.sampling_period_duration = (entry_time - last_update_time);
+ the_rti.process_cpu_time_diff = (process_u_k_time - last_process_k_u_time) / 1000;
+ /*oops, we have no choice but to assume 100% cpu usage during this period*/
+ if (!u_k_time) {
+ the_rti.total_cpu_time_diff = the_rti.sampling_period_duration;
+ u_k_time = last_cpu_u_k_time + the_rti.sampling_period_duration;
+ the_rti.cpu_idle_time = 0;
+ the_rti.total_cpu_usage = 100;
+ if (!the_rti.process_cpu_time_diff) the_rti.process_cpu_time_diff = the_rti.total_cpu_time_diff;
+ the_rti.process_cpu_usage = (u32) ( 100 * the_rti.process_cpu_time_diff / the_rti.sampling_period_duration);
+ } else {
+ u64 samp_sys_time, cpu_idle_time;
+ /*move to ms (kern.cp_time gives times in 1/stathz unit*/
+ the_rti.total_cpu_time_diff = (u_k_time - last_cpu_u_k_time) * 1000 / stathz;
+ /*we're not that accurate....*/
+ if (the_rti.total_cpu_time_diff > the_rti.sampling_period_duration)
+ the_rti.sampling_period_duration = the_rti.total_cpu_time_diff;
+ if (!idle_time) idle_time = (the_rti.sampling_period_duration - the_rti.total_cpu_time_diff) * stathz / 1000;
+ samp_sys_time = u_k_time - last_cpu_u_k_time;
+ cpu_idle_time = idle_time - last_cpu_idle_time;
+ the_rti.total_cpu_usage = (u32) ( 100 * samp_sys_time / (cpu_idle_time + samp_sys_time ) );
+ /*move to ms (kern.cp_time gives times in 1/stathz unit*/
+ the_rti.cpu_idle_time = cpu_idle_time * 1000 / stathz;
+ if (!the_rti.process_cpu_time_diff) the_rti.process_cpu_time_diff = the_rti.total_cpu_time_diff;
+ the_rti.process_cpu_usage = (u32) ( stathz * the_rti.process_cpu_time_diff / (cpu_idle_time + samp_sys_time) / 10 );
+ }
+ } else {
+ mem_at_startup = the_rti.physical_memory_avail;
+ if (GETSYSCTL("kern.clockrate", clockinfo) == 0) {
+ if (clockinfo.stathz > 0) {
+ stathz = clockinfo.stathz;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ the_rti.process_memory = mem_at_startup - the_rti.physical_memory_avail;
+ the_rti.gpac_memory = gpac_allocated_memory;
+ last_process_k_u_time = process_u_k_time;
+ last_cpu_idle_time = idle_time;
+ last_cpu_u_k_time = u_k_time;
+ last_update_time = entry_time;
+ memcpy(rti, &the_rti, sizeof(GF_SystemRTInfo));
+ return 1;