Steve Wills 18af141cc0 math/mprime: Update to 28.10
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PR:		219432
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2017-11-21 22:43:06 +00:00

202 lines
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Terms and Conditions of Use ("TCU")
- GIMPS participation is free of charge and open to the public
- Web Site. The GIMPS "Web Site" is understood to include all Internet web site domains, web content and services,
PrimeNet APIs, data, downloads, etc., regardless of means of access.
- Non-Participants. Viewing the Web Site does not necessarily make you
a Participant; non-Participants are not bound by this TCU.
- Participation Constitutes Agreement. "Participant" is understood to
be an individual person, or a single individual person designated as
the authorized representative of any group, team, organization or
legal entity, who personally, or whose computer(s), accesses and/or
communicates with the Web Site to perform, or cause to perform,
mathematical calculations that are, or typically, systematically
organized by GIMPS. This includes, but is not restricted to, use of
Prime95, MPrime, GLucas, or similar software, automatically over the
Internet or using the Web Site (manual testing forms, reports, APIs,
etc.), to get data or work assignments or to upload results or other
data. Participation constitutes agreement with the TCU by that
individual and any group, team, organization or legal entity the
Participant represents.
- Participant Identifiers. Participant's user ID, password and email
address are the primary unique identifiers used by GIMPS to
communicate and confirm Participant's identity. Secondary
identifiers may include unique computer identifiers known as a
"GUID". The "Anonymous" or "ANONYMOUS" user ID is owned by GIMPS,
but may be used by Participants who do not wish to be publically
- Award Rules. Participant agrees to the Research Discovery Award Rules.
- Award Refusal. Participant may at their option decline any award.
Research Discovery Award Rules apply even if an award is unclaimed
or optionally declined by the Participant.
- Data Ownership and Privacy. GIMPS owns all collected data, and may
publish or make available certain limited subset(s) of that data for
public reference, excluding personally identifiable data according
to the Privacy Policy. Examples of published data are stats,
standings, charts and other derived charts or tables.
- Disclaimer. GIMPS is not responsible for any losses due to Web Site
errors, electronic transmission errors, omissions or unauthorized
disclosures, failure of any software to correctly find and timely
report a new prime number, or any other research discovery, or for
someone "poaching" or "stealing" your assignment (performing work on
it without it being assigned to them by GIMPS) and subsequently
making a discovery.
- Terms and Conditions of Use Changes. GIMPS reserves the right to
change this TCU without notice. Last updated 15 October 2008.
- Jurisdiction. Jurisdiction of law shall be the State of California
and the United States of America. Participant agrees to settle all
disputes through a good faith effort directly with GIMPS officers
and directors, or as a last resort, by third-party binding
arbitration through a certified arbitrator of GIMPS' choosing.
Research Discovery Award Rules ("Rules")
1) General Award Rules
- Participants. "Participant" is understood as defined in the Terms
and Conditions of Use ("TCU").
- Award Eligibility. All GIMPS Participants are automatically eligible
for Research Discovery Awards. GIMPS-interested parties, including
its officers, directors, their immediate family members or
directly-contracted agents, are ineligible for any award.
- Awardees. "Awardee" is understood to be the Participant, or the
group, team, organization or legal entity the Participant represents,
and whose computer achieves a research discovery for which an award
exists and all Rules in effect at the time of the discovery comply.
- Award Payee. Awards are payable to a single Awardee, except if the
Awardee designates a single charity to receive all or part of the
award, for which GIMPS will make reasonable effort but does not
guarantee to accommodate. Awardee is responsible for all applicable
taxes and fees.
- Awardee Information. Certain information about the Awardee, and where
designated information about a selected charity, may be collected by
GIMPS where lawfully required.
- Discovery Evidence. As proof of discovery, Participant agrees to
email to GIMPS at and/or
certain data files generated by any software program used to make the
discovery, along with their name, post mailing address, phone number,
and GIMPS user ID if not anonymous. If proof is not satisfactory, it
will be treated as an unclaimed award.
- Discovery Non-Disclosure Period. Participants and Awardees agree to a
reasonable immediate period of non-disclosure communications silence,
not to exceed 90 days, about any discovery, alleged or verified,
until GIMPS announces the discovery to the academia and press.
Non-compliance may result in award disqualification.
- Evidence of Authority. A Participant who does not own a computer on
which a research discovery is found must produce written evidence
satisfactory to the GIMPS board of directors of their status as a
designated authorized representative with authority over that
computer and to bind the TCU, before they, or whom they represent,
can be considered an Awardee. If proof is not satisfactory, it will
be treated as an unclaimed prize.
- Award Notification. Participant is responsible for maintaining and
monitoring the email address registered in their GIMPS user ID
account. GIMPS is not responsible for ensuring email notification
delivery or receipt by Participants. Anonymous Participants will not
be notified. It is not necessary to receive an email notification
from GIMPS to qualify for a Research Discovery Award.
- Award Claims and Release Waivers. Participant and Awardee is/are
responsible for claiming any applicable Research Discovery Award, and
agree to execute a GIMPS award claim and release waiver and/or
release waiver, as appropriate, satisfactory to the GIMPS board of
- Unclaimed, Expired, Disqualified and Refused Awards. Unclaimed awards
expire one year from the date of the qualifying discovery. Expired,
refused or disqualified awards will be donated by GIMPS to a
501(c)(3) charity or retained by GIMPS to fund awards or cover its
- Other Disqualifications. GIMPS reserves the right to deny award
payment if the Awardee is determined by the GIMPS board of directors
to be personally, or affiliated with, or organized under, a charter
or entity, practicing or promoting interests counter to humanitarian
good or public benefit. GIMPS may require Awardee to execute an
affidavit of eligibility according to these Rules.
- Assignment of Specific Interest. Whereas GIMPS has undertaken an
organized and systematic attempt to earn the $150,000 (USD)
Electronic Frontier Foundation ("EFF") Cooperative Computing Award,
all Participants and Awardees agree to the Rules and release their
entire interest in the EFF award to GIMPS (see Research Discovery
- Final Authority. Decisions of the GIMPS board of directors in
applying the TCU and Rules, and in granting awards, are final.
- Rule Changes. These Rules, as in effect at the date and time of a
discovery, shall apply. GIMPS reserves the right to change these
Rules without notice. Last updated 06 January 2010.
2) Research Discovery Awards
Mersenne Prime Award of USD $3,000.00
Awarded to a GIMPS Participant for each new Mersenne prime discovered
after August 23, 2008 and having fewer than 100,000,000 (decimal) digits.
Rules in addition to the General Award Rules:
- The award is presently $3,000. A maximum of $5,000 USD and minimum
of $1,000 will be awarded, as determined by the GIMPS board of
directors from actual and forecast award funds availability.
GIMPS may, at its sole discretion and without notice, change the
award amount or retroactively increase certain previously-awarded
Research Discovery Awards up to the maximum amount.
- Verification may take several weeks. No money will be awarded until
the discovery is independently verified, and the award money is
available after GIMPS annual operating expenses.
- In the unlikely event that an identical qualifying prime is
discovered at about the same time by two or more Participants, then
the winner will be the first to either send their result to the
GIMPS PrimeNet server or to email their results to GIMPS.
100 Million Digit Prime Award of USD $50,000.00
Awarded to a GIMPS Participant for the first prime discovered having at
least 100,000,000 (decimal) digits. Rules in addition to the General
Award Rules:
- GIMPS has undertaken an organized and systematic attempt to earn the
$150,000 (USD) Electronic Frontier Foundation ("EFF") Cooperative
Computing Award such that each Participant assigns all interest in
this award entirely to GIMPS. Note that this Award may at current
participation rates require an estimated 12-15 years of calculations
before a qualifying discovery is made.
- No money will be awarded unless and until a GIMPS Participant's
computer discovers a 100,000,000 digit prime, it is independently
verified, EFF validates GIMPS' claim according to their rules, and
pays GIMPS the award.
- Verification may take several weeks and publication in a suitable
academic refereed journal as required by EFF rules will likely take
several more months.
- GIMPS will redistribute the EFF award money into thirds as follows:
-- $50,000 will be awarded to the discoverer Awardee of the
100,000,000 digit prime.
-- $50,000 will be awarded to a 501(c)(3) mathematics-related charity
selected by GIMPS.
-- $50,000 will be retained by GIMPS to cover expenses and/or fund
future or past awards.
- In the unlikely event that more than one qualifying prime is
discovered at about the same time, then the winner will be the first
to either send their result to the GIMPS PrimeNet server or to email
their results to GIMPS.
Privacy Policy
Thank you for investing your trust. Since 1996, we never have and never
will sell, distribute or release your email address or any other
information you provide us for the administration and operation of this
amazing public participation research project, except in the unlikely
requirement to comply with law. Last updated 15 October 2008.
Software End User License Agreement ("EULA")
- This EULA applies to all versions of GIMPS Prime95 and MPrime
software and source code ("Software").
- Software is free to download and use indefinitely on any computer(s)
you own or for which you have permission and authority to install and
run Software. Software is not export-restricted.
- To use the Software you agree to be bound by this EULA and the Terms
and Conditions of Use.
- GIMPS reserves the right to change this EULA without notice and with
reasonable retroactive effect. Last updated 15 October 2008.
- GIMPS not responsible for any damages or losses arising from use of