Alexey Dokuchaev c98adfc849 - Update to version 677
- Avoid segmentation fault

PR:	236972
2020-01-26 11:30:18 +00:00

667 lines
21 KiB

--- unetbootin.cpp.orig 2019-09-29 00:26:32 UTC
+++ unetbootin.cpp
@@ -9,6 +9,11 @@ This program is distributed in the hope that it will b
#include "unetbootin.h"
+#include <QMessageBox>
+#include <QFileDialog>
+#include <QProgressDialog>
+#include <QDebug>
static const QList<QRegExp> ignoredtypesbothRL = QList<QRegExp>()
<< QRegExp("isolinux.bin$", Qt::CaseInsensitive)
<< QRegExp("isolinux.cfg$", Qt::CaseInsensitive)
@@ -101,8 +106,8 @@ void callexternappT::run()
void callexternappWriteToStdinT::run()
QProcess lnexternapp;
- lnexternapp.start("\"" + execFile + "\" " + execParm);
- lnexternapp.write(writeToStdin.toAscii().data());
+ lnexternapp.start("\"" + execFile + "\" " + execParm);
+ lnexternapp.write(writeToStdin.toLatin1().data());
retnValu = QString(lnexternapp.readAll());
@@ -133,16 +138,6 @@ void copyfileT::run()
emit finished();
-ubngetrequestheader::ubngetrequestheader(QString urhost, QString urpath)
- this->setRequest("GET", urpath);
- this->setValue("HOST", urhost);
- this->setValue("User-Agent", "UNetbootin/1.1.1");
-// this->setValue("User-Agent", "Wget/1.10.2");
- this->setValue("Accept", "*/*");
- this->setValue("Connection", "Keep-Alive");
randtmpfile::randtmpfile(QString rfpath, QString rfextn)
QString basefn = getrandfilename(rfpath, rfextn);
@@ -159,7 +154,7 @@ QString randtmpfile::getrandfilename(QString rfpath, Q
return basefn;
void nDirListStor::sAppendSelfUrlInfoList(QUrlInfo curDirUrl)
if (curDirUrl.isValid() && curDirUrl.isReadable() && curDirUrl.isFile() && curDirUrl.size() > nMinFileSizeBytes && curDirUrl.size() < nMaxFileSizeBytes)
@@ -171,7 +166,7 @@ void nDirListStor::sAppendSelfUrlInfoList(QUrlInfo cur
unetbootin::unetbootin(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent)
@@ -301,8 +296,13 @@ bool unetbootin::ubninitialize(QList<QPair<QString, QS
sevzcommand = locatecommand("7z", tr("either"), "p7zip-full");
#endif // Q_OS_LINUX
+#ifdef Q_OS_FREEBSD
+ syslinuxcommand = locatecommand("syslinux", tr("FAT32-formatted USB drive"), "syslinux");
+ sevzcommand = locatecommand("7z", tr("either"), "p7zip");
+ mke2fscommand = locatecommand("mke2fs", tr("LiveUSB persistence"), "e2fsprogs");
+#endif // Q_OS_FREEBSD
ubntmpf = QDir::toNativeSeparators(QString("%1/").arg(QDir::tempPath()));
- #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
+ #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
if (ubntmpf.isEmpty() || ubntmpf == "/")
ubntmpf = "/tmp/";
@@ -471,19 +471,23 @@ bool unetbootin::ubninitialize(QList<QPair<QString, QS
if (psecond.contains("listdistros", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
+ QTextStream out(stdout);
for (int i = 1; i < this->distroselect->count(); ++i)
- printf("%s\n", this->distroselect->itemText(i).toAscii().constData());
+ out << this->distroselect->itemText(i) << endl;
+ out.flush();
else if (psecond.contains("listversions", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
+ QTextStream out(stdout);
for (int i = 0; i < this->dverselect->count(); ++i)
- printf("%s\n", this->dverselect->itemText(i).toAscii().constData());
+ out << this->dverselect->itemText(i) << endl;
+ out.flush();
@@ -649,6 +653,57 @@ QStringList unetbootin::listsanedrives()
+#ifdef Q_OS_FREEBSD
+ struct xvfsconf fsconf;
+ struct statfs *fslist;
+ /*
+ * Make sure that MSDOSFS is configured with the kernel.
+ * As a nice side effect, this would allow to compare a
+ * number (assigned by VFS) instead of "msdosfs" string
+ * when iterating over mounted filesystems.
+ */
+ if (getvfsbyname("msdosfs", &fsconf) == -1)
+ goto out;
+ /*
+ * Quick sanity check of the number of active mountpoints
+ * using the filesystem (we need mounted storage to work).
+ */
+ if (fsconf.vfc_refcount < 1)
+ goto out;
+ int numfs = getmntinfo(&fslist, MNT_NOWAIT);
+ if (numfs < 1)
+ goto out;
+ QRegExp pendrives_sdcards("^/dev/(da|mmcsd)\\d+");
+ for (int i = 0; i < numfs; ++i)
+ {
+ /*
+ * We're interested in MSDOSFS (FAT) filesystems
+ * that are mounted off removable storage (e.g.,
+ * USB memsticks, SD cards). Assume that device
+ * names for those are /dev/da* and /dev/mmcsd*.
+ * (Perhaps not entirely accurate assumption.)
+ */
+ if ((int)fslist[i].f_type == fsconf.vfc_typenum &&
+ QString(fslist[i].f_mntfromname)
+ .contains(pendrives_sdcards))
+ {
+ /*
+ * Unlike other implementations above, we
+ * append tuples of device name *and* the
+ * mount point, so we do not have to find
+ * mount point separately later.
+ */
+ fulldrivelist.append(QString("%1:%2")
+ .arg(fslist[i].f_mntfromname)
+ .arg(fslist[i].f_mntonname));
+ }
+ }
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
QString systemprofilertext = callexternapp("system_profiler", "SPStorageDataType");
QRegExp filesystemregex("File System: (.+)\\n");
@@ -669,6 +724,7 @@ for (int i = 0; i < filesystemlist.size(); ++i)
return fulldrivelist;
@@ -700,17 +756,17 @@ QStringList unetbootin::listalldrives()
return fulldrivelist;
-void unetbootin::on_typeselect_currentIndexChanged(int typeselectIndex)
+void unetbootin::on_typeselect_currentIndexChanged(int)
-void unetbootin::on_dverselect_currentIndexChanged()
+void unetbootin::on_dverselect_currentIndexChanged(int)
-void unetbootin::on_diskimagetypeselect_currentIndexChanged()
+void unetbootin::on_diskimagetypeselect_currentIndexChanged(int)
@@ -1098,9 +1154,14 @@ bool unetbootin::checkifoutofspace(QString destindir)
bool outofspace = false;
#ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
struct statfs diskstatS;
- if (!statfs(QString(destindir+"/.").toAscii(), &diskstatS))
+ if (!statfs(QString(destindir+"/.").toLatin1(), &diskstatS))
- if (diskstatS.f_bavail * diskstatS.f_bfree < 1024)
+ /*
+ * Refuse to work if available disk space is less than 1MB
+ * (1024KB). Even this seems very low, but original value
+ * of 1024 bytes was simply ridiculous.
+ */
+ if (diskstatS.f_bsize / 1024 * diskstatS.f_bavail < 1024)
outofspace = true;
@@ -2620,31 +2681,27 @@ void unetbootin::downloadfile(QString fileurl, QString
- QUrl dlurl(fileurl);
- bool isftp = false;
- if (dlurl.scheme() == "ftp")
- {
- isftp = true;
- }
- QHttp dlhttp;
- QFtp dlftp;
+ QNetworkAccessManager manager;
+ QNetworkRequest dlurl(fileurl);
+ QNetworkReply * networkReply = manager.get(dlurl);
QEventLoop dlewait;
pdesc4->setText(tr("Downloading files, please wait..."));
pdesc3->setText(tr("<b>Source:</b> <a href=\"%1\">%1</a>").arg(fileurl));
pdesc2->setText(tr("<b>Destination:</b> %1").arg(targetfile));
pdesc1->setText(tr("<b>Downloaded:</b> 0 bytes"));
- QString realupath = QString(fileurl).remove(0, fileurl.indexOf(QString("://%1").arg( + QString("://%1").arg(;
- if (isftp)
- {
- connect(&dlftp, SIGNAL(done(bool)), &dlewait, SLOT(quit()));
- connect(&dlftp, SIGNAL(dataTransferProgress(qint64, qint64)), this, SLOT(dlprogressupdate64(qint64, qint64)));
- }
- else
- {
- connect(&dlhttp, SIGNAL(done(bool)), &dlewait, SLOT(quit()));
- connect(&dlhttp, SIGNAL(dataReadProgress(int, int)), this, SLOT(dlprogressupdate(int, int)));
- }
+ QUrl redirectUrl;
+ bool downloadFailed = false;
+ QNetworkReply::NetworkError errorCode;
+ connect(networkReply, &QNetworkReply::finished, &dlewait, &QEventLoop::quit);
+ connect(networkReply, &QNetworkReply::downloadProgress, this, &unetbootin::dlprogressupdate64);
+ connect(networkReply, &QNetworkReply::redirected, [&](const QUrl &url){ redirectUrl = url; });
+ connect(networkReply, static_cast<void (QNetworkReply::*)(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)>(&QNetworkReply::error),
+ [&](QNetworkReply::NetworkError code){ downloadFailed = true; errorCode = code; });
QFile dloutfile;
if (installType == tr("USB Drive"))
@@ -2655,82 +2712,38 @@ void unetbootin::downloadfile(QString fileurl, QString
- if (isftp)
- {
- dlftp.connectToHost(;
- dlftp.login();
- dlftp.get(realupath, &dloutfile);
- }
- else
- {
- dlhttp.setHost(;
- ubngetrequestheader dlrequest(, realupath);
- dlhttp.request(dlrequest, 0, &dloutfile);
- }
+ connect(networkReply, &QNetworkReply::downloadProgress, [&](qint64, qint64){
+ dloutfile.write(networkReply->readAll());
+ });
- if (!isftp)
+ if (!redirectUrl.isEmpty())
- QHttpResponseHeader dlresponse(dlhttp.lastResponse());
- int dlrstatus = dlresponse.statusCode();
- if (dlrstatus >= 300 && dlrstatus < 400 && dlresponse.hasKey("Location"))
- {
- dloutfile.close();
- rmFile(dloutfile);
- downloadfile(dlresponse.value("Location"), targetfile, minsize);
- return;
- }
+ networkReply->deleteLater();
+ downloadfile(redirectUrl.toString(), targetfile, minsize);
+ return;
- if (isftp)
+ if (downloadFailed)
- dlftp.close();
+ qDebug() << "Failed to download URL: " << fileurl;
+ qDebug() << "Error code: " << errorCode;
+ qDebug() << "Error string: " << networkReply->errorString();
+ networkReply->deleteLater();
+ showDownloadFailedScreen(fileurl);
+ return;
- else
- {
- dlhttp.close();
- }
+ dloutfile.write(networkReply->readAll());
+ networkReply->deleteLater();
if (installType == tr("USB Drive"))
- if (QFile(targetfile).size() <= 4096)
- {
- QString redirectTargetURL;
- QFile seeRedirect(targetfile);
- | QIODevice::Text);
- QTextStream seeRedirectTextStream(&seeRedirect);
- while (!seeRedirectTextStream.atEnd())
- {
- QString curline = seeRedirectTextStream.readLine();
- if (curline.contains("content=\"0;url="))
- {
- int urlstartidx = curline.indexOf("content=\"0;url=") + QString("content=\"0;url=").size();
- redirectTargetURL = curline.mid(urlstartidx);
- if (redirectTargetURL.contains("\""))
- {
- redirectTargetURL = redirectTargetURL.left(redirectTargetURL.indexOf("\""));
- }
- break;
- }
- if (curline.contains("content='0;url="))
- {
- int urlstartidx = curline.indexOf("content='0;url=") + QString("content='0;url=").size();
- redirectTargetURL = curline.mid(urlstartidx);
- if (redirectTargetURL.contains("'"))
- {
- redirectTargetURL = redirectTargetURL.left(redirectTargetURL.indexOf("'"));
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- seeRedirect.close();
- if (!redirectTargetURL.isEmpty())
- {
- rmFile(targetfile);
- downloadfile(redirectTargetURL, targetfile, minsize);
- return;
- }
- }
if (QFile(targetfile).size() < minsize)
// download failed
@@ -2745,7 +2758,8 @@ void unetbootin::downloadfile(QString fileurl, QString
if (testingDownload)
// Note that this only tests that the first download succeeds
- printf("exitstatus:downloadcomplete\n");
+ QTextStream out(stdout);
+ out << "exitstatus:downloadcomplete" << endl << flush;
@@ -2761,40 +2775,26 @@ void unetbootin::showDownloadFailedScreen(const QStrin
this->downloadFailed = true;
if (exitOnCompletion)
- printf("exitstatus:downloadfailed\n");
+ QTextStream out(stdout);
+ out << "exitstatus:downloadfailed" << endl << flush;
-void unetbootin::dlprogressupdate(int dlbytes, int maxbytes)
- QTime time = QTime::currentTime();
- static int oldsec = 0;
- // refresh the progress bar every second
- if(oldsec != time.second())
- {
- oldsec = time.second();
- tprogress->setValue(dlbytes);
- tprogress->setMaximum(maxbytes);
- // display the downloaded size with suffix
- pdesc1->setText(tr("<b>Downloaded:</b> %1 of %2").arg(displayfisize(dlbytes)).arg(displayfisize(maxbytes)));
- }
void unetbootin::dlprogressupdate64(qint64 dlbytes, qint64 maxbytes)
- QTime time = QTime::currentTime();
- static int oldsec = 0;
- // refresh the progress bar every second
- if(oldsec != time.second())
- {
- oldsec = time.second();
- tprogress->setValue(dlbytes);
- tprogress->setMaximum(maxbytes);
- // display the downloaded size with suffix
- pdesc1->setText(tr("<b>Downloaded:</b> %1 of %2").arg(displayfisize(dlbytes)).arg(displayfisize(maxbytes)));
- }
+ QTime time = QTime::currentTime();
+ static int oldsec = 0;
+ // refresh the progress bar every second
+ if(oldsec != time.second())
+ {
+ oldsec = time.second();
+ tprogress->setValue(dlbytes);
+ tprogress->setMaximum(maxbytes);
+ // display the downloaded size with suffix
+ pdesc1->setText(tr("<b>Downloaded:</b> %1 of %2").arg(displayfisize(dlbytes)).arg(displayfisize(maxbytes)));
+ }
void unetbootin::cpprogressupdate64(qint64 dlbytes, qint64 maxbytes)
@@ -2812,31 +2812,35 @@ void unetbootin::cpprogressupdate64(qint64 dlbytes, qi
-QString unetbootin::downloadpagecontents(QString pageurl)
+QString unetbootin::downloadpagecontents(QUrl pageurl)
- QUrl pgurl(pageurl);
- QHttp pghttp;
+ QNetworkAccessManager manager;
+ QNetworkRequest dlurl(pageurl);
+ QNetworkReply * networkReply = manager.get(dlurl);
QEventLoop pgwait;
- connect(&pghttp, SIGNAL(done(bool)), &pgwait, SLOT(quit()));
- pghttp.setHost(;
- QString realpgupath = QString(pageurl).remove(0, pageurl.indexOf(QString("://%1").arg( + QString("://%1").arg(;
- ubngetrequestheader pgrequest(, realpgupath);
- pghttp.request(pgrequest);
+ QUrl redirectUrl;
+ connect(networkReply, &QNetworkReply::finished, &pgwait, &QEventLoop::quit);
+ connect(networkReply, &QNetworkReply::redirected, [&redirectUrl](const QUrl &url){ redirectUrl = url; });
- QHttpResponseHeader pgresponse(pghttp.lastResponse());
- int pgrstatus = pgresponse.statusCode();
- if (pgrstatus >= 300 && pgrstatus < 400 && pgresponse.hasKey("Location"))
+ if (!redirectUrl.isEmpty())
- return downloadpagecontents(pgresponse.value("Location"));
+ networkReply->deleteLater();
+ return downloadpagecontents(redirectUrl);
- else
- {
- return QString(pghttp.readAll());
- }
+ QString result = networkReply->readAll();
+ networkReply->close();
+ networkReply->deleteLater();
+ return result;
QStringList unetbootin::lstFtpDirFiles(QString ldfDirStringUrl, int ldfMinSize, int ldfMaxSize)
+ qDebug() << "lstFtpDirFiles called for " << ldfDirStringUrl;
+ return {};
QUrl ldfDirUrl(ldfDirStringUrl);
QFtp ldfFtp;
QEventLoop ldfWait;
@@ -2851,14 +2855,14 @@ QStringList unetbootin::lstFtpDirFiles(QString ldfDirS
- return nDirListStorL.nDirFileListSL;
+ return nDirListStorL.nDirFileListSL;*/
QStringList unetbootin::lstHttpDirFiles(QString ldfDirStringUrl)
QStringList relativefilelinksL;
QStringList relativelinksLPreFilter =
- downloadpagecontents(ldfDirStringUrl)
+ downloadpagecontents(QUrl(ldfDirStringUrl))
.replace(">", ">\n")
.replace("<", "\n<")
@@ -3218,11 +3222,11 @@ int unetbootin::letterToNumber(QChar lettertoconvert)
if (lettertoconvert.isLower())
- return static_cast<int>(lettertoconvert.toAscii() - 'a');
+ return static_cast<int>(lettertoconvert.toLatin1() - 'a');
if (lettertoconvert.isUpper())
- return static_cast<int>(lettertoconvert.toAscii() - 'A');
+ return static_cast<int>(lettertoconvert.toLatin1() - 'A');
@@ -3412,21 +3416,36 @@ void unetbootin::instIndvfl(QString srcfName, QString
srcF.setFileName(QFile::exists("/usr/share/syslinux/memdisk") ? "/usr/share/syslinux/memdisk" : "/usr/lib/syslinux/memdisk");
else if (srcfName == "menu.c32")
+#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
srcF.setFileName(QFile::exists("/usr/share/syslinux/menu.c32") ? "/usr/share/syslinux/menu.c32" : "/usr/lib/syslinux/menu.c32");
if (QFile::exists("/usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/menu.c32"))
+#ifdef Q_OS_FREEBSD
+ srcF.setFileName(LOCALBASE "/share/syslinux/bios/com32/menu/menu.c32");
else if (srcfName == "libutil.c32")
+#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
srcF.setFileName(QFile::exists("/usr/share/syslinux/libutil.c32") ? "/usr/share/syslinux/libutil.c32" : "/usr/lib/syslinux/libutil.c32");
if (QFile::exists("/usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/libutil.c32"))
+#ifdef Q_OS_FREEBSD
+ srcF.setFileName(LOCALBASE "/share/syslinux/bios/com32/libutil/libutil.c32");
else if (srcfName == "libcom32.c32")
+#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
srcF.setFileName(QFile::exists("/usr/share/syslinux/libcom32.c32") ? "/usr/share/syslinux/libcom32.c32" : "/usr/lib/syslinux/libcom32.c32");
if (QFile::exists("/usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/libcom32.c32"))
+#ifdef Q_OS_FREEBSD
+ srcF.setFileName(LOCALBASE "/share/syslinux/bios/com32/lib/libcom32.c32");
else if (srcfName == "mbr.bin")
@@ -3516,11 +3535,26 @@ void unetbootin::runinst()
if (installType == tr("USB Drive"))
+#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
targetDev = driveselect->currentText();
devluid = getdevluid(targetDev);
ginstallDir = "";
installDir = ginstallDir;
targetDrive = QString("%1/").arg(locatemountpoint(targetDev));
+#ifdef Q_OS_FREEBSD
+ QStringList driveinfo = driveselect->currentText().split(":");
+ if (driveinfo.size() < 2) {
+ QTextStream out(stdout);
+ out << "/!\\ Target drive must be passed as "
+ "<device-name>:<mount-point>" << endl << flush;
+ QApplication::exit();
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ targetDev =;
+ installDir = ginstallDir = "";
+ targetDrive = QString("%1/").arg(;
#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
if (targetDev.contains(QRegExp("p\\d$")))
@@ -3528,7 +3562,7 @@ void unetbootin::runinst()
rawtargetDev = QString(targetDev).remove(QRegExp("\\d$"));
-#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
+#ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
rawtargetDev = QString(targetDev).remove(QRegExp("s\\d$"));
@@ -4281,21 +4315,47 @@ void unetbootin::runinstusb()
instIndvfl("libutil.c32", QString("%1libutil.c32").arg(targetPath));
instIndvfl("libcom32.c32", QString("%1libcom32.c32").arg(targetPath));
+ setuppersspace();
+#ifdef Q_OS_FREEBSD
+ /*
+ * On FreeBSD, we only support installing on MSDOSFS (no
+ * extlinux in the ports). This also simplifies things
+ * a bit, and that's what most users usually want anyway.
+ *
+ * Because of syslinux' stupidity, we have to remove any
+ * existing ldlinux.c32 and ldlinux.sys files, otherwise
+ * it will fail to install loader (even with -f switch).
+ * Then we have to unmount the filesystem to avoid the
+ * "Operation not permitted" error, and must enforce it
+ * because syslinux expects a block device, and, well,
+ * there are no "block devices" in FreeBSD.
+ */
+ rmFile(targetPath + "ldlinux.c32");
+ rmFile(targetPath + "ldlinux.sys");
+ callexternapp("umount", targetDev);
+ callexternapp(syslinuxcommand, "-i -f " + targetDev);
+ if (rawtargetDev != targetDev)
+ {
+ /*
+ * We have partition table (not operating on raw
+ * disk), so we need to install MBR and mark our
+ * partition as active. Assume our targetDev is
+ * /dev/{da,mmcsd}XsY and use the last digit as
+ * partition index for gpart(8).
+ */
+ QString idx = targetDev.right(1);
+ callexternapp("gpart",
+ "bootcode -b /boot/mbr " + rawtargetDev);
+ callexternapp("gpart", "set -a "
+ "active -i " + idx + " " + rawtargetDev);
+ }
-void unetbootin::killApplication()
+void unetbootin::setuppersspace()
- exit(0);
-void unetbootin::fininstall()
- #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
- this->tprogress->setValue(this->tprogress->maximum()*2/3);
- pdesc1->setText(tr("Syncing filesystems"));
- callexternapp("sync", "");
- #endif
if (this->persistenceSpaceMB > 0)
pdesc1->setText(tr("Setting up persistence"));
@@ -4334,6 +4394,20 @@ void unetbootin::fininstall()
+void unetbootin::killApplication()
+ exit(0);
+void unetbootin::fininstall()
+ #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
+ this->tprogress->setValue(this->tprogress->maximum()*2/3);
+ pdesc1->setText(tr("Syncing filesystems"));
+ callexternapp("sync", "");
+ #endif
@@ -4357,7 +4431,8 @@ void unetbootin::fininstall()
if (exitOnCompletion)
- printf("exitstatus:success\n");
+ QTextStream out(stdout);
+ out << "exitstatus:success" << endl << flush;