-Change default OPTIONS to match wishes of upstream maintainers -Change Makefile to actually disable features turned off in OPTIONS instead of lazily using them -use available bz2 distfiles PR: ports/122356 Submitted by: Josh Paetzel <josh@tcbug.org> (maintainer)
6 lines
407 B
6 lines
407 B
MD5 (epic4-2.10.tar.bz2) = 92789d75f12882696817865ea072e44a
SHA256 (epic4-2.10.tar.bz2) = b9043d9b039d3566a9b1b09426eda19bf6ad650ea47f79f68e89273b0fc6b089
SIZE (epic4-2.10.tar.bz2) = 629828
MD5 (epic4-help-20050315.tar.bz2) = b28872ca9234650eda6842ffc3425849
SHA256 (epic4-help-20050315.tar.bz2) = a7b7026ecfc00ab7040ef5e435d72fd347d48fab128722d4e213dba194cd5bbe
SIZE (epic4-help-20050315.tar.bz2) = 238390