Craig Leres 37566b5e59 devel/arduino-irremote: Update to 3.5.2
Changes since 2.8.1:

 -  Added SendRaw with byte data.

 -  Added compatibility with tone for AVR's.

 -  New TinyIRreceiver does not require a timer.

 -  Added TinyCore 32 / ATtiny3217 support.

 -  Added Apple protocol

 -  Bug fix for USE_OLD_DECODE.

 -  Increase RECORD_GAP_MICROS to 11000.

 -  Fix overflow message. (#793).

 -  Improved handling for HASH decoder.

 -  Tested for ATtiny85.

 -  Added printIRResultMinimal().

 -  Added missing IRAM_ATTR for ESP32.

 -  Adapted to TinyCore 0.0.7.

 -  Fixed decodeSony 20 bit bug #811.

 -  Replaced delayMicroseconds with customDelayMicroseconds and
    removed NoInterrupt() for send functions, removed SPIN_WAIT
    macro, sleepMicros() and sleepUntilMicros().

 -  Fixed LG checksum error.

 -  Fixed JVC repeat error.

 -  USE_SOFT_SEND_PWM is active by default.

 -  Removed decode_results results.

 -  Fixed LG send bug and added unit test.

 -  Replaced #define DECODE_NEC 1/0 by defining/not defining.

 -  Use LED_BUILTIN instead of FEEDBACK_LED if FeedbackLEDPin is

 -  Use F_CPU instead of SYSCLOCK.

 -  Removed SENDPIN_ON and SENDPIN_OFF macros.

 -  Refactored board specific code for timer and feedback LED.

 -  Extracted common LED feedback functions and implemented feedback
    for send.

 -  MATCH_MARK() etc. now available as matchMark().

 -  Added STM32F1 by (by Roger Clark) support.

 -  Added stm32 (by ST) support. Thanks to Paolo Malaspina.

 -  Added ATtiny88 support.

 -  Fix for ESP32 send Error, removed USE_SOFT_SEND_PWM macro.

 -  Added Onkyo protocol.

 -  Support for old 2.x code by backwards compatible decode(decode_results
    *aResults) function.


 -  Added ATtiny1604 support.

 -  Added ESP8266 support.

 -  Extended DEBUG output.

 -  Fix errors if LED_BUILTIN is not defined.

 -  Fixed error for AVR timer1. Thanks to alexbarcelo.

 -  Enabled megaAVR 0-series devices.

 -  Added universal decoder for pulse width or pulse distance

 -  Added LG2 protocol.

 -  Added ATtiny167 (Digispark Pro) support.

 -  organized carrier frequencies.

 -  Compiler switch USE_OPEN_DRAIN_OUTPUT_FOR_SEND_PIN added.

 -  Moved blink13() back to IRrecv class.

 -  Added Kaseikyo convenience functions like sendKaseikyo_Denon().

 -  Improved / adjusted LG protocol and added class Aircondition_LG
    based on real hardware supplied by makerspace 201
    ( from Cologne.

 -  Improved universal decoder for pulse width or pulse distance
    protocols to support more than 32 bits.

 -  Added mbed support.

 -  Improved ir_DistanceProtocol.

 -  Tone for ESP32.

 -  No deprecation print for ATtinies.

 -  Maintained MagiQuest by E. Stuart Hicks.

 -  Improved print Pronto by Asuki Kono.

 -  Added printActiveIRProtocols() function.

 -  Used IR_SEND_PIN to reduce code size and improved send timing
    for AVR.

 -  Fixed error with DEBUG in TinyIRReceiver.hpp.

 -  Support for ATmega88 see issue #923. Thanks to Dolmant.

 -  NO_LED_FEEDBACK_CODE replaces and extends

 -  Removed NO_LEGACY_COMPATIBILITY macro, it was useless now.

Reported by:	portscout
2021-12-28 09:22:38 -08:00