e-mail addresses from the pkg-descr file that could reasonably be mistaken for maintainer contact information in order to avoid confusion on the part of users looking for support. As a pleasant side effect this also avoids confusion and/or frustration for people who are no longer maintaining those ports.
18 lines
954 B
18 lines
954 B
This is a package to test FreeBSD port auditing systems, e.g. portaudit
and the upcoming VuXML based system. Even though it installs no files,
it is registered in the local package database.
Its version number is automagically the installation date, so that you
can update it every day ;-) If the date is off by one day keep in mind
that the date is in UTC which may differ from your local time up to
twelve hours, depending on the time zone you live in.
The portaudit database lists yesterday's vulnerability test port as
vulnerable so that it should appear in your security report approximately
after a week, depending on the synchronization schedule of your database.
If you try install the port with
make INSTALLATION_DATE=`date -u -v-14d "+%Y.%m.%d"` install
the port is instantly flagged as vulnerable and the ports system should
hinder you installing it (currently not implemented), otherwise your
vulnerability database is too old.