- LICENSE was changed from GPLv2 to a Public Domain license - UI options have been reconfigured so that if the user installs a GUI (GTK2, GTK3, or QT5), mp-5 is also usable in the console via the NCURSES or ANSI options - mpsl and supporting data are no longer installed, but rather compiled into the mp-5 binary - Add pkg-message to explain the GUI color scheme change and how to revert to the previous color scheme if so desired
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The default color scheme for GUI drivers changed in version 5.30 to a
dark background and softer colors. If you want to revert to the classic
bright colors on white background theme, edit the configuration file
(File -> Edit configuration file) and copy and paste the following:
/* Minimum Profit Classic Colors */
mp.colors.normal.gui = [ 0x000000, 0xffffff ];
mp.colors.cursor.gui = mp.colors.normal.gui;
mp.colors.selection.gui = [ 0xff0000, 0xffffff ];
mp.colors.comments.gui = [ 0x00cc77, 0xffffff ];
mp.colors.documentation.gui = [ 0x8888ff, 0xffffff ];
mp.colors.quotes.gui = [ 0x0000ff, 0xffffff ];
mp.colors.matching.gui = [ 0x000000, 0xffff00 ];
mp.colors.word1.gui = [ 0x00aa00, 0xffffff ];
mp.colors.word2.gui = [ 0xff6666, 0xffffff ];
mp.colors.word3.gui = [ 0x000088, 0xffffff ];
mp.colors.tag.gui = [ 0x8888ff, 0xffffff ];
mp.colors.spell.gui = [ 0xff8888, 0xffffff ];
mp.colors.search.gui = [ 0x000000, 0x00cc77 ];