
247 lines
7.3 KiB

#!%%PERL%% -w
# This script synchronizes the packages in $tardir with those installed by the
# octave packaging system. It uninstalls those packages for which it or its
# dependencies are not contained $tardir. It installs those packages for which
# it and its dependencies are in $tardir. Packages are uninstalled or
# installed in the correct order, so that dependency requirements are always
# satisfied.
my $prefix = defined($ENV{"PKG_PREFIX"}) ? $ENV{"PKG_PREFIX"} : "%%PREFIX%%";
my $tardir = "$prefix/share/octave/tarballs";
use strict;
use Archive::Tar;
use IO::Zlib;
use File::Remove qw(remove);
# Interrogate octave to see where it stores its packages.
open(OCTAVE,"octave-cli -H -q --no-site-file --eval \"pkg('prefix');pkg('global_list')\" |") || die;
my $install_prefix = <OCTAVE> || die;
chomp $install_prefix;
$install_prefix =~ s/.*\s+//;
my $arch_dep_prefix = <OCTAVE> || die;
chomp $arch_dep_prefix;
$arch_dep_prefix =~ s/.*\s+//;
my $global_list = <OCTAVE> || die;
chomp $global_list;
close OCTAVE;
# %long_form is a hash that does conversions like
# $long_form{"odepkg"} == "odepkg-0.8.8.tar.gz"
my %long_form;
while (<$tardir/*>) {
if (!-l && /([^\/]+)$/) {
my $n = $1;
$n =~ /(.*)\-/;
$long_form{$1} = $n;
while (my $p = <$install_prefix/*>) {
$p =~ s+.*/++;
$p =~ /(.*)\-/;
$long_form{$1} = "$p.tar.gz";
# Get the list of packages in $tardir.
my %in_tarballs;
while (<$tardir/*>) {
if (!-l && /([^\/]+)$/) {
my $n = $1;
$in_tarballs{$n} = 1;
my %is_installed; # Those packages that are installed. For these the hash
# returns a list of the packages requiring it.
my %to_remove; # Those packages that need to be uninstalled. For these
# the hash returns a list of the packages requiring it.
my $nr_to_remove; # The number of packages that need to be uninstalled.
my %to_install; # Those packages that remain to be installed. For these
# the hash returns a list of the dependencies.
# Calculate which entries of %is_installed exist.
%is_installed = ();
while (my $p = <$install_prefix/*>) {
$p =~ s+.*/++;
$is_installed{"$p.tar.gz"} = "";
# Compare %is_installed with the output of pkg('list') in octave. If it is
# different then the octave packaging system is probably corrupt, so we clean
# out everything.
my %check_installed;
open(OCTAVE,"octave-cli -H -q --no-site-file --eval \"pkg('list')\" |") || die;
my $out = join "",<OCTAVE>;
while ($out =~ s/^\s*(\S+)\s*\|\s*(\S+).*$//m) {
$check_installed{"$1-$2.tar.gz"} = "";
close OCTAVE;
foreach my $p (sort keys %is_installed) {
if (defined($is_installed{$p}) && !defined($check_installed{$p})) {
print "The octave packaging system is probably corrupt, so it will be rebuilt.\n";
remove( \1, $arch_dep_prefix, $global_list, $install_prefix);
%is_installed = ();
# Fill in the values of %is_installed by checking the dependencies.
while (my $p = <$install_prefix/*>) {
$p =~ s+.*/++;
open(D,"$install_prefix/$p/packinfo/DESCRIPTION") || die $!;
foreach my $l (<D>) {
if ($l=~s/Depends:\s*//) {
foreach my $ll (split ",",$l) {
$ll = lc($ll);
$ll =~ s/^\s+//;
$ll =~ s/\s.*//;
if (defined $long_form{$ll}) {
my $depends = $long_form{$ll};
if (defined $is_installed{$depends}) {
$is_installed{$depends} .= ($is_installed{$depends} eq ""?"":"|")."$p.tar.gz";
close D;
# Find which packages need to be uninstalled.
%to_remove = ();
$nr_to_remove = 0;
foreach my $p (keys %is_installed) {
if (defined($is_installed{$p})) {
my $altp = $p; # so that 3.5.0 and 3.5 are the same package numbers
$altp =~ s/(\-\d+\.\d+)\.0(\.tar\.gz)$/$1$2/;
if (!defined($in_tarballs{$p}) && !defined($in_tarballs{$altp})) {
$to_remove{$p} = $is_installed{$p};
if ($nr_to_remove>0) {
# The function make_ordered_list_to_remove() is a recursive depth first
# search to put the packages to be removed in correct order according to
# dependency. The result is put into @ordered_list_to_remove.
my @ordered_list_to_remove;
sub make_ordered_list_to_remove {
foreach my $p (split /\|/,$_[0]) {
if (defined $to_remove{$p} || defined $is_installed{$p}) {
push @ordered_list_to_remove,$p;
undef $to_remove{$p};
undef $is_installed{$p};
make_ordered_list_to_remove(join("|",sort keys %to_remove));
# Remove the packages that need to be uninstalled.
foreach my $p (@ordered_list_to_remove) {
print "load-octave-pkg: octave is uninstalling $p.\n";
$p =~ s/\-[\d\.]+\.tar\.gz//;
system "octave-cli -H -q --no-site-file --eval \"pkg('uninstall','$p')\" > /dev/null";
# Clean out any crud that might be left over.
my @pkg = <$install_prefix/*>;
if ($#pkg==-1) {
print "load-octave-pkg: there are currently no octave packages installed.\n";
remove( \1, $arch_dep_prefix, $global_list, $install_prefix);
# Recalculate which entries of %is_installed exist.
%is_installed = ();
while (my $p = <$install_prefix/*>) {
$p =~ s+.*/++;
$is_installed{"$p.tar.gz"} = "";
# Calculate which packages need to be installed, and fill in the values of
# %is_tarballs by checking the dependencies.
%to_install = ();
foreach my $n (keys %in_tarballs) {
my $altn = $n; # so that 3.5 and 3.5.0 are the same package numbers
$altn =~ s/(\-\d+\.\d+)(\.tar\.gz)$/$1\.0$2/;
if (defined($in_tarballs{$n})) {
if (!defined($is_installed{$n}) && !defined($is_installed{$altn})) {
my $tar = Archive::Tar->new("$tardir/$n",COMPRESS_GZIP);
die if !defined($tar);
my @list_of_files = grep /^.*\/DESCRIPTION$/, $tar->list_files();
die if $#list_of_files!=0;
my $descr = $tar->get_content($list_of_files[0]);
foreach my $l (split /\n/,$descr) {
if ($l=~s/Depends:\s*//) {
foreach my $ll (split ",",$l) {
$ll = lc($ll);
$ll =~ s/^\s+//;
$ll =~ s/\s.*//;
if ($ll ne "octave") {
$to_install{$n} .= (defined($to_install{$n})?"|":"").(defined($long_form{$ll})?$long_form{$ll}:$ll);
$to_install{$n} .= "";
# The function make_ordered_list_to_install() is a recursive depth first
# search to put the packages to be installed in correct order according to
# dependency. The result is put into @ordered_list_to_install.
my @ordered_list_to_install;
sub make_ordered_list_to_install {
my $retval = 1;
foreach my $p (split /\|/,$_[0]) {
if (!defined $in_tarballs{$p}) {
$retval = 0;
} elsif (defined $to_install{$p}) {
if (make_ordered_list_to_install($to_install{$p})) {
push @ordered_list_to_install,$p;
undef $to_install{$p};
} else {
$retval = 0;
return $retval;
make_ordered_list_to_install(join("|",sort keys %to_install));
# Now install the packages that need to be installed.
foreach my $p (@ordered_list_to_install) {
print "load-octave-pkg: octave is installing $p.\n";
system "octave-cli -H -q --no-site-file --eval \"pkg('install','$tardir/$p')\" > /dev/null\n";
# Remove directories that may have been left behind by the octave packaging
# process.
rmdir "$prefix/lib/octave/packages";