Fix a couple of typos that made etc not work at all. :-(
412 lines
14 KiB
412 lines
14 KiB
# ex:ts=8
# vim:sts=4:sw=4:tw=120
# etcmerge - a program to merge an old and a new copy of the FreeBSD /etc
# directory
# Exit on encountering an error or unknown variable
set -e -u
usage() {
echo "Usage:" 1>&2
echo " etcmerge [-d <workdir>] [-e <etcdir>] [-r <refdir>] [-s <srcdir>] \\" 1>&2
echo " [init|install]" 1>&2
echo 1>&2
echo " -d Set work directory for merge. Defaults to" 1>&2
echo " ${HOME}/etc-work/$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M)" 1>&2
echo " -e Set etc directory to merge. Defaults to /etc" 1>&2
echo " -r Reference copy of etc. Defaults to /var/db/etc" 1>&2
echo " -s FreeBSD source directory. Defaults to /usr/src" 1>&2
echo 1>&2
echo " init: Do full generation of a new etc directory, including merge from the" 1>&2
echo " active etc." 1>&2
echo 1>&2
echo " install: Make the merged etc active, and the newly generated from source etc" 1>&2
echo " the new reference. This prepares for a new merge." 1>&2
echo 1>&2
echo 1>&2
echo " IMPORTANT: Before running 'install', you should resolve any conflicts" 1>&2
echo " reported." 1>&2
echo " Any '.diff' files that are left in merged-* directories represent" 1>&2
echo " changes that are LOST in the newly merged etc. These should either" 1>&2
echo " be hand-applied or deemed OK to loose." 1>&2
# Where we store our work files
WORKDIR=${HOME}/etc-work/$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M)
while getopts ":d:e:r:s:" ARGUMENT ; do
case "${ARGUMENT}" in
r) REFETC="${OPTARG}" ;;
s) USRSRC="${OPTARG}" ;;
*) usage; exit 1 ;;
# Where we store class files
mkdir -p ${CLASSDIR}
# Where the new "root" is linked from
# Where the new etc is fetched from
# Where we store our backup copy of an unmodified etc
# Where the active copy of etc is stored
# Where does our main merged tree go?
# Where is our source code?
# How do we use CPIO for extract?
CPIO_EXTRACT="cpio -i -d -u --quiet"
# How do we use CPIO for archiving?
CPIO_ARCHIVE="cpio -o -H crc --quiet"
# Show number of conflicts for a particular class
conflictshow() {
if [ -s "${WORKDIR}/${id}.conflicts" ]; then
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>>"
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>> Class ${id}: $(cat "${WORKDIR}/${id}.conflicts" | wc -l) conflict(s)"
case "$1" in
init) ;;
if ! [ -d "etc-merged" -a "etc-new" ]; then
echo "install attempted without standing in work directory" 1>&2
echo "cd to work directory (by default under ${HOME}/etc-work/) and try again." 1>&2
exit 1
for i in $(cat *.conflicts 2> /dev/null); do
if egrep -q '^(<<<<<<< |=======$|>>>>>>> )' etc-merged/$i; then
echo "Unresolved conflicts in ${i}" 1>&2
exit 1
# XXX Check for need?
/usr/sbin/pwd_mkdb -d etc-merged -p etc-merged/master.passwd
/usr/bin/cap_mkdb etc-merged/login.conf
if diff -q /etc/mail/aliases etc-merged/mail/aliases > /dev/null; then
tmpetc=/etc.$(date +%Y%m%d)
# XXX The entire set of operations below should be transactional.
# This could be achieved by doing the updates as a series of
# ln operations, then syncing, then removing the extra files,
# and ending with removing the temporary directories, at each
# phase recording what phase we are in.
# Instead, the system now just prays that error does not
# happen in the tiny section where it does the actual rename
# operations, and syncs around this. This is probably still
# quicker than doing it the safe way.
# FIXME Should check for existance beforehand
mv etc-merged ${tmpetc}
mv etc-new ${REFETC}.etcmerge
fsync /
fsync ${REFETC}.etcmerge
fsync /var/db
# Should get everything to disk, one would hope.
sync && sleep 0.5 && sync && sleep 0.5 && sync && sleep 0.5
mv /etc/ /etc.etcmergeold
mv ${tmpetc} /etc
fsync /
if [ "${NEED_NEWALIASES}" = "yes" ]; then
mv ${REFETC} ${REFETC}.etcmergeold
mv ${REFETC}.etcmerge ${REFETC}
fsync /var/db
# Do a sync that can keep running after the program exists.
sync && sync && sync
echo "Install done - removing copies of old /etc and old reference." 1>&2
rm -rf /etc.etcmergeold ${REFETC}.etcmergeold
echo "Done." 1>&2
exit 0
exit 1
echo "ETCMERGE: >>> Creating new etc data from ${USRSRC}"
# XXX Make sure we have all needed users and groups before this
if ! (mkdir -p "${NEWROOT}" && \
cd ${USRSRC}/etc && \
make DESTDIR="${NEWROOT}" distrib-dirs && \
make DESTDIR="${NEWROOT}" distribution && \
mv ${NEWROOT}/etc ${NEWETC}); then
echo "Unable to create new etc directory" 1>& 2
echo "MERGE FAILED" 1>&2
exit 1
rm -rf ${NEWROOT} 2> /dev/null || (chflags -R noschg ${NEWROOT} && rm -rf ${NEWROOT}) || \
(echo "Unable to clean out temp root" 1>&2; echo "MERGE FAILED" 1>&2; exit 1)
echo "ETCMERGE: >>> Finding classes of files"
echo "ETCMERGE: >>> Working from"
echo "ETCMERGE: >>> Active: ${ACTIVEETC}"
echo "ETCMERGE: >>> Reference: ${REFETC}"
echo "ETCMERGE: >>> New: ${NEWETC}"
# Find list of new files and list of old (reference) files
(cd "${NEWETC}" && find . -type f -print | sort > ${CLASSDIR}/newetc.files)
(cd "${NEWETC}" && find . -type d -links 2 -print | sort > ${CLASSDIR}/newetc.emptydirs)
(cd "${NEWETC}" && find . \! \( -type d -or -type f \) -print | sort > ${CLASSDIR}/newetc.others)
(cd "${REFETC}" && find . -type f -print | sort > ${CLASSDIR}/refetc.files)
(cd "${REFETC}" && find . -type d -links 2 -print | sort > ${CLASSDIR}/refetc.emptydirs)
(cd "${REFETC}" && find . \! \( -type d -or -type f \) -print | sort > ${CLASSDIR}/refetc.others)
(cd "${ACTIVEETC}" && find . -type f -print | sort > ${CLASSDIR}/activeetc.files)
(cd "${ACTIVEETC}" && find . -type d -links 2 -print | sort > ${CLASSDIR}/activeetc.emptydirs)
(cd "${ACTIVEETC}" && find . \! \( -type d -or -type f \) -print | sort > ${CLASSDIR}/activeetc.others)
# Generate lists of differences on a file level, which effectively divides all
# files into classes:
# Id Ref New Active Action
# 0 Absent Absent Absent (Irrelevant case)
# 1 Absent Absent Present Copy file over, with directory if necessary
# 2 Absent Present Absent Copy file over, with directory if necessary
# 3 Absent Present Present Store NEW file
# If there are differences:
# Store diff
# Add to conflict list
# 4 Present Absent Absent Ignore file
# 5 Present Absent Present No differences: Ignore files
# With differences: Store in conflict
# directory, with separate diff file
# 6 Present Present Absent Store in conflict directory
# 7 Present Present Present Do a 3-way merge, with directory if
# necessary.
for extension in files emptydirs others; do
cat refetc.${extension} newetc.${extension} activeetc.${extension} | sort -u > alletc.${extension}
cat refetc.${extension} newetc.${extension} | sort | uniq -d | cat - activeetc.${extension} | sort | uniq -d > ${CLASSDIR}/7.${extension}
cat alletc.${extension} refetc.${extension} newetc.${extension} | sort | uniq -u > ${CLASSDIR}/1.${extension}
cat alletc.${extension} refetc.${extension} activeetc.${extension} | sort | uniq -u > ${CLASSDIR}/2.${extension}
cat alletc.${extension} newetc.${extension} activeetc.${extension} | sort | uniq -u > ${CLASSDIR}/4.${extension}
cat newetc.${extension} activeetc.${extension} | sort | uniq -d | cat - refetc.${extension} refetc.${extension} | sort | uniq -u > ${CLASSDIR}/3.${extension}
cat refetc.${extension} activeetc.${extension} | sort | uniq -d | cat - newetc.${extension} newetc.${extension} | sort | uniq -u > ${CLASSDIR}/5.${extension}
cat refetc.${extension} newetc.${extension} | sort | uniq -d | cat - activeetc.${extension} activeetc.${extension} | sort | uniq -u > ${CLASSDIR}/6.${extension}
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7; do
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>> Class ${i}: $(cat ${CLASSDIR}/$i.files | wc -l) files, $(cat ${CLASSDIR}/$i.emptydirs | wc -l) empty dirs, $(cat ${CLASSDIR}/$i.others | wc -l) others"
# Create directory for merged data
mkdir ${MERGEDETC}
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>"
echo "ETCMERGE: >>> Handling class 7 files - present everywhere"
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>> Files are handled as an ascii 3-way merge."
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>> Non-files get copied from the ACTIVE etc dir."
# Class 7 - present everywhere. Create a merged directory tree.
(cd ${ACTIVEETC} && cat ${CLASSDIR}/7.files ${CLASSDIR}/7.emptydirs ${CLASSDIR}/7.others | ${CPIO_ARCHIVE}) | ${CPIO_EXTRACT}
for i in $(cat ${CLASSDIR}/7.files); do
if ! merge -q $i ${REFETC}/$i ${NEWETC}/$i; then
echo ${i} >> ${WORKDIR}/7.conflicts
conflictshow 7
# Class 1 - only present in active directory. Copy over.
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>"
echo "ETCMERGE: >>> Handling class 1 - only present in active directory"
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>> Both files and non-files get copied."
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>"
(cd ${ACTIVEETC} && cat ${CLASSDIR}/1.files ${CLASSDIR}/1.emptydirs ${CLASSDIR}/1.others | ${CPIO_ARCHIVE}) | ${CPIO_EXTRACT}
# Class 2 - only present in new directory. Copy over.
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>"
echo "ETCMERGE: >>> Handling class 2 - only present in new directory"
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>> Both files and non-files get copied."
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>"
(cd ${NEWETC} && cat ${CLASSDIR}/2.files ${CLASSDIR}/2.emptydirs ${CLASSDIR}/2.others | ${CPIO_ARCHIVE}) | ${CPIO_EXTRACT}
# Class 3 - present in new and active directory, but not ref.
# Use the active directory permissions, but the new file.
# If the files differ, store filename in 3.conflicts and the active version and a diff in merged-changed.
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>"
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>> Handling class 3 - present in new and active directory only"
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>> Files with differences get a copy of NEW file in both"
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>> etc-merged and merged-changed, with a .diff from the NEW to"
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>> the ACTIVE file in merged-changed."
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>> Non-files are fetched from the ACTIVE directory."
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>"
(cd ${ACTIVEETC} && cat ${CLASSDIR}/3.files ${CLASSDIR}/3.emptydirs ${CLASSDIR}/3.others | ${CPIO_ARCHIVE}) | ${CPIO_EXTRACT}
(cd ${NEWETC} && cat ${CLASSDIR}/3.files | ${CPIO_ARCHIVE}) | ${CPIO_EXTRACT}
for i in $(cat ${CLASSDIR}/3.files); do
if ! diff -q ${ACTIVEETC}/$i ${REFETC}/$i > /dev/null; then
# Files differ
echo $i >> ${WORKDIR}/3.conflicts
conflictshow 3
# Handle differing files (if any)
if [ -s ${WORKDIR}/3.conflicts ]; then
mkdir -p ${WORKDIR}/merged-changed
cd ${WORKDIR}/merged-changed
(cd ${ACTIVEETC} && cat ${WORKDIR}/3.conflicts | ${CPIO_ARCHIVE}) | ${CPIO_EXTRACT}
for i in $(cat ${WORKDIR}/3.conflicts); do
diff -u ${REFETC}/$i $i > $i.diff
# Class 4 - present in ref, removed in new and active
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>"
echo "ETCMERGE: >>> Handling class 4 - present in reference only"
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>> A copy of each file is stored in merged-removed."
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>> Non-files get dropped."
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>"
if [ -s ${CLASSDIR}/4.files ]; then
mkdir -p ${WORKDIR}/merged-removed
cd ${WORKDIR}/merged-removed
(cd ${REFETC} && cat ${CLASSDIR}/4.files | ${CPIO_ARCHIVE}) | ${CPIO_EXTRACT}
# Class 5 - present in ref and active, removed in new
# For all files where the active is different from the reference, create a copy in merged-removed, with a .diff that
# shows what the differences are.
# For all unchanged files, just copy them over.
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>"
echo "ETCMERGE: >>> Handling class 5 - present in reference and active only"
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>> A copy of each ACTIVE file is stored in merged-removed."
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>> If there is a difference between the ACTIVE and the"
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>> REFERENCE file, a diff from REFERENCE to ACTIVE gets"
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>> stored in merged-removed/"
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>> Non-files get dropped."
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>"
if [ -s ${CLASSDIR}/5.files ]; then
mkdir -p ${WORKDIR}/merged-removed
cd ${WORKDIR}/merged-removed
(cd ${ACTIVEETC} && cat ${CLASSDIR}/5.files | ${CPIO_ARCHIVE}) | ${CPIO_EXTRACT}
for i in $(cat ${CLASSDIR}/5.files); do
if ! diff -q ${ACTIVEETC}/$i ${REFETC}/$i > /dev/null; then
# Files differ
echo $i >> ${WORKDIR}/5.conflicts
diff -u ${REFETC}/$i ${ACTIVEETC}/$i > $i.diff
conflictshow 5
# Class 6 - present in ref and new, but removed in active
# Files are copied from new to merged-conflicts, and if the files differ, the filename is added to 6.conflicts,
# and a .diff file with the changes that are lost is stored alongside the file.
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>"
echo "ETCMERGE: >>> Handling class 6 - present in reference and new only"
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>> A copy of the NEW version of each file is stored in"
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>> merged-conflicts/"
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>> If there are differences the REFERENCE and NEW file,"
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>> a .diff file with these is also stored."
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>> Non-files get dropped."
echo "ETCMERGE: >>>"
if [ -s ${CLASSDIR}/6.files ]; then
mkdir ${WORKDIR}/merged-conflicts
cd ${WORKDIR}/merged-conflicts
(cd ${NEWETC} && cat ${CLASSDIR}/6.files | ${CPIO_ARCHIVE}) | ${CPIO_EXTRACT}
for i in $(cat ${CLASSDIR}/6.files); do
if ! diff -q $i ${REFETC}/$i > /dev/null; then
# Files differ
echo $i >> ${WORKDIR}/6.conflicts
diff -u ${REFETC}/$i $i > $i.diff
conflictshow 6
cat <<EOM
Directories (only present if they would have contents)
etc-merged Replaced etc/ directory, ready for use (potentially after
conflict resolution)
etc-new New etc, generated from ${USRSRC}, and used to generate
merged-removed Files that have been removed, along with .diff files if
the active file was different from the reference file.
merged-changed Files that have been replaced by the update, along with
.diff files saying what changes this has resulted in.
merged-conflicts Files that are present in new and reference, but not in
the active etc. If these are changed, a .diff is
also stored here.
classes Internal overview of what files belong to what classes
Work directory: ${WORKDIR}