When lib test(s) is skipped because of unmet dependencies and/or unsupported configuration, it returns non-zero value hich is treated as a fail by the Kselftest framework. This leads to false negative result even when the test could not be run. Change it to return kselftest skip code when a test gets skipped to clearly report that the test could not be run. Kselftest framework SKIP code is 4 and the framework prints appropriate messages to indicate that the test is skipped. Signed-off-by: Shuah Khan (Samsung OSG) <shuah@kernel.org>
19 lines
423 B
Executable file
19 lines
423 B
Executable file
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# Runs printf infrastructure using test_printf kernel module
# Kselftest framework requirement - SKIP code is 4.
if ! /sbin/modprobe -q -n test_printf; then
echo "printf: module test_printf is not found [SKIP]"
exit $ksft_skip
if /sbin/modprobe -q test_printf; then
/sbin/modprobe -q -r test_printf
echo "printf: ok"
echo "printf: [FAIL]"
exit 1