The current implementation of from64to32() gives a poor result:
0000000000000270 <.from64to32>:
270: 38 00 ff ff li r0,-1
274: 78 69 00 22 rldicl r9,r3,32,32
278: 78 00 00 20 clrldi r0,r0,32
27c: 7c 60 00 38 and r0,r3,r0
280: 7c 09 02 14 add r0,r9,r0
284: 78 09 00 22 rldicl r9,r0,32,32
288: 7c 00 4a 14 add r0,r0,r9
28c: 78 03 00 20 clrldi r3,r0,32
290: 4e 80 00 20 blr
This patch modifies from64to32() to operate in the same
spirit as csum_fold()
It swaps the two 32-bit halves of sum then it adds it with the
unswapped sum. If there is a carry from adding the two 32-bit halves,
it will carry from the lower half into the upper half, giving us the
correct sum in the upper half.
The resulting code is:
0000000000000260 <.from64to32>:
260: 78 60 00 02 rotldi r0,r3,32
264: 7c 60 1a 14 add r3,r0,r3
268: 78 63 00 22 rldicl r3,r3,32,32
26c: 4e 80 00 20 blr
Signed-off-by: Christophe Leroy <>
Signed-off-by: Michael Ellerman <>