Drop the FSF's postal address from the source code files that typically contain mostly the license text. Of the 628 removed instances, 578 are outdated. The patch has been created with the following command without manual edits: git grep -l "675 Mass Ave\|59 Temple Place\|51 Franklin St" -- \ drivers/media/ include/media|while read i; do i=$i perl -e ' open(F,"< $ENV{i}"); $a=join("", <F>); $a =~ s/[ \t]*\*\n.*You should.*\n.*along with.*\n.*(\n.*USA.*$)?\n//m && $a =~ s/(^.*)Or, (point your browser to) /$1To obtain the license, $2\n$1/m; close(F); open(F, "> $ENV{i}"); print F $a; close(F);'; done Signed-off-by: Sakari Ailus <sakari.ailus@linux.intel.com>
373 lines
8.9 KiB
373 lines
8.9 KiB
* Driver for Freescale MC44S803 Low Power CMOS Broadband Tuner
* Copyright (c) 2009 Jochen Friedrich <jochen@scram.de>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/delay.h>
#include <linux/dvb/frontend.h>
#include <linux/i2c.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include "dvb_frontend.h"
#include "mc44s803.h"
#include "mc44s803_priv.h"
#define mc_printk(level, format, arg...) \
printk(level "mc44s803: " format , ## arg)
/* Writes a single register */
static int mc44s803_writereg(struct mc44s803_priv *priv, u32 val)
u8 buf[3];
struct i2c_msg msg = {
.addr = priv->cfg->i2c_address, .flags = 0, .buf = buf, .len = 3
buf[0] = (val & 0xff0000) >> 16;
buf[1] = (val & 0xff00) >> 8;
buf[2] = (val & 0xff);
if (i2c_transfer(priv->i2c, &msg, 1) != 1) {
mc_printk(KERN_WARNING, "I2C write failed\n");
return -EREMOTEIO;
return 0;
/* Reads a single register */
static int mc44s803_readreg(struct mc44s803_priv *priv, u8 reg, u32 *val)
u32 wval;
u8 buf[3];
int ret;
struct i2c_msg msg[] = {
{ .addr = priv->cfg->i2c_address, .flags = I2C_M_RD,
.buf = buf, .len = 3 },
wval = MC44S803_REG_SM(MC44S803_REG_DATAREG, MC44S803_ADDR) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(reg, MC44S803_D);
ret = mc44s803_writereg(priv, wval);
if (ret)
return ret;
if (i2c_transfer(priv->i2c, msg, 1) != 1) {
mc_printk(KERN_WARNING, "I2C read failed\n");
return -EREMOTEIO;
*val = (buf[0] << 16) | (buf[1] << 8) | buf[2];
return 0;
static void mc44s803_release(struct dvb_frontend *fe)
struct mc44s803_priv *priv = fe->tuner_priv;
fe->tuner_priv = NULL;
static int mc44s803_init(struct dvb_frontend *fe)
struct mc44s803_priv *priv = fe->tuner_priv;
u32 val;
int err;
if (fe->ops.i2c_gate_ctrl)
fe->ops.i2c_gate_ctrl(fe, 1);
/* Reset chip */
val = MC44S803_REG_SM(MC44S803_REG_RESET, MC44S803_ADDR) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(1, MC44S803_RS);
err = mc44s803_writereg(priv, val);
if (err)
goto exit;
val = MC44S803_REG_SM(MC44S803_REG_RESET, MC44S803_ADDR);
err = mc44s803_writereg(priv, val);
if (err)
goto exit;
/* Power Up and Start Osc */
val = MC44S803_REG_SM(MC44S803_REG_REFOSC, MC44S803_ADDR) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(0xC0, MC44S803_REFOSC) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(1, MC44S803_OSCSEL);
err = mc44s803_writereg(priv, val);
if (err)
goto exit;
val = MC44S803_REG_SM(MC44S803_REG_POWER, MC44S803_ADDR) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(0x200, MC44S803_POWER);
err = mc44s803_writereg(priv, val);
if (err)
goto exit;
val = MC44S803_REG_SM(MC44S803_REG_REFOSC, MC44S803_ADDR) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(0x40, MC44S803_REFOSC) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(1, MC44S803_OSCSEL);
err = mc44s803_writereg(priv, val);
if (err)
goto exit;
/* Setup Mixer */
val = MC44S803_REG_SM(MC44S803_REG_MIXER, MC44S803_ADDR) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(1, MC44S803_TRI_STATE) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(0x7F, MC44S803_MIXER_RES);
err = mc44s803_writereg(priv, val);
if (err)
goto exit;
/* Setup Cirquit Adjust */
val = MC44S803_REG_SM(MC44S803_REG_CIRCADJ, MC44S803_ADDR) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(1, MC44S803_G1) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(1, MC44S803_G3) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(0x3, MC44S803_CIRCADJ_RES) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(1, MC44S803_G6) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(priv->cfg->dig_out, MC44S803_S1) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(0x3, MC44S803_LP) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(1, MC44S803_CLRF) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(1, MC44S803_CLIF);
err = mc44s803_writereg(priv, val);
if (err)
goto exit;
val = MC44S803_REG_SM(MC44S803_REG_CIRCADJ, MC44S803_ADDR) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(1, MC44S803_G1) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(1, MC44S803_G3) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(0x3, MC44S803_CIRCADJ_RES) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(1, MC44S803_G6) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(priv->cfg->dig_out, MC44S803_S1) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(0x3, MC44S803_LP);
err = mc44s803_writereg(priv, val);
if (err)
goto exit;
/* Setup Digtune */
val = MC44S803_REG_SM(MC44S803_REG_DIGTUNE, MC44S803_ADDR) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(3, MC44S803_XOD);
err = mc44s803_writereg(priv, val);
if (err)
goto exit;
/* Setup AGC */
val = MC44S803_REG_SM(MC44S803_REG_LNAAGC, MC44S803_ADDR) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(1, MC44S803_AT1) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(1, MC44S803_AT2) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(1, MC44S803_AGC_AN_DIG) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(1, MC44S803_AGC_READ_EN) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(1, MC44S803_LNA0);
err = mc44s803_writereg(priv, val);
if (err)
goto exit;
if (fe->ops.i2c_gate_ctrl)
fe->ops.i2c_gate_ctrl(fe, 0);
return 0;
if (fe->ops.i2c_gate_ctrl)
fe->ops.i2c_gate_ctrl(fe, 0);
mc_printk(KERN_WARNING, "I/O Error\n");
return err;
static int mc44s803_set_params(struct dvb_frontend *fe)
struct mc44s803_priv *priv = fe->tuner_priv;
struct dtv_frontend_properties *c = &fe->dtv_property_cache;
u32 r1, r2, n1, n2, lo1, lo2, freq, val;
int err;
priv->frequency = c->frequency;
r1 = MC44S803_OSC / 1000000;
r2 = MC44S803_OSC / 100000;
n1 = (c->frequency + MC44S803_IF1 + 500000) / 1000000;
freq = MC44S803_OSC / r1 * n1;
lo1 = ((60 * n1) + (r1 / 2)) / r1;
freq = freq - c->frequency;
n2 = (freq - MC44S803_IF2 + 50000) / 100000;
lo2 = ((60 * n2) + (r2 / 2)) / r2;
if (fe->ops.i2c_gate_ctrl)
fe->ops.i2c_gate_ctrl(fe, 1);
val = MC44S803_REG_SM(MC44S803_REG_REFDIV, MC44S803_ADDR) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(r1-1, MC44S803_R1) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(r2-1, MC44S803_R2) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(1, MC44S803_REFBUF_EN);
err = mc44s803_writereg(priv, val);
if (err)
goto exit;
val = MC44S803_REG_SM(MC44S803_REG_LO1, MC44S803_ADDR) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(n1-2, MC44S803_LO1);
err = mc44s803_writereg(priv, val);
if (err)
goto exit;
val = MC44S803_REG_SM(MC44S803_REG_LO2, MC44S803_ADDR) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(n2-2, MC44S803_LO2);
err = mc44s803_writereg(priv, val);
if (err)
goto exit;
val = MC44S803_REG_SM(MC44S803_REG_DIGTUNE, MC44S803_ADDR) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(1, MC44S803_DA) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(lo1, MC44S803_LO_REF) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(1, MC44S803_AT);
err = mc44s803_writereg(priv, val);
if (err)
goto exit;
val = MC44S803_REG_SM(MC44S803_REG_DIGTUNE, MC44S803_ADDR) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(2, MC44S803_DA) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(lo2, MC44S803_LO_REF) |
MC44S803_REG_SM(1, MC44S803_AT);
err = mc44s803_writereg(priv, val);
if (err)
goto exit;
if (fe->ops.i2c_gate_ctrl)
fe->ops.i2c_gate_ctrl(fe, 0);
return 0;
if (fe->ops.i2c_gate_ctrl)
fe->ops.i2c_gate_ctrl(fe, 0);
mc_printk(KERN_WARNING, "I/O Error\n");
return err;
static int mc44s803_get_frequency(struct dvb_frontend *fe, u32 *frequency)
struct mc44s803_priv *priv = fe->tuner_priv;
*frequency = priv->frequency;
return 0;
static int mc44s803_get_if_frequency(struct dvb_frontend *fe, u32 *frequency)
*frequency = MC44S803_IF2; /* 36.125 MHz */
return 0;
static const struct dvb_tuner_ops mc44s803_tuner_ops = {
.info = {
.name = "Freescale MC44S803",
.frequency_min = 48000000,
.frequency_max = 1000000000,
.frequency_step = 100000,
.release = mc44s803_release,
.init = mc44s803_init,
.set_params = mc44s803_set_params,
.get_frequency = mc44s803_get_frequency,
.get_if_frequency = mc44s803_get_if_frequency,
/* This functions tries to identify a MC44S803 tuner by reading the ID
register. This is hasty. */
struct dvb_frontend *mc44s803_attach(struct dvb_frontend *fe,
struct i2c_adapter *i2c, struct mc44s803_config *cfg)
struct mc44s803_priv *priv;
u32 reg;
u8 id;
int ret;
reg = 0;
priv = kzalloc(sizeof(struct mc44s803_priv), GFP_KERNEL);
if (priv == NULL)
return NULL;
priv->cfg = cfg;
priv->i2c = i2c;
priv->fe = fe;
if (fe->ops.i2c_gate_ctrl)
fe->ops.i2c_gate_ctrl(fe, 1); /* open i2c_gate */
ret = mc44s803_readreg(priv, MC44S803_REG_ID, ®);
if (ret)
goto error;
id = MC44S803_REG_MS(reg, MC44S803_ID);
if (id != 0x14) {
mc_printk(KERN_ERR, "unsupported ID (%x should be 0x14)\n",
goto error;
mc_printk(KERN_INFO, "successfully identified (ID = %x)\n", id);
memcpy(&fe->ops.tuner_ops, &mc44s803_tuner_ops,
sizeof(struct dvb_tuner_ops));
fe->tuner_priv = priv;
if (fe->ops.i2c_gate_ctrl)
fe->ops.i2c_gate_ctrl(fe, 0); /* close i2c_gate */
return fe;
if (fe->ops.i2c_gate_ctrl)
fe->ops.i2c_gate_ctrl(fe, 0); /* close i2c_gate */
return NULL;
MODULE_AUTHOR("Jochen Friedrich");
MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Freescale MC44S803 silicon tuner driver");