-The Freescale Management Complex and all associated objects use message interrupts, and thus an msi-parent is required. -Define a ranges property to specify the mapping between the MC address space and the system address space. -The fsl-mc node may optionally have dpmac sub-nodes that describe the relationship between the Ethernet MACs which belong to the MC and the Ethernet PHYs on the system board. Signed-off-by: Stuart Yoder <stuart.yoder@nxp.com> Acked-by: J. German Rivera <German.Rivera@nxp.com> Acked-by: Rob Herring <robh@kernel.org> Signed-off-by: Shawn Guo <shawnguo@kernel.org>
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* Freescale Management Complex
The Freescale Management Complex (fsl-mc) is a hardware resource
manager that manages specialized hardware objects used in
network-oriented packet processing applications. After the fsl-mc
block is enabled, pools of hardware resources are available, such as
queues, buffer pools, I/O interfaces. These resources are building
blocks that can be used to create functional hardware objects/devices
such as network interfaces, crypto accelerator instances, L2 switches,
Required properties:
- compatible
Value type: <string>
Definition: Must be "fsl,qoriq-mc". A Freescale Management Complex
compatible with this binding must have Block Revision
Registers BRR1 and BRR2 at offset 0x0BF8 and 0x0BFC in
the MC control register region.
- reg
Value type: <prop-encoded-array>
Definition: A standard property. Specifies one or two regions
defining the MC's registers:
-the first region is the command portal for the
this machine and must always be present
-the second region is the MC control registers. This
region may not be present in some scenarios, such
as in the device tree presented to a virtual machine.
- msi-parent
Value type: <phandle>
Definition: Must be present and point to the MSI controller node
handling message interrupts for the MC.
- ranges
Value type: <prop-encoded-array>
Definition: A standard property. Defines the mapping between the child
MC address space and the parent system address space.
The MC address space is defined by 3 components:
<region type> <offset hi> <offset lo>
Valid values for region type are
0x0 - MC portals
0x1 - QBMAN portals
- #address-cells
Value type: <u32>
Definition: Must be 3. (see definition in 'ranges' property)
- #size-cells
Value type: <u32>
Definition: Must be 1.
The fsl-mc node may optionally have dpmac sub-nodes that describe
the relationship between the Ethernet MACs which belong to the MC
and the Ethernet PHYs on the system board.
The dpmac nodes must be under a node named "dpmacs" which contains
the following properties:
- #address-cells
Value type: <u32>
Definition: Must be present if dpmac sub-nodes are defined and must
have a value of 1.
- #size-cells
Value type: <u32>
Definition: Must be present if dpmac sub-nodes are defined and must
have a value of 0.
These nodes must have the following properties:
- compatible
Value type: <string>
Definition: Must be "fsl,qoriq-mc-dpmac".
- reg
Value type: <prop-encoded-array>
Definition: Specifies the id of the dpmac.
- phy-handle
Value type: <phandle>
Definition: Specifies the phandle to the PHY device node associated
with the this dpmac.
fsl_mc: fsl-mc@80c000000 {
compatible = "fsl,qoriq-mc";
reg = <0x00000008 0x0c000000 0 0x40>, /* MC portal base */
<0x00000000 0x08340000 0 0x40000>; /* MC control reg */
msi-parent = <&its>;
#address-cells = <3>;
#size-cells = <1>;
* Region type 0x0 - MC portals
* Region type 0x1 - QBMAN portals
ranges = <0x0 0x0 0x0 0x8 0x0c000000 0x4000000
0x1 0x0 0x0 0x8 0x18000000 0x8000000>;
dpmacs {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
dpmac@1 {
compatible = "fsl,qoriq-mc-dpmac";
reg = <1>;
phy-handle = <&mdio0_phy0>;