import p5-Sereal 5.004

OK benoit@

fast, compact, powerful binary (de-)serialization

Sereal is an efficient, compact-output, binary and feature-rich
serialization protocol. The Perl encoder is implemented as the
Sereal::Encoder module, the Perl decoder correspondingly as
Sereal::Decoder. They are distributed separately to allow for safe
upgrading without downtime. (Hint: Upgrade the decoder everywhere
first, then the encoder.)

This "Sereal" module is a very thin wrapper around both
"Sereal::Encoder" and "Sereal::Decoder". It depends on both and loads
both. So if you have a user of both encoder and decoder, it is enough
to depend on a particular version of "Sereal" and you'll get the most
recent released versions of "Sereal::Encoder" and "Sereal::Decoder"
whose version is smaller than or equal to the version of "Sereal" you
depend on.
This commit is contained in:
bluhm 2023-05-07 08:21:56 +00:00
parent 0ad857a4b5
commit f5cdf28e30
4 changed files with 44 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
COMMENT = fast, compact, powerful binary (de-)serialization
VERSION = 5.004
CATEGORIES = converters
MAINTAINER = Alexander Bluhm <>
# Perl
MODULES = cpan
RUN_DEPENDS = converters/p5-Sereal-Decoder>=${VERSION} \
TEST_DEPENDS = converters/p5-JSON-XS \
devel/p5-Test-Deep \
devel/p5-Test-Differences \
devel/p5-Test-LongString \
.include <>

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
SHA256 (Sereal-5.004.tar.gz) = nCW7euS9c20ksa0dk9dzlbDGXKh0HiZr/Ay+VCJh128=
SIZE (Sereal-5.004.tar.gz) = 199237

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Sereal is an efficient, compact-output, binary and feature-rich
serialization protocol. The Perl encoder is implemented as the
Sereal::Encoder module, the Perl decoder correspondingly as
Sereal::Decoder. They are distributed separately to allow for safe
upgrading without downtime. (Hint: Upgrade the decoder everywhere
first, then the encoder.)
This "Sereal" module is a very thin wrapper around both
"Sereal::Encoder" and "Sereal::Decoder". It depends on both and loads
both. So if you have a user of both encoder and decoder, it is enough
to depend on a particular version of "Sereal" and you'll get the most
recent released versions of "Sereal::Encoder" and "Sereal::Decoder"
whose version is smaller than or equal to the version of "Sereal" you
depend on.

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
@man man/man3p/Sereal.3p