Commit graph

5 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Hiramatsu Yoshifumi
515d750350 Updated to 1.01.
Changes from 0.51:

1.01 (09/29/2005)
    * (ms) Added 'utf8' and 'binmode' flags to Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
           per suggestion by Jonathan Warden.
    * (ms) Made test cases 003Layout.t and 033UsrCspec.t resilient against
           broken ActiveState 5.8.4 and 5.8.7.
    * (ms) Skipped failing test cases for 5.005, looks like the caller() level
           in carp() is wrong, but not worth fixing.
    * (ms) Fixed the bug with the caller level of the first
           log message sent after init_and_watch() detected a change. Added
           test case to 027Watch2.t.
    * (ms) Added FAQ on UTF-8.
    * (ms) Applied patch by David Britton, improving performance during
           the init() call.
    * (ms) Fixed bug
           to prevent it from modifying $_. Thanks to Steffen Winkler.

1.00 (08/13/2005)
    * (ms) Added tag qw(:no_extra_logdie_message) to suppress duplicate
           die() messages in scripts using simple configurations and LOGDIE().
           Added logexit() as an alternative way.
    * (ms) Fixed bug with logcarp/croak/cluck, which were using the
           wrong Carp level.
    * (kg) Fixing bug in Appender::Limit regarding $_ scope
    * (ms) corrected typo in found by Rob Redmon.
    * (ms) Fixed bug with Appender::File reported by Michael Smith. Checking
           now if print() succeeds, catching errors with full disks and
           ulimit'ed environments.
    * (ms) Added LOGCARP(), LOGCLUCK(), LOGCONFESS(), LOGCROAK() macros
           in :easy mode (suggested by Jud Dagnall).
    * (ms) $INITIALIZED now gets reset during logger cleanup.

0.52 (05/08/2005)
    * (ms) Jonathan Manning <> provided a patch
           for to fix 3-letter month abbreviations and a
           shortcut to simulate Apache's log format.
    * (kg) Ola Finsbraaten provided a patch to provide a better error
           message when a logger is defined twice in a config.
2005-10-05 02:57:09 +00:00
Hiramatsu Yoshifumi
144d51d8fe correct path to .packlist 2005-07-26 05:58:12 +00:00
Todd Vierling
5f60a41bb5 Remove USE_BUILDLINK3 and NO_BUILDLINK; these are no longer used. 2005-04-11 21:09:34 +00:00
Hiramatsu Yoshifumi
0d190fc8d7 Update p5-Log-Log4perl to 0.51.
Changes from 0.48:

0.51 (01/08/2005)
    * (ms) Jon Bjornstad noticed that the file appender wasn't including
           $! in the die() exception thrown if open_file() fails. Added it.
    * (ms) Added umask option to file appender
    * (ms) Fix to L4p::Util::module::available() for Win32
           compliance by Roger Yager <>
    * (ms) Added check to L4p::Util::module_available() returning true
           if the pm file is available in %INC, indicating that it has
           already been loaded. This fixes a problem when running L4p
           in a PAR binary.
    * (ms) Added remove_appender() and eradicate_appender() method to
 , test cases and documentation on the main Log4perl
    * (ms) Added a generic buffered composite appender, L4p::Appender::Buffer,
           buffering messages until a trigger condition is met.

0.50 (12/08/2004)
    * (ms) Added ':resurrect' source filter, which uncomments all lines
           starting with "###l4p". Can be used for hidden L4p statements,
           which are then activated by calling
           'use Log::Log4perl qw(:resurrect)'.
    * (ms) Fixed Win32 test suite bug: File::Spec->catfile() returns '/'
           as a path separator on both Unix and Win32, while Log4perl's
           layouts (derived from caller() info) use '\' on Win32 and '/'
           on Unix. Changed tests to only verify file name, not path.
    * (ms) Added 'appender_by_name()' to retrieve an appender defined
           in the configuration file by name later.
    * (ms) Added FAQ on "stubbing out" L4p macros in environments
           that don't have L4p installed.
    * (ms) Added convenience function appender_thresholds_adjust() to adjust
           thresholds of chosen (or all) appenders
    * (ms) Got rid of Test::Simple dependency
    * (ms) Moved autoflush setting in L4p::Appender::File from log()
           to file_open(), running only once, not with every message.
    * (ms) Applied doc fixes suggested by Jon Bjornstad.
    * (ms) Added ScreenANSIColor appender to colorize messages based on
           their priority. See Log::Log4perl::Appender::ScreenANSIColor.

0.49 (11/07/2004)
    * (ms) init_and_watch() no longer die()s on reloading syntactically
           wrong configuration files but issues a warning and then
           reloads the last working config.
    * (ms) init() now also accepts an open file handle (passed in as a
           glob) to a configuration file or a ref to an IO::File object.
    * (ms) Jos I. Boumans <> and
           Chris Winters <> reported an error thrown
           by L4p in their app SPOPS: During global construction. Looks
           like the Logger object's internal hash is cleared and then
           the is_<level> method gets called, resulting in a runtime
           exception. Added proposed remedy checking if the called
           method is defined by ref.
    * (ms) Added check to init_and_watch if obtaining the mod
           timestamp failed.
2005-03-29 04:38:14 +00:00
Hiramatsu Yoshifumi
5582e74f56 Log::Log4perl lets you remote-control and fine-tune the logging
behaviour of your system from the outside. It implements the widely
popular (Java-based) Log4j logging package in pure Perl.
2004-09-27 22:03:12 +00:00