Initial import of binary package for D Programming Language
D Programming Language
Quotes from webpage of project:
""It seems to me that most of the "new" programming languages fall into one
of two categories: Those from academia with radical new paradigms and those
from large corporations with a focus on RAD and the web. Maybe its time for
a new language born out of practical experience implementing compilers.""
-- Michael
D was conceived in December 1999 as a successor to C and C++, and has grown
and evolved with helpful suggestions and critiques by author'sfriends and
colleagues. Take a look at the document and decide for yourself - the quick
comparison of D with C, C++, C# and Java at
license issues (take license.txt from WRKSRC perhaps)
src/ directory - could we use it to compile a native version? I haven't
looked at it too close.
is ${install_data_dir} emul/usr/src needed in Makefile?
sort plist ;)