Summary of New Features
new protocols:
All Seeing Eye [-eye]
Ravenshield [-rvs]
Savage [-sas]
FarCry [-fcs]
Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy [-jk3m, -jk3s]
Gamespy2 [-gs2]
Steam master [-stm]
Doom3 [-dm3s, -dm3s]
Half-Life 2 [-hl2s] (experimental)
add option -hsn to display server names in hex [no docs]
add "servers/sec" to -progress output
add -mdelim parameter to specify the multi value delimiter ( default '|' )
add \final\\ to end of gamespy master request
add UT2K4 colored name parsing
add UT2 XMP colored name parsing
add SOF coloring of server names
fix custom q3 master query for masters created via qstat.cfg
fix gamespy protocol to better handle Halo and BF1942
fix for multi value fields in UT2003 e.g. Mutators.
fix XML escaping bugs
New template variables
$SCORE player score
Timothee Besset from id Software for providing Doom3 protocol information
Alexander Schäfer for fixing version and password field for Ravenshield
and of course everyone else who provided feedback and bug reports
QStat is a command-line program that gathers real-time statistics from
Internet game servers.
A summary of its features:
* Supports Windows 95, NT, Linux, and most Unixes.
* Comes with C source code and a binary for Windows.
* Supports old Quake (NetQuake), QuakeWorld, Hexen II, HexenWorld, Quake II,
Unreal/UT, Turok2, Sin, Half-Life, Shogo, Tribes, Tribes 2, Quake III,
BFRIS, Kingpin, Heretic II servers, Soldier of Fortune, and lots more.
* Can display all available statistics, including player info & server rules.
* Output templates for automatic HTML generation.
* Raw display mode for integration with custom server browsers.
* Built-in host name cache.
* Sort by ping time, game, or both.
* More options than you can wiggle a mouse at.