e3 (200k) is a full featured text editor in three versions: primary e3 for x86 versions of Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Win9x, QNX, Atheos, BeOS(TM), DOS and ELKS (ELKS == Embeddable Linux Kernel Subset) written in NASM assembler, for second a version for ARM Risc CPUs and for third e3c, a C equivalent for all other platforms, for example on other RISC CPU like ALPHA. The assembler version is highly optimized for size. For the command syntax you can choice between the families of Wordstar(TM), EMACS, Pico, nedit or vi editors. In Linux the e3 uncompressed executable's size is at 12000 byte, a compressed executable will need around 9000 byte, so you won't waste your disk space ;-) e3 is quite independent of libc and because of its size it is very usable for Mini-Linux distributions and rescue disks. e3 has a numeric calculator built in. Newer e3 versions have the UNDO feature built in. Some features like piping through /bin/sed (using stream editor as a sub process) are currently designed for Linux and *BSD only, anyway this opens e3's door to the world of regular expressions. The 16 bit assembler versions of e3 and the C version are limited to Wordstar keys only.