# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.15 2014/01/13 14:01:58 makoto Exp $ DISTNAME= ghostscript-cidfonts-ryumin-${GS_VERSION} DISTFILES= # empty PKGREVISION= 6 CATEGORIES= fonts MAINTAINER= makoto@ki.nu COMMENT= Enable Ryumin-Light and GothicBBB for ghostscript LICENSE= 2-clause-bsd # in PLIST, just use PKGVERSION_NOREV for the same value GS_RESOURCEDIR= share/ghostscript/${GS_VERSION}/Resource WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/gcr INSTALLATION_DIRS+= ${GS_RESOURCEDIR}/Font INSTALLATION_DIRS+= ${GS_RESOURCEDIR}/Init DEPENDS+= ghostscript>=9.05:../../print/ghostscript DEPENDS+= ghostscript-cidfonts>=20000901nb3:../../fonts/ghostscript-cidfonts BUILD_DEFS+= GS_CIDFMAP # used in options.mk to switch adobe or ttf SUBST_VARS= GCR_INSTALL_TYPE # Set following two variables and buildlink appropriate fonts # GS_CIDFMAP # GCR_INSTALL_TYPE .include "options.mk" .if !empty(GS_CIDFMAP) SUBST_CLASSES+= ttf_path SUBST_STAGE.ttf_path= post-build SUBST_MESSAGE.ttf_path=Fixing ttf install directory in cidfmap SUBST_FILES.ttf_path= ${GS_CIDFMAP} SUBST_SED.ttf_path= -e 's|%%PREFIX%%|${PREFIX}|' .endif # To edit %%PREFIX%% in cidfmap before installation by SUBST, do-build: .if !empty(GS_CIDFMAP) ${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC} ${CP} files/${GS_CIDFMAP} ${WRKSRC} .endif do-install: .if !empty(GS_CIDFMAP) ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/${GS_CIDFMAP} ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/${GS_RESOURCEDIR}/Init/cidfmap .endif # mainly Ryumin and GothicBBB ${INSTALL_DATA} files/${GCR_INSTALL_TYPE}/[GR]* ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/${GS_RESOURCEDIR}/Font # no need to edit cidfmap .if empty(GS_CIDFMAP) NO_BUILD= yes .endif NO_CHECKSUM= yes NO_CONFIGURE= yes # Set options for ghostscript in case the package are not built yet: # But for pbulk, it will override default binary package with this option (?) # No. Probably fails because build already done, and stops with FAIL_REASON being checked below. ## PKGSRC_MAKE_ENV+= PKG_OPTIONS.ghostscript+=disable-compile-inits ## PKG_OPTIONS.ghostscript+= disable-compile-inits # Either above gives no effect, you need set manually on /etc/mk.conf or so. # You may check if this option is enabled or not, by looking the string # 'Initialization file are compiled into the executable.' when 'gs --help |grep Init' # (String above shown means option is NOT selected). .include "../../print/ghostscript/buildlink3.mk" # Following logic is flaky, for looking at PKG_OPTIONS.gs_type now NOT at build time .if !empty(PKG_BUILD_OPTIONS.ghostscript:Mghostscript-agpl) . include "../../print/ghostscript-agpl/Makefile.common" . if empty(PKG_BUILD_OPTIONS.ghostscript-agpl:Mdisable-compile-inits) PKG_FAIL_REASON+= '(agpl) You need to set PKG_OPTIONS.ghostscript+= disable-compile-inits, at its compile time.' . endif .else . include "../../print/ghostscript-gpl/Makefile.common" . if empty(PKG_BUILD_OPTIONS.ghostscript-gpl:Mdisable-compile-inits) PKG_FAIL_REASON+= '(gpl) You need to set PKG_OPTIONS.ghostscript+= disable-compile-inits, at its compile time.' . endif .endif .include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"