* add wsmouse glue * test more video drivers I have encountered problems where the console stops displaying. Sometimes I can switch to another console, and type in stuff but nothing displays. So it can be useful to have 2 consoles logged in as root ahead of time. When the display gets munged, you can switch to the other console and blindly type some commands to recover the console. Before running a svgalib program, /usr/pkg/bin/savetextmode You only need to run this once. Also, do not run the svgalib program on the very first console. If the first console gets hosed, it is hosed for good. Now, if your svgalib application is not displaying, and you cannot exit it, try switching to the other console. You might still see nothing on the screen, but type /usr/pkg/bin/textmode Now you should see what you are typing. But be warned, do not switch back to the svgalib application console. It is still hosed, and you might get stuck permanently. Let's say the first console is console 0, and we avoided the first console and ran the svgalib application on console 1. wsconscfg -d -F 1 wsconscfg -t 80x25 -e vt100 1 pkill -f ttyE1 This forcefully deletes console 1, then re-creates it, then kills the stale getty. Now you can switch to console 1 and press enter a few times to get a login prompt.