# $NetBSD: buildlink3.mk,v 1.1 2004/03/28 07:59:34 bjan2 Exp $ # XXX # XXX This file was created automatically using createbuildlink-3.4. # XXX After this file as been verified as correct, the comment lines # XXX beginning with "XXX" should be removed. Please do not commit # XXX unverified buildlink[23].mk files. # XXX # XXX Packages that only install static libraries or headers should # XXX include the following line: # XXX # XXX BUILDLINK_DEPMETHOD.libtifiles?= build BUILDLINK_DEPTH:= ${BUILDLINK_DEPTH}+ LIBTIFILES_BUILDLINK3_MK:= ${LIBTIFILES_BUILDLINK3_MK}+ .if !empty(BUILDLINK_DEPTH:M+) BUILDLINK_DEPENDS+= libtifiles .endif BUILDLINK_PACKAGES:= ${BUILDLINK_PACKAGES:Nlibtifiles} BUILDLINK_PACKAGES+= libtifiles .if !empty(LIBTIFILES_BUILDLINK3_MK:M+) BUILDLINK_DEPENDS.libtifiles+= libtifiles>=0.5.6 BUILDLINK_PKGSRCDIR.libtifiles?= ../../wip/libtifiles .endif # LIBTIFILES_BUILDLINK3_MK BUILDLINK_DEPTH:= ${BUILDLINK_DEPTH:S/+$//}