# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.7 2005/06/12 23:51:26 kristerw Exp $ # DISTNAME= qcad- # what to do about this numbering? RibbonSoft really seems to use four digits # (there's a for some platforms), though I don't know about the # thing after the hyphen, which always seems to be 1. Can I use four digits? PKGNAME= qcad- .include "./Makefile.common" COMMENT= 2D CAD system GNU_CONFIGURE= yes USE_TOOLS+= gmake CONFIGURE_DIRS= ${WRKSRC}/fparser ${WRKSRC}/dxflib BUILD_DIRS= ${CONFIGURE_DIRS} .for _sfx_ in lib cmd actions guiqt BUILD_DIRS+= ${WRKSRC}/qcad${_sfx_} .endfor BUILD_DIRS+= ${WRKSRC}/qcad MAKE_ENV+= QMAKESPEC=${QTDIR}/mkspecs/default PREPEND_PATH+= ${QTDIR}/bin # I really want this to be post-*patch* where it makes sense, but QTDIR isn't # available until PHASES_AFTER_WRAPPER because it depends on # BUILDLINK_PREFIX.qt3-libs, which buildlink3 sets. Nothing is easy. :) The # patches have replaced old hardcoded paths with fixed cookies @PREFIX@ and # @QTDIR@. The SUBST framework will replace the cookies with the proper # values. Quoting invariants: the SUBST framework adds no quoting to the # SUBST_SED value (not documented but can be gleaned from mk/subst.mk); quoting # is provided here as follows: the escaped-newline real-newline escaped-newline # sequence separating individual sed commands is enclosed in ""s so it is not a # word separator for the shell; sed sees a single trailing blank on the first # command and a single leading blank on the second, neither of which matters. # The constant portions of the sed commands are (by inspection) free of shell # metacharacters; the variable portions ${PREFIX} and ${QTDIR} are subject to # two layers of quoting: S/=/\=/g ensures that any = in their values will be # \-escaped (because = has been chosen for the delimiter in the sed s command), # and then Q ensures that all of that is quoted as necessary to survive the # shell. SUBST_CLASSES+= paths SUBST_STAGE.paths= post-wrapper SUBST_MESSAGE.paths= "Attending to hard-coded paths." SUBST_FILES.paths+= qcadlib/src/engine/rs_system.cpp SUBST_FILES.paths+= qcad/src/qc_applicationwindow.cpp SUBST_SED.paths= s=@PREFIX@=${PREFIX:S/=/\=/g:Q}=g"\ ${.newline}\ "s=@QTDIR@=${QTDIR:S/=/\=/g:Q}=g # Just setting BUILD_DIRS would be adequate if qcad could be built with # "prepare all" in each module, one by one. But qcad needs all modules to # be prepare'd before any can be all'd, so prepare them here in a separate # loop duplicated from do-build. The unmodified do-build then takes care # of the "all". I didn't see an easier way. pre-build: ${_PKG_SILENT}${_PKG_DEBUG}${_ULIMIT_CMD}for DIR in ${BUILD_DIRS} ; do \ ( cd $${DIR} && \ ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${MAKE_PROGRAM} ${BUILD_MAKE_FLAGS} \ -f ${MAKEFILE} prepare ) || exit 1 ; done do-install: ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/qcad/qcad ${PREFIX}/bin ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/qcad cd ${WRKSRC}/qcad && umask 022 && \ ${PAX} -rwpm examples fonts patterns qm ${PREFIX}/share/qcad .include "../../x11/qt3-libs/buildlink3.mk" .include "../../x11/qt3-tools/buildlink3.mk" .include "../../mk/x11.buildlink3.mk" .include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"