# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 2006/06/18 22:14:47 poppnk Exp $ # DISTNAME= wmii-3.1 CATEGORIES= wip wm MASTER_SITES= http://wmii.de/download/ MAINTAINER= pancake@phreaker.net HOMEPAGE= http://wmii.de/download/ COMMENT= Third version of the window manager improved 2 CONFLICTS+= wmii-2.* NO_CONFIGURE= yes SUBST_CLASSES += vars pfx SUBST_STAGE.vars = post-patch SUBST_FILES.vars = cmd/wm/wmii rc/* cmd/wm/wmii.1 SUBST_SED.vars = -e 's|CONFPREFIX|${PREFIX}/etc/|g' SUBST_SED.vars += -e 's|9PREFIX|${PREFIX}|g' SUBST_STAGE.pfx = patch SUBST_FILES.pfx = config.mk SUBST_SED.pfx = -e s,/usr/local,${PREFIX},g SUBST_SED.pfx += -e 's|/usr/X11R6|$${X11BASE}|g' SUBST_SED.pfx += -e 's|/usr/X11R6|$${X11BASE}|g' SUBST_SED.pfx += -e 's|CFLAGS = -O2|CFLAGS+=|g' SUBST_SED.pfx += -e 's|LDFLAGS =|LDFLAGS+=|g' SUBST_SED.pfx += -e 's|share/||' SUBST_SED.pfx += -e 's|-g||g' SUBST_SED.pfx += -e 's|/9||g' SUBST_SED.pfx += -e 's|cc|${CC}|g' # TODO: # # This must probably be fixed. so no files were created in share/examples. # They-r strictly necessary? or is just ok to get them from the $SYSCONFDIR? # #PKG_SYSCONFSUBDIR= wmii-3 #EGDIR= ${PREFIX}/share/examples/wmii-3 #EGFILES= extern kmode quit status welcome wmirc #.for f in ${EGFILES} #CONF_FILES+= ${EGDIR}/${f} ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/${f} #.endfor .include "../../mk/x11.buildlink3.mk" .include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"