Filip Hajny 78c171bda5 Updated wip/rabbitmq to 1.7.1.
Bug fixes:
* Correct various quoting errors in the Windows scripts that caused
  them to fail
* Ensure that stalled ssl negotiation do not block further ssl
  connection acceptance
* Prohibit the (re)declaration of queues that reside on node that is
  currently stopped, thus preventing message loss or duplication when
  that node recovers
* Eliminate race condition in queue auto-deletion, ensuring that it
  has completed before channel/connection closure completes
* Ensure that ack processing cannot stall under heavy load when using
* Make plug-ins and config files work when running as a Windows
* Write crash dumps to a sensible location
  (%APPDATA%\RabbitMQ\erl_crash.dump by default) when running as a
  Windows service
* Get the Windows service to use Erlang/OTP R12B-5 by default, since
  that, rather than R11B-5, is what we ship in the Windows bundle
* Correct formatting of plug-in activation errors
* Make column order of 'rabbitmqctl list_bindings' match the
* Do not escape spaces in rabbitmqctl output
* Prevent vars declared in Windows scripts from polluting the
* Clean up properly when the rabbit Erlang application is stopped,
  thus making it more well-behaved and easier to embed

* Make the various scripts work with complete short node names
* Improve memory monitoring and producer throttling. See the updated
  documentation at
* Make tcp_listeners configurable via the rabbitmq.config file
* Use the base64 module instead of ssl_base64 if we can, since the
  latter is sometimes missing from Erlang installations
* Display pids instead of just nodes in 'rabbitmqctl list_connections'
  and 'rabbitmqctl list_queues', to aid troubleshooting
* Add capability to display the transmitted client_properties in
  'rabbitmqctl list_connections'
* Extend codec with array type ('A')
* Add proper headers to auto-generated code
2010-02-12 12:31:20 +00:00

18 lines
472 B

# $NetBSD:,v 1.2 2010/02/12 12:31:20 fhajny Exp $
.include ""
BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.rabbitmq+= rabbitmq>=1.5.0
BUILDLINK_PKGSRCDIR.rabbitmq?= ../../wip/rabbitmq
BUILDLINK_INCDIRS.rabbitmq?= lib/erlang/lib/rabbitmq_server-${RMQ_VERSION}/include
#.include "../../lang/erlang/"
BUILDLINK_TREE+= -rabbitmq