(Git Version of tcode) TC2 provides T-Code and TUT-Code input methods for Emacs users. T-Code and TUT-Code are called "Kanji Direct Input Method", and designed to be more efficient Japanese input method than Kana-Kanji translation. For more infomation, please look into these web sites. T-Code -> http://openlab.ring.gr.jp/tcode/index.html -> http://groups.google.com/group/tcode TUT-Code -> http://www.crew.sfc.keio.ac.jp/~chk/
14 lines
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14 lines
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$NetBSD: MESSAGE,v 1.1 2013/01/22 13:54:21 makoto Exp $
;; (1) README file in Japanese is at ${PREFIX}/share/tc/README.euc.
;; Please note the email address mentioned is obsolete now.
;; (2) setup file may be at ~/.tc and the sample is at
;; ${PREFIX}/share/examples/tc/sample.tc
;; (3) You may have following line in Emacs init file.
(set-language-environment 'Japanese)
(require 'tc-setup)
;; (4) use C-\ to toggle Japanese/Alphanumeric input
;; (5) Info at M-x info RET mT-code RET
;; (6) The personal setting may be at the value of tcode-data-directory.