Thomas Klausner 75b544e30d Initial import of tutos, "the ultimate team organization software".
Packaged by Alistair G. Crooks, but untested.
2003-06-29 11:40:03 +00:00

624 lines
17 KiB
Raw Blame History

* Copyright 1999 - 2002 by Gero Kohnert
* Global Default Configuration
* ========
* Please do not modify this file. Make your onsite modifications in
* config.pinc which will be read after config_default.pinc
* This file is part of every TUTOS installation and will be overwritten in
* case of new installations.
* config.pinc instead will never be overwritten and is read AFTER config_default.pinc
* CVS Info: $Id: config.pinc,v 2003/06/29 11:40:04 thomasklausner Exp $
* $Author: thomasklausner $
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Database configuration
# On oracle dbname is your instance/tnsname, dbhost is not used
# (it will be resolved by tnsnames)
$tutos[dbname][0] = "tutos";
# The host and port where your apache server will find the database
$tutos[dbhost][0] = "localhost";
# Port where the DB is listening
# Postgres : 5432
# MySQL : 3306
$tutos[dbport][0] = 5432;
# The Database user who runs TUTOS
$tutos[dbuser][0] = "tutos";
# The DB Users password
$tutos[dbpasswd][0] = "";
# dbhome is needed for oracle only !!
#$tutos[dbhome][0] = "/opt/oracle/";
# Type of the database
# 1 = Postgres
# 2 = MySQL
# 3 = Oracle
# 4 = Postgres 7.1
# 7 = Interbase
# 8 = Oracle OCI connection
$tutos[dbtype][0] = 1;
$tutos[dbalias][0] = "Postgres database";
# Should TUTOS encrypt passwords with crypt (see db.pinc)
# 1 = yes (default)
# 0 = no
$tutos[cryptpw][0] = 1;
# The path where tutos stores files
# Please create the directory so that the apache user
# can access it and is allowed to make subdirectories
# Relative paths start at [tutoshome]/
$tutos[repository][0] = "repository";
# You can add more database connections
# by increasing the index from [0] to [1] etc.
# and adding a whole new block.
# Do this in config.pinc only !!
# $tutos[dbname][1] = "tutos2";
# $tutos[dbtype][1] = 1;
# $tutos[dbalias][1] = "Postgres database";
# etc. ......
# --------------------------
# Where to save the session data
# (running on multiple servers/clusters this must be the same for
# all servers !)
# relative path is not allowed here and might not work with some PHP verisons !
# NOTE: It is recommended to change this to something that
# is not readable by everyone !!
# The Apache Process must have READ/WRITE access on that path
# ATTENTION: On Windows Change this to something your system understands !!!
# Like : $tutos[sessionpath] = "c:\\Temp";
$tutos[sessionpath] = "/tmp";
# Logo for the headline
# (Change this to your company logo or whatever you like)
# Height will be resized to 40 pixels !
# logo and logolink are either relative to [tutosdir] or should start with "http:"
# NOTE: a value in the database entry will override these settings !!
# call adminpage -> select DB Name -> Modify -> change -> save
#$tutos[logo] = "html/tutos_small.gif";
$tutos[logo] = ";type=1";
#$tutos[logolink] = "html/copyright.html";
$tutos[logolink] = "";
# The default timezone
# This is the timezone where your database is running
# For timezone names see near the end of this file.
$tutos[defaultTZ] = "Europe/London";
# Proxy Definition
# if your server (that one running the scripts) needs
# an proxy to access outside world
# (leave hostname empty in no proxy is needed)
$tutos[proxyhost] = "";
$tutos[proxyport] = 3128;
# Maximum number of rows to show in overviews
# 15 (default)
$tutos[maxshow] = 15;
# Maximum number of rows to show in detail pages (before making an
# overview link). Works with notes, files, appointments, tasks ...
# 3 (default)
$tutos[maxshort] = 3;
# Time to live
# The number of minutes an inactive user can reappear
# until a new login is required
# 240 minutes (default) = 4 hours
$tutos[timetolive] = 240;
# How long a bug may be open before a remember mail will be sent
# 0 = disabled
# Other values: Minutes before mail is sent (via check.php and crontab)
# 240 minutes = 4 hours (default)
$tutos[bugremember] = 0;
# a rule how to build the displayed bugid
# X is substituted by the next value of the bugname sequencer oof the database
# all other values are handeld like the strftime function of PHP
# (see )
# %Y year with four digits
# %m month 01-12
# a empty value "" falls back to the old mechanism with bugid from the main TUTOS
# ID generator
# NOTE: a value in the database entry will override this setting !!
$tutos[bugautoname] = "%Y-%m-X";
# Allow deletion of bugs
# 0 = no
# 1 = yes
$tutos[bugdelete] = 1;
# You may want to see tasks in calendar?
# tasks in calendar ( == 1)
# no tasks in calendar ( == 0)
$tutos[tasksincalendar] = 0;
# Support for mailing lost passwords
# (this requires a functional mail support !)
# 0 = no support
# 1 = send old pw if possible (see cryptpw above)
# 2 = always generate a new one
$tutos[pwlostsupport] = 1;
# Authentification by PAM using the php PAM extension from
# 0 = do not use pamauth
$tutos[pamauth] = 0;
$tutos[pamservice] = "tutos";
# LDAP configuration
# 0 = check standard database
# 1 = check ldauthserver for password verification
$tutos[ldapauth] = 0;
# encrypted passwords
# 1 = yes
$tutos[ldapauth_pw_enc] = 1;
$tutos[ldapauthserver]['host'] = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];
$tutos[ldapauthserver]['port'] = 389;
$tutos[ldapauthserver]['basedn'] = "ou=mail,ou=user,o=cvf";
$tutos[ldapauthserver]['userdn'] = "uid";
# Use a filter to find user. Uncomment and modify if needed
# The only available replacement is %u for user login name
$tutos[ldapauthserver]['filter'] = "(&(uid=%u)(resources=tutos))";
# use given user/passwd pair to bind the LDAP server
# 0 = no
# 1 = yes
$tutos[ldapauth_user] = 0;
# do anonymous bind to ldpauthserver
# 1 = yes
# 0 = use tutos[ldapauthserver]['binddn']
# and tutos[ldapauthserver]['passwd']
$tutos[ldapauth_anonymous] = 1;
$tutos[ldapauthserver]['binddn'] = "ou=adminprs,ou=ldap,ou=user,o=cvf";
$tutos[ldapauthserver]['passwd'] = "XXXX";
# list of LDAP servers for address searching
# reset lists
$tutos[ldapserver] = array();
$tutos[ldapport] = array();
$tutos[ldapserver][0] = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];
$tutos[ldapport][0] = 389;
# You may add your own ldap stuff
# by simply increasing the index [0] to other values
# AGAIN: do this in config.pinc not in config_default.pinc
# (for examples of public ldap servers README.ldap)
# Support for X.509v3-Certs (this is alpha)
# make sure this settings in apache-httpd.conf or .htaccess:
# SSLOptions +FakeBasicAuth
# needs openssl-support in php
# in this first version authentification is done by checking .htaccess and FakeBasicAuth
# in future certs are stored in userdata -> todo
$tutos[x509auth] = 0;
# auth by http
# (beta) logout won't work
$tutos[httpauth] = 0;
# Mail features
# Mode 0 = no mail
# Mode 1 = via sendmail
# Mode 2 = via SMTP
$tutos[mailmode] = 2;
# for auth use pop before smtp
# (only useful in mailmode 2)
# 1 = do pop auth
# 0 = no pop auth
$tutos[popbeforesmtp] = 0;
$tutos[popbeforesmtp_user] = "tutos";
$tutos[popbeforesmtp_pass] = "tutos";
# Mode 1
# Where to find sendmail
# Set this to something nonexistant to disable mailing
$tutos[sendmail] = "/usr/lib/sendmail";
# Mode 2
# The name or IP of the SMTP server
$tutos[smtphost] = "localhost";
# Fax features
# you have to install the HDL_fax package to use this
# (Disable this with usefax below)
# Mode 1 = via faxspool (from the mgetty package)
# Mode 2 = via mail (see above)
$tutos[faxmode] = 1;
# Mode 1
# Where to find faxspool
# Set tutos[usefax] to 0 to disable faxing
# (This is preconfigured to work with the mgetty/sendfax package)
$tutos[faxspool] = "/usr/bin/faxspool";
# Mode 2
# Mailaddress to send the fax to
# A @NR@ String in the mailaddress will be replaced by the faxnumber
# Set tutos[usefax] to 0 to disable faxing
# (This is preconfigured to work with mail2fax from the mgetty package)
# To adapt the fax mechanism look at [tutosdir]/fax_ins.php
$tutos[faxmail] = "";
$tutos[faxmail_user] = "tutos";
$tutos[faxmail_pass] = "xxx";
# $tutos[faxmail] = "[FAX:@NR@]";
# SMS Mail
# if you have a Mail2SMS Gateway enter the mail address below
# @NR@ will be replaced with the phone number
# You have to install the HDL_sms package to use this
# disable this by setting to empty string
# $tutos[smsmail] = "";
$tutos[smsmail] = "";
# Path to overlib javascript package (used for small popup windows)
# See
# Path is relative to [tutoshome]/
$tutos[overlib] = "html/overlib.js";
# Path to jpgraph, to be able to draw PNG Gantts
# relative from php directory
$tutos[jpgraph] = "jpgraph/src";
# wvHtml et al used for file management in file.pinc
# You will find wordview or wv at
# TUTOS checks if these programs are executable
# $tutos[wvHtml] = "/usr/local/bin/wvHtml";
# The following requires wv version 0.6.4
$tutos[wvHtml] = "@PREFIX@/bin/wvWare";
$tutos[wvSummary] = "@PREFIX@/bin/wvSummary";
# Display xfig files
$tutos[fig2dev] = "@X11BASE@/bin/fig2dev";
# Display/Info for TIFF-Files
# convert from ImageMagick
# tiffinfo from tiff-3.5.5
$tutos[tiffConvert] = "@PREFIX@/bin/convert";
$tutos[tiffSummary] = "@PREFIX@/bin/tiffinfo";
# Version control in file management
# ci is part of RCS
$tutos[ci] = "/usr/bin/ci";
# Currencies we know (first one will be default)
# (4 Characters)
# Here you can add whatever you want (default is the first one)
$tutos[currencies] = array();
$tutos[currencies][] = "EUR";
$tutos[currencies][] = "DM";
$tutos[currencies][] = "US$";
$tutos[currencies][] = "Lit";
$tutos[currencies][] = "AUS$";
$tutos[currencies][] = "<22>";
$tutos[currencies][] = "FF";
$tutos[currencies][] = "YEN";
$tutos[currencies][] = "HK$";
# Sequence of (possible) fields in product overview.
# (First field will appear in first column)
$tutos[prodfields] = array();
$tutos[prodfields][] = "name";
$tutos[prodfields][] = "version";
$tutos[prodfields][] = "seller";
$tutos[prodfields][] = "manager";
$tutos[prodfields][] = "customer";
$tutos[prodfields][] = "supplier";
$tutos[prodfields][] = "reseller";
$tutos[prodfields][] = "partner";
$tutos[prodfields][] = "desc";
$tutos[prodfields][] = "desc1";
$tutos[prodfields][] = "desc2";
$tutos[prodfields][] = "cl1";
$tutos[prodfields][] = "cl2";
$tutos[prodfields][] = "state";
$tutos[prodfields][] = "probability";
$tutos[prodfields][] = "price";
$tutos[prodfields][] = "cost";
$tutos[prodfields][] = "creator";
$tutos[prodfields][] = "creation";
$tutos[prodfields][] = "p_start";
$tutos[prodfields][] = "p_end";
$tutos[prodfields][] = "pbugs";
# Boolean, true if you want users to always fill in projects/products
# classification fields.
$tutos[classify_products] = 0;
# Available themes for TUTOS (see [tutosdir]/html*.css)
# (The default theme will be the first one in this list)
$tutos[themes] = array();
$tutos[themes][] = "blue";
$tutos[themes][] = "tutos";
$tutos[themes][] = "red";
$tutos[themes][] = "white";
# Available layout engines for TUTOS (see [tutosdir]/php/layout/)
# (The default theme will be the first one in this list)
$tutos[layouts] = array();
$tutos[layouts][] = "classic_layout";
$tutos[layouts][] = "test_layout";
# Timezones in TUTOS (these timezones must be known to your OS !!)
# (Max length 30 Characters)
$tutos[timezones] = array();
# (On linux you may find timezone names in /usr/share/zoneinfo/)
# Windows Users please look some lines below
$tutos[timezones][] = "Europe/London";
$tutos[timezones][] = "Europe/Berlin";
$tutos[timezones][] = "Europe/Warsaw";
$tutos[timezones][] = "Europe/Rome";
$tutos[timezones][] = "Europe/Paris";
$tutos[timezones][] = "Europe/Moscow";
$tutos[timezones][] = "Europe/Helsinki";
$tutos[timezones][] = "GMT";
$tutos[timezones][] = "US/Pacific";
$tutos[timezones][] = "US/Central";
$tutos[timezones][] = "US/Eastern";
$tutos[timezones][] = "US/Mountain";
$tutos[timezones][] = "US/Hawaii";
$tutos[timezones][] = "Asia/Singapore";
$tutos[timezones][] = "Asia/Hong_Kong";
$tutos[timezones][] = "Asia/Tehran";
$tutos[timezones][] = "Asia/Tokyo";
$tutos[timezones][] = "Australia/Sydney";
$tutos[timezones][] = "Australia/Perth";
# Running the server on Windows you should use this !
# $tutos[timezones][] = "EST5EDT";
# $tutos[timezones][] = "CST6CDT";
# $tutos[timezones][] = "MST7MDT";
# $tutos[timezones][] = "PST8PDT";
# Default start of week
# 0 = Sunday
# 1 = Monday
$tutos[weekstart] = 1;
# Holidays
# 0 = disable set
# 1 = enable set
# users can enable/disable their own sets out of the sets that where
# enabled here
$tutos[holiday]['AU'] = 0;
$tutos[holiday]['BE'] = 0;
$tutos[holiday]['CH'] = 0;
$tutos[holiday]['DE'] = 1;
$tutos[holiday]['DE_AT'] = 1;
$tutos[holiday]['EN_UK'] = 1;
$tutos[holiday]['ES'] = 0;
$tutos[holiday]['FR'] = 1;
$tutos[holiday]['HU'] = 0;
$tutos[holiday]['IT'] = 0;
$tutos[holiday]['KO'] = 0;
$tutos[holiday]['MX'] = 0;
$tutos[holiday]['NI'] = 0;
$tutos[holiday]['NL'] = 0;
$tutos[holiday]['PL'] = 0;
$tutos[holiday]['RU'] = 0;
$tutos[holiday]['US'] = 1;
$tutos[holiday]['JA'] = 0;
$tutos[holiday]['HK'] = 0;
$tutos[holiday]['CS'] = 0;
# Namedays
# 0 = disable set
# 1 = enable set
# users can enable/disable their own set out of the sets that where
# enabled here
$tutos[nameday]['PL'] = 1;
$tutos[nameday]['DE'] = 1;
$tutos[nameday]['NL'] = 1;
$tutos[nameday]['HU'] = 1;
$tutos[nameday]['CS'] = 1;
# Location types for appointments
# 1 = show description in calendar
# 0 = do not show description in calendar
# Colors depend on style sheets
$tutos[applocdesc][0] = 1;
$tutos[applocdesc][1] = 1;
$tutos[applocdesc][2] = 0;
$tutos[applocdesc][3] = 0;
$tutos[applocdesc][4] = 1;
$tutos[applocdesc][5] = 0;
$tutos[applocdesc][6] = 0;
# Project roles
# Define where to search for given names
# a = search addresses
# t = search teams
# c = search companies
# d = search departments
# p = search other products
$tutos[rolecheck][1] = "at";
$tutos[rolecheck][2] = "at";
$tutos[rolecheck][3] = "at";
$tutos[rolecheck][4] = "at";
$tutos[rolecheck][5] = "at";
$tutos[rolecheck][6] = "atcd";
$tutos[rolecheck][7] = "atcd";
$tutos[rolecheck][8] = "atcd";
$tutos[rolecheck][9] = "atcd";
$tutos[rolecheck][10] = "p";
$tutos[rolecheck][11] = "p";
$tutos[rolecheck][12] = "p";
$tutos[rolecheck][13] = "p";
# Enable/Disable parts of TUTOS
# 1 = enable
# 0 = disable (you still have to install everything)
$tutos[usebugtracking] = 1;
$tutos[usetaskmanagement] = 1;
$tutos[usemaplink] = 1;
$tutos[useprojects] = 1;
$tutos[usecalendar] = 1;
$tutos[usetimetrack] = 1;
$tutos[usefax] = 0;
$tutos[usesms] = 1;
$tutos[useoverlib] = 1;
$tutos[useaddressbook] = 1;
# usemail decides whether mailinks point to mailto: (usemail = 0)
# or internal mail forms (usemail = 1)
$tutos[usemail] = 1;
$tutos[usevcard] = 1;
$tutos[useical] = 1;
$tutos[usejpgraph] = 1;
$tutos[usehistory] = 1;
# Database Sync Feature
$tutos[usesync] = 1;
# Extension Handler (enable these lines in your config file)
#$tutos[handler]['city']['mapquest'] = 'mapquest/mapquest.pinc';
#$tutos[handler]['city']['pw'] = 'phpweather/pw.pinc';
#$tutos[handler]['fax']['fax'] = 'fax/fax.pinc';
#$tutos[handler]['phone']['sms'] = 'sms/sms.pinc';
#$tutos[handler]['phone']['fax'] = 'fax/fax.pinc';
#$tutos[handler]['country']['cia'] = 'cia_factbook/cia.pinc';
# Allow Massupdates in overviews
# allow = 1
# disallow = 0
$tutos[massupdate] = 1;
# Default permissions for newly created objects
# (For products, files, installations, bugs)
# 0 = everybody can see it
# 1 = all teams of the creator can see it
# 2 = no default-acl, defaultgroups from db
$tutos[defaultacl] = 2;
# Check ACL-Permissions by using Sub-Select in DB
# for all overview-statements
# should be set by $tutos[db...][0..n] later
# !! not completly implemented yet
# this will use a subselect-statement in DB
# for mysql-user: "Subselects are currently being implemented in the 4.1 development tree."
$tutos[use_check_dbacl] = 0;
# Login will be insert a entry into table lastlogins
# !! not completly implemented yet
#$tutos[use_login_log] = 1;
# Set tutos[demo] to 0 for real work !
# Setting it to 1 will disable changes of user settings, permissions and
# sending mails, etc. (that"s what you see in our online demo)
# Doing some debugging logs in messages tables
# (This will fill the messages table and the file $tutos[errlog])
# Where to put the log output for developing and bughunting
# ATTENTION: On Windows Change this to something your system understands !!!
# Like : $tutos[errlog] = "c:\\Temp\\debug";
# TUTOS will create some files that are named like /tmp/debug.out and /tmp/debug.out.log
# You have to remove old versions of these files by your own !
$tutos[errlog] = "/tmp/debug.out";
# Doing some debugging in a browser-window
# this is alpha and only tested within mozilla 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.1a) Gecko/20020610'
# at time, there only a few debug-tags in sourcecode
# The TUTOS Version number