Hiramatsu Yoshifumi df1c11b42c Update p5-Exception-Base to 0.2401.
Changes from previous:

0.2401 | Piotr Roszatycki <> | 2010-09-30


* Builds on Perl 5.13.4 with (?^...) regex construct.

0.24 | Piotr Roszatycki <> | 2009-12-13


* Setting the default value via exception class makes changes only for this
  class.  It is possible to redefine the default verbosity for i.e.
  Exception::Died class and it won't change the default verbosity for

0.23 | Piotr Roszatycki <> | 2009-10-20


* Method "catch" has optional argument.  It recovers an exception from this
  argument or from "$@" variable by default.

0.2202 | Piotr Roszatycki <> | 2009-08-13


* The smart matching operator "~~" requires second argument to be a scalar for
  Perl >= 5.10.1.

0.2201 | Piotr Roszatycki <> | 2009-04-02


* Method "match" works correctly if attribute contains ArrayRef.


* POD is mixed with rest of code.

0.22 | Piotr Roszatycki <> | 2009-03-24


* sprintf is used if "message" attribute is an array reference.

  Exception::Base->throw( message => ['Failed in %s', __PACKAGE__] );


* Build requires Test::Unit::Lite 0.21.

0.21 | Piotr Roszatycki <> | 2008-12-08


* Skip ignored packages for verbosity level 2.

* Verbosity level can not be changed.  Reset internal cache with classes
  defaults after the default value was changed.


* Method "import" was refactored.

0.20 | Piotr Roszatycki <> | 2008-12-05


* Major API changes.

* New methods to_number/to_string replaced numerify/stringify.

* New method get_caller_stacktrace replaced _caller_backtrace.

* New method: to_bool.

* New internal function qualify_to_ref() which uses Symbol module if it is

* Read-only attributes can be defined with pragma interface.


* Removed methods: try, with.

* Removed export of try/catch/throw methods and :all tag.


* Reference arguments stored as caller_stack are weakened if it is possible.

* catch method takes no arguments.

0.1901 | Piotr Roszatycki <> | 2008-10-13


* Some warnings disabled.

* Added missing test file to manifest.

* Some POD errors fixed.


* Updated bundled Test::Unit::Lite to 0.1002.

0.19 | Piotr Roszatycki <> | 2008-10-08


* Don't create package if it is loaded correcly.


* Cleaned up "with" method.

* Updated bundled Test::Unit::Lite to 0.1001.

0.18 | Piotr Roszatycki <> | 2008-10-08


* New method "matches" and overloaded operator "~~" are similar to
  "with" method and can be used with new "given" syntax.

  eval { Exception::Base->throw( message => "foo" ) };
  if ($@) {
    my $e = Exception::Base->catch;
    given ($e) {
      when ({ message => "foo" }) { warn "has a foo message"; }
      when ("Exception::Base")    { warn "is an Exception::Base"; }

* The exception class can be created with "import" interface in own package.

  package Exception::My;
  use Exception::Base (__PACKAGE__) =>
    'has' => 'myattr',

* New attribute "stringify_attributes" defines attributes which create
  string returned by stringify method.

  use Exception::Base 'Exception::WithReason' =>
    'has' => 'reason',
    stringify_attributes => ['message', 'reason'],
  eval { Exception::WithReason->(
    message => "My message",
    reason  => "My reason",
  print $@->stringify;  # "My message: My reason"

* The default value for new attribute defined with "has" keyword with "import"
  interface can be set in the same statement.

  use Exception::Base 'Exception::WithDefaultValue' =>
    'has' => 'value',
    'value' => 'Default value',


* The "with" and "try" methods return empty string instead "0" as false

* Removed private methods "__stringify" and "__numerify". The methods
  "stringify" and "numerify" overloads "q{""}" and "0+" operators.

* New meta-attribute "numeric_attribute" which contains the name of attribute
  which represents exception object in numeric context.

* New constant RE_NUM_IN.

* Updated bundled Test::Unit::Lite to 0.10.

0.1702 | Piotr Roszatycki <> | 2008-05-28


* Fix some "undefined value" warning.

0.1701 | Piotr Roszatycki <> | 2008-05-12

* Corrected documentation.

0.17 | Piotr Roszatycki <> | 2008-05-11


* The "catch" method doesn't rethrow a caught exception.  The reference to
  array is no longer an argument for the method.  The class name means that
  caught non-exception will be converted to this class.


* The "with" method supports "-isa" and "-has" keyword. Value can be a
  reference to array which means any value matches.


* Show full propagated stack for verbosity = 4.
* The "with" method matches the default_attribute if one argument is given.

0.16 | Piotr Roszatycki <> | 2008-05-07


* The FIELD constant was renamed to ATTRS as far as every OO language calls it
  attributes.  All derived classes should use ATTRS constant instead of FIELD
* An unknown attribute will be ignored instead to be part of properties
  attribute.  You can create additional exception class which supports these
* Removed eval_error attribute.  If the error stack is empty, the catch method
  recover $@ variable into attribute pointed by eval_attribute.
* The catch method returns $@ variable if error stack is empty.
* The _stringify private method renamed to __stringify.  It might be important
  for derived classes which overloads q{""}.


* New attribute value which can contain numeric value.
* The exception object can be used in bool, numeric or string context.  The
  bool value is always true.  The numeric value returns the content of value


* The default verbosity for stringification of exception object is 0.
* The _stringify private method was renamed to __stringify.
* The try method clears $@ variable.
* If throw method is called with one argument, its value is stored in
  attribute pointed by default_attribute.


* Support for threads module.

0.15 | Piotr Roszatycki <> | 2008-04-19


* throw() method is exported with ":all" tag.  It can break the code which
  uses indirect notation.


* Drop indirect notation is POD and code.

0.14 | Piotr Roszatycki <> | 2008-04-13


* New verbosity level 4. Always dumps full stack trace. The ignore_package and
  ignore_level has meaning only for first line of the error message.
* New field ignore_class which filters stack trace.
* New syntax for import. The default values (verbosity, message, ignore_*,
  ...) can be replaced or changed based on previous value.
* Show package in stack trace.


* Updated bundled Test::Unit::Lite to 0.0903.
2013-05-15 06:01:24 +00:00

5 lines
270 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.2 2013/05/15 06:01:25 jgoamakf Exp $
SHA1 (Exception-Base-0.2401.tar.gz) = 2144ccb6293df873b39277190c85493bca100074
RMD160 (Exception-Base-0.2401.tar.gz) = d38c21b65a60bc58675f29b2ff55bb0d46e0c49f
Size (Exception-Base-0.2401.tar.gz) = 56994 bytes