Johann Franz 2fe91672f4 Update to 1.09.
Changes from 1.01:
1.09 (2007/02/07)
    *   (ms) Added $^S check to FAQ, as suggested by J. David Blackstone.
    *   (ms) Applied Robert Jacobson's patch for the "DDD" formatter
             in L4p::DateFormats, which now formats the day-of-year values
             numerically and precedes them with zeroes if necessary.
    *   (ms) Added %M{x} PatternLayout notation as requested by
             Ankur Gupta.
    *   (ms) Another Win32 test suite fix, no longer deleting an open
             file but moving it aside (rt.cpan:23520).

1.08 2006/11/18
    *   (ms) Applied test suite patch by Lars Thegler for
             ancient perl 5.005_03.
    *   (ms) Applied patch by Jeremy Bopp to fix test suite running
             under Cygwin.
    *   (ms) Fixed documentation bug in L4p:Appender::File,
             s/recreate_signal/recreate_check_signal. Thanks to
             Todd Chapman and Robert Jacobson for reporting this.
    *   (ms) Fixed init(), which now deletes any config file watchers
             left over from previous init_and_watch() calls. Reported
             by Andreas Koenig who saw sporadic errors in the test suite,

1.07 2006/10/11
    *   (ms) Removed checks for unlink() in t/017Watch.t since they
             failed on win32.
    *   (ms) Fixed doc bug in Appender::File reported by Robert
    *   (ms) Added FAQ on why to use Log4perl and not another
             logging system on CPAN.
    *   (ms) Fixed %M, %L, etc. level in logcarp/cluck/croak/confess
             (thanks to Ateeq Altaf)
    *   (ms) Autocorrecting rootlogger/rootLogger typo
    *   (ms) Better warning on missing loggers in config sanity check

1.06 2006/07/18
    *   (ms) Applied patch by Robert Jacobson to fix day-of-year in
             DateFormat, which was off by one.
    *   (ms) Added FAQ on syslog
    *   (ms) umask values for the file appender are now also accepted
             in octal form (0xxx).
    *   (ms) The file appender now accepts owner/group settings of
             newly created log files.
    *   (ms) Fixed appender cleanup, a bug caused composite appenders
             to be cleaned up during global destruction, which caused an
             ugly segfault with the Synchronized appender on FreeBSD.

1.05 2006/06/10
    *   (ms) Added recreate signal handler to L4p::Appender::File for
             newsyslog support. Two new FAQ entries on dealing with
             newsyslog and log files being removed by external apps.
    *   (ms) L4p::Config::Watch no longer sets the global $SIGNAL_CAUGHT by
             default but uses an instance variable instead to prevent
             clobbering L4p's config and watch mechanism.
    *   (ms) die() on undefined configuration (rt 18103 by
    *   (ms) Hugh Esco submitted a FAQ on where to put logfiles
    *   (ms) Applied patch provided by Chia-liang Kao to suppress an error
             message and skip tests in the suite when DBI is missing.

1.04 2006/02/26
    *  (ms) Duplicate log4perl directives, which previously just overwrote
            existing ones, are no longer permitted and cause the config
            parser to throw an error.
    *  (ms) If a conversion pattern was specified twice in a config
            file, the output was "ARRAY(0x804da00)" (bug reported by
            Bill Mason). Now, gobbling up property configurator values
            into an array is limited to appender properties and
            excludes the conversion pattern.
    *  (ms) Multiple calls to import (usually happens if 'use L4p' gets
            called twice within the same namespace) caused nasty warnings,
            bug reported by Greg Olszewski. Fixed by ignoring subsequent
            calls from the same package to import().
    *  (ms) Changed rendering of logdie/warn/cluck/croak/... messages
            to fix a bug reported by Martin J. Evans.
    *  (ms) Added a L4p::Appender::String appender to handle the
            rendering internally.
    *  (ms) Documentation patch by Matisse Enzer on increased/
            decreased log levels.
    *  (ms) Fixed stack trace level of logcarp()
    *  (ms) Carl Franks reported that the test suite failed on WinXP SP2
            because of a hardcoded /tmp - fixed by File::Spec->tempdir().
    *  (ms) Added reconnect_attempts and reconnect_sleep parameters to
            DBI appender.
    *  (ms) Bugfix for #17886 (tmp files in test suite)

1.03 (2006/01/30)
    * (ms) Some perl-5.6.1 installations have a buggy Skipping
           4 test cases for these. Reported by Andy Ford and Matisse Enzer.
    * (ms) The DBI appender now reconnects on stale DB connections.
    * (ms) Fixed Win32 test bug as reported in
  by barbie.
           Instead of deleting a file still in use by an appender (which
           Windows doesn't like), the file gets now truncated.

1.02 (2005/12/10)
    * (ms) Adapted t/006Config-Java.t to cope with Win32 path separators
    * (ms) Corrected typo in Chainsaw FAQ, reported by Bernd Dirksen.
    * (ms) Brian Edwards noticed that (Screen, File) were missing a
           base class declaration, causing $logger->add_appender() to
           fail. Fixed with test case.
    * (ms) Log::Log4perl::Appender::File now handles the case where the
           logfile suddenly disappears.
    * (ms) Fixed section indentation in main man page
    * (ms) Converted Ceki's last name to UTF-8 (a historic step!)
2007-03-03 05:12:51 +00:00

5 lines
257 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.4 2007/03/03 05:12:51 netcap Exp $
SHA1 (Log-Log4perl-1.09.tar.gz) = f13ea47941dab5272951ba6f296b9a74e71ee92b
RMD160 (Log-Log4perl-1.09.tar.gz) = a20c380c3b88f0e3267dadb339b8eb495ae5c7de
Size (Log-Log4perl-1.09.tar.gz) = 222008 bytes