2007-01-05 19:41:49 +00:00

1688 lines
35 KiB

# $Id: Makefile,v 1.2469 2007/01/05 19:41:49 kristerw Exp $
COMMENT= WIP pkgsrc packages
SUBDIR+= Chinput
SUBDIR+= LabPlot
SUBDIR+= MyServer
SUBDIR+= PPower4
SUBDIR+= PyBabelFish
SUBDIR+= Pythonol
SUBDIR+= R-Rserve
SUBDIR+= R-rgdal
SUBDIR+= Radiator
SUBDIR+= Radiator-all
SUBDIR+= ReZound
SUBDIR+= Redland-rdf
SUBDIR+= SDL-doc-html
SUBDIR+= SDL-doc-ps
SUBDIR+= SDL-intro
SUBDIR+= SDL-intro-cn
SUBDIR+= SDL-intro-de
SUBDIR+= SDL-intro-es
SUBDIR+= SDL-intro-fr
SUBDIR+= SDL-intro-it
SUBDIR+= SDL-intro-jp
SUBDIR+= SDL-intro-pt
SUBDIR+= SDL-intro-ru
SUBDIR+= Siesta
SUBDIR+= abclock
SUBDIR+= abuse_sdl
SUBDIR+= acpid
SUBDIR+= adamem
SUBDIR+= admsmb
SUBDIR+= aespipe
SUBDIR+= afflib
SUBDIR+= aida
SUBDIR+= aircrack
SUBDIR+= aircrack-ng
SUBDIR+= airsnort
SUBDIR+= alex
SUBDIR+= alive
SUBDIR+= alsa-lib
SUBDIR+= alsa-utils
SUBDIR+= am-utils
SUBDIR+= and
SUBDIR+= aols-freetds
SUBDIR+= aols-openssl
SUBDIR+= aols-postgres
SUBDIR+= aolserver
SUBDIR+= aolserver4
SUBDIR+= ap-bunzip2
SUBDIR+= ap-choke
SUBDIR+= ap-evasive
SUBDIR+= ap-frontpage
SUBDIR+= ap-macro
SUBDIR+= ap-ometer
SUBDIR+= ap2-auth-imap
SUBDIR+= ap2-auth-pam
SUBDIR+= ap2-encoding
SUBDIR+= ap2-evasive
SUBDIR+= ap2-fcgid
SUBDIR+= ap2-jk2
SUBDIR+= ap2-layout
SUBDIR+= ap2-limitipconn
SUBDIR+= ap2-macro
SUBDIR+= ap2-zeroconf
SUBDIR+= apachebench2
SUBDIR+= apstget
SUBDIR+= argouml
SUBDIR+= arla-3.99.14
SUBDIR+= artemis
SUBDIR+= atftp
SUBDIR+= audacity-devel
SUBDIR+= autocutsel
SUBDIR+= autoproject
SUBDIR+= avahi
SUBDIR+= avida2
SUBDIR+= avifile-devel
SUBDIR+= awflwm
SUBDIR+= axe
SUBDIR+= azureus
SUBDIR+= backplane
SUBDIR+= barnyard
SUBDIR+= bashdb
SUBDIR+= bastard
SUBDIR+= bastille
SUBDIR+= beast
SUBDIR+= bin86
SUBDIR+= bincimap
SUBDIR+= biopython
SUBDIR+= bioruby
SUBDIR+= bison13
SUBDIR+= blassic
SUBDIR+= blueproxy
SUBDIR+= bluez-gnome
SUBDIR+= bluez-hcidump
SUBDIR+= bluez-hciemu
SUBDIR+= bluez-libs
SUBDIR+= bluez-utils
SUBDIR+= bmap
SUBDIR+= bmp-docklet
SUBDIR+= bmpx
SUBDIR+= bmpx-xine
SUBDIR+= bnr2
SUBDIR+= boa
SUBDIR+= boinc-client
SUBDIR+= boinc-lib
SUBDIR+= bouml
SUBDIR+= bridge-utils
SUBDIR+= briquolo
SUBDIR+= brltty
SUBDIR+= bscript
SUBDIR+= bsfilter
SUBDIR+= bss
SUBDIR+= btscanner
SUBDIR+= bub-n-bros
SUBDIR+= busybox
SUBDIR+= bwm-ng
SUBDIR+= c-news
SUBDIR+= c2hs
SUBDIR+= c2html
SUBDIR+= cabal
SUBDIR+= cabot
SUBDIR+= cairo-java
SUBDIR+= calcurse
SUBDIR+= cawf
SUBDIR+= cb2bib
SUBDIR+= ccid
SUBDIR+= ccrtp
SUBDIR+= ccrypt
SUBDIR+= cdogs
SUBDIR+= cdpr
SUBDIR+= cdrtools-devel
SUBDIR+= cfengine
SUBDIR+= chbg
SUBDIR+= chora
SUBDIR+= chromium
SUBDIR+= chromium-data
SUBDIR+= chrsh
SUBDIR+= cinelerra
SUBDIR+= cjk-latex
SUBDIR+= cjk-latex-wadalab
SUBDIR+= clamassassin
SUBDIR+= clhep
SUBDIR+= clockspeed
SUBDIR+= clustalx
SUBDIR+= com_err
SUBDIR+= commoncpp2
SUBDIR+= compare
SUBDIR+= confuse
SUBDIR+= cops
SUBDIR+= copytape
SUBDIR+= cpphs
SUBDIR+= crafty
SUBDIR+= cream
SUBDIR+= cryptcat
SUBDIR+= csoap
SUBDIR+= csstidy
SUBDIR+= csup
SUBDIR+= cvs-syncmail
SUBDIR+= cvs20hg
SUBDIR+= cvs2darcs
SUBDIR+= cvsproxy
SUBDIR+= cvstrac
SUBDIR+= cvsutils
SUBDIR+= d4x
SUBDIR+= dansguardian
SUBDIR+= daphne
SUBDIR+= darcnes-svgalib
SUBDIR+= db1
SUBDIR+= dbf
SUBDIR+= dbvi
SUBDIR+= ddate
SUBDIR+= debian_base
SUBDIR+= debian_glib
SUBDIR+= debian_gtk
#SUBDIR+= debian_linux # not a real package
SUBDIR+= debian_x11
SUBDIR+= dfbpoint
SUBDIR+= dfbsee
SUBDIR+= dia2code
SUBDIR+= dicom3tools
SUBDIR+= dict-client
SUBDIR+= dict-est-rus
SUBDIR+= dict-freedict-eng-fra
SUBDIR+= dict-mueller7
SUBDIR+= dict-server
SUBDIR+= dictem
SUBDIR+= ding
SUBDIR+= directfb
SUBDIR+= directory-administrator
SUBDIR+= distella
SUBDIR+= diveintopython
SUBDIR+= dmd-bin
SUBDIR+= dnrd
SUBDIR+= dnswalk
SUBDIR+= docbook-xsl-ko
SUBDIR+= doorman
SUBDIR+= drow
SUBDIR+= drpython
SUBDIR+= dumb
SUBDIR+= dvbsnoop
SUBDIR+= dwepcrack
SUBDIR+= dwm
SUBDIR+= dxmake
SUBDIR+= e00pg
SUBDIR+= e16keyedit
SUBDIR+= e16menuedit
SUBDIR+= e2fsprogs
SUBDIR+= easymesh
SUBDIR+= eboard
SUBDIR+= eboard-extras
SUBDIR+= ecasound
SUBDIR+= eciadsl-usermode
SUBDIR+= ecl
SUBDIR+= editline
SUBDIR+= eic
SUBDIR+= ejabberd
SUBDIR+= ejourn
SUBDIR+= electricsheep
SUBDIR+= emacs-current
SUBDIR+= emacs-jabber
SUBDIR+= emboss
SUBDIR+= emboss-base
SUBDIR+= emboss-domainatrix
SUBDIR+= emboss-emnu
SUBDIR+= emboss-hmmer
SUBDIR+= emboss-java
SUBDIR+= emboss-meme
SUBDIR+= emboss-mse
SUBDIR+= emboss-phylip
SUBDIR+= emboss-topo
SUBDIR+= embryo
SUBDIR+= emelfm2
SUBDIR+= emirror
SUBDIR+= endeavour
SUBDIR+= engine-pkcs11
SUBDIR+= ent
SUBDIR+= eot
SUBDIR+= epplets
SUBDIR+= erc
SUBDIR+= esdl
SUBDIR+= ethtool
SUBDIR+= evolution-sharp
SUBDIR+= ezbounce
SUBDIR+= ezstream
SUBDIR+= fakenes
SUBDIR+= fasta
SUBDIR+= fbida
SUBDIR+= fbpager
SUBDIR+= fbpanel
SUBDIR+= festival-gaim
SUBDIR+= ffmpeg-devel
SUBDIR+= ffmpeg-snapshot
SUBDIR+= firebird
SUBDIR+= fireflysung-ttf
SUBDIR+= firefox-wrapper
SUBDIR+= firehose
SUBDIR+= fish
SUBDIR+= flasm
SUBDIR+= flc
SUBDIR+= flexdump
SUBDIR+= flightgear
SUBDIR+= flightgear-base
SUBDIR+= fltk2
SUBDIR+= fluxspace
SUBDIR+= fnord
SUBDIR+= foomatic-db
SUBDIR+= foomatic-db-engine
SUBDIR+= foremost
SUBDIR+= fprobe
SUBDIR+= fragrouter
SUBDIR+= freedict-tools-xsl
SUBDIR+= freej
SUBDIR+= freetds
SUBDIR+= freevo
SUBDIR+= freevrrpd
SUBDIR+= frontpage
SUBDIR+= ftpd-tls
SUBDIR+= ftpsesame
SUBDIR+= fusefs
SUBDIR+= fusefs-btfs
SUBDIR+= fusefs-sshfs
SUBDIR+= fvcool
SUBDIR+= fvwm-crystal
SUBDIR+= g21k-binutils
SUBDIR+= gDesklets
SUBDIR+= gDesklets-CornerXMMS
SUBDIR+= gDesklets-rssgrab
SUBDIR+= gDesklets-starterbar
SUBDIR+= gaia
SUBDIR+= gaim
SUBDIR+= gaim-icb
SUBDIR+= gajim
SUBDIR+= galib
SUBDIR+= gambas2
SUBDIR+= gauche-dbd-pg
SUBDIR+= gauche-fastcgi
SUBDIR+= gcl
SUBDIR+= gcl-nox11
SUBDIR+= gcompris
SUBDIR+= gdal
SUBDIR+= gdal-docs
SUBDIR+= gdal-grass
SUBDIR+= gdal-lib
SUBDIR+= gdam
SUBDIR+= gde
SUBDIR+= gdhcpd
SUBDIR+= gdmap
SUBDIR+= gdvb
SUBDIR+= geant
SUBDIR+= geany
SUBDIR+= geos
SUBDIR+= gfontview
SUBDIR+= gforge
SUBDIR+= ghostpcl
SUBDIR+= git
SUBDIR+= givaro
SUBDIR+= gjots2
SUBDIR+= gkrellm-reminder
SUBDIR+= gksu
SUBDIR+= glade2-nognome
SUBDIR+= glib-java
SUBDIR+= glibc
SUBDIR+= glide3
SUBDIR+= glimmerm
SUBDIR+= glkloader
SUBDIR+= glkterm
SUBDIR+= globulation2
SUBDIR+= glulxe
SUBDIR+= gmc2mid
SUBDIR+= gmediaserver
SUBDIR+= gnokii
SUBDIR+= gnomad2
SUBDIR+= gnome-alsamixer
SUBDIR+= gnome-bluetooth
SUBDIR+= gnome-clipboard-daemon
SUBDIR+= gnome-commander
SUBDIR+= gnome-jabber
SUBDIR+= gnomebaker
SUBDIR+= gnomeradio
SUBDIR+= gnormalize
SUBDIR+= gnump3d
SUBDIR+= gnunet
SUBDIR+= gnupoc-makesis
SUBDIR+= gobby
SUBDIR+= godura
SUBDIR+= goldwater
SUBDIR+= gov2
SUBDIR+= gplbasic
SUBDIR+= gps
SUBDIR+= gpsdrive
SUBDIR+= granule
SUBDIR+= grass
SUBDIR+= grass-JockeyRidge
SUBDIR+= grass-Maas
SUBDIR+= grass-Slovakia
SUBDIR+= grass-Spearfish
SUBDIR+= grass-Spearfish-imagery
SUBDIR+= grass-WakeCounty
SUBDIR+= grass-gully
SUBDIR+= graveman
SUBDIR+= grip
SUBDIR+= grisbi
SUBDIR+= groku
SUBDIR+= gromacs
SUBDIR+= grsync
SUBDIR+= grub2
SUBDIR+= gst-python
SUBDIR+= gstat
SUBDIR+= gtick
SUBDIR+= gtk-engines-thinice
SUBDIR+= gtk-gnutella-current
SUBDIR+= gtk-imonc
SUBDIR+= gtk-server
SUBDIR+= gtk-theme-switch
SUBDIR+= gtk2-engines-dwerg
SUBDIR+= gtk2-engines-flat
SUBDIR+= gtk2-engines-galaxy
SUBDIR+= gtk2-engines-magichicken
SUBDIR+= gtk2-engines-qt
SUBDIR+= gtk2-theme-pack
SUBDIR+= gtkada
SUBDIR+= gtkglk
SUBDIR+= gtklookat
SUBDIR+= gtklp
SUBDIR+= gtypist
SUBDIR+= guile-scsh
SUBDIR+= guilerxspencer
SUBDIR+= gune
SUBDIR+= gurlchecker
SUBDIR+= gwc
SUBDIR+= gxmms2
SUBDIR+= haddock
SUBDIR+= happy
SUBDIR+= hasciicam
SUBDIR+= haserl
SUBDIR+= hdparm
SUBDIR+= heirloom-awk
SUBDIR+= heirloom-banner
SUBDIR+= heirloom-basename
SUBDIR+= heirloom-bdiff
SUBDIR+= heirloom-bfs
SUBDIR+= heirloom-cal
SUBDIR+= heirloom-calendar
SUBDIR+= heirloom-cat
SUBDIR+= heirloom-chmod
SUBDIR+= heirloom-chown
SUBDIR+= heirloom-cksum
SUBDIR+= heirloom-cmp
SUBDIR+= heirloom-col
SUBDIR+= heirloom-comm
SUBDIR+= heirloom-common
SUBDIR+= heirloom-copy
SUBDIR+= heirloom-cp
SUBDIR+= heirloom-csplit
SUBDIR+= heirloom-cut
SUBDIR+= heirloom-date
SUBDIR+= heirloom-dd
SUBDIR+= heirloom-diff3
SUBDIR+= heirloom-dirname
SUBDIR+= heirloom-doc
SUBDIR+= heirloom-du
SUBDIR+= heirloom-ed
SUBDIR+= heirloom-env
SUBDIR+= heirloom-factor
SUBDIR+= heirloom-file
SUBDIR+= heirloom-find
SUBDIR+= heirloom-fmt
SUBDIR+= heirloom-fold
SUBDIR+= heirloom-getconf
SUBDIR+= heirloom-getopt
SUBDIR+= heirloom-grep
SUBDIR+= heirloom-groups
SUBDIR+= heirloom-hd
SUBDIR+= heirloom-head
SUBDIR+= heirloom-hostname
SUBDIR+= heirloom-id
SUBDIR+= heirloom-join
SUBDIR+= heirloom-line
SUBDIR+= heirloom-listusers
SUBDIR+= heirloom-ln
SUBDIR+= heirloom-logins
SUBDIR+= heirloom-logname
SUBDIR+= heirloom-ls
SUBDIR+= heirloom-mesg
SUBDIR+= heirloom-mkdir
SUBDIR+= heirloom-mkfifo
SUBDIR+= heirloom-mknod
SUBDIR+= heirloom-more
SUBDIR+= heirloom-news
SUBDIR+= heirloom-nice
SUBDIR+= heirloom-nl
SUBDIR+= heirloom-nohup
SUBDIR+= heirloom-od
SUBDIR+= heirloom-paste
SUBDIR+= heirloom-pathchk
SUBDIR+= heirloom-pg
SUBDIR+= heirloom-pgrep
SUBDIR+= heirloom-pr
SUBDIR+= heirloom-printenv
SUBDIR+= heirloom-printf
SUBDIR+= heirloom-priocntl
SUBDIR+= heirloom-ps
SUBDIR+= heirloom-psrinfo
SUBDIR+= heirloom-pwd
SUBDIR+= heirloom-random
SUBDIR+= heirloom-renice
SUBDIR+= heirloom-rm
SUBDIR+= heirloom-rmdir
SUBDIR+= heirloom-sdiff
SUBDIR+= heirloom-sed
SUBDIR+= heirloom-setpgrp
SUBDIR+= heirloom-sh
SUBDIR+= heirloom-shl
SUBDIR+= heirloom-sleep
SUBDIR+= heirloom-sort
SUBDIR+= heirloom-split
SUBDIR+= heirloom-stty
SUBDIR+= heirloom-su
SUBDIR+= heirloom-sum
SUBDIR+= heirloom-sync
SUBDIR+= heirloom-tail
SUBDIR+= heirloom-tapecntl
SUBDIR+= heirloom-tar
SUBDIR+= heirloom-tcopy
SUBDIR+= heirloom-tee
SUBDIR+= heirloom-time
SUBDIR+= heirloom-toolchest
SUBDIR+= heirloom-touch
SUBDIR+= heirloom-tr
SUBDIR+= heirloom-tsort
SUBDIR+= heirloom-tty
SUBDIR+= heirloom-ul
SUBDIR+= heirloom-uname
SUBDIR+= heirloom-uniq
SUBDIR+= heirloom-units
SUBDIR+= heirloom-users
SUBDIR+= heirloom-wc
SUBDIR+= heirloom-what
SUBDIR+= heirloom-who
SUBDIR+= heirloom-whoami
SUBDIR+= heirloom-whodo
SUBDIR+= heirloom-xargs
SUBDIR+= heirloom-yes
SUBDIR+= hellanzb
SUBDIR+= help2man
SUBDIR+= heroes
SUBDIR+= highlight
SUBDIR+= hping3
SUBDIR+= hplip
SUBDIR+= hpoj
SUBDIR+= ht2html
SUBDIR+= html2latex
SUBDIR+= httrack
SUBDIR+= hu-go
SUBDIR+= hylafax
SUBDIR+= hylafax-devel
SUBDIR+= iText
SUBDIR+= icc
SUBDIR+= icc8
SUBDIR+= icecast
SUBDIR+= ices
SUBDIR+= ices-vorbis
SUBDIR+= icmpchat
SUBDIR+= idled
SUBDIR+= ifstat
SUBDIR+= igal
SUBDIR+= igowin
SUBDIR+= iip
SUBDIR+= iisemulator
SUBDIR+= ile
SUBDIR+= ilohamail
SUBDIR+= imapsync
SUBDIR+= imonc
SUBDIR+= interbase-docs
SUBDIR+= interchange
SUBDIR+= io-server
SUBDIR+= io-vm
SUBDIR+= ipfm
SUBDIR+= ipmitools
SUBDIR+= ipsvd
SUBDIR+= iptables
SUBDIR+= iptstate
SUBDIR+= isc-dhclient
SUBDIR+= isc-dhcpd
SUBDIR+= ispell-lietuviu
#SUBDIR+= jabberd # not a real package
SUBDIR+= jabberd-aim
SUBDIR+= jacorb-lib
SUBDIR+= jad
SUBDIR+= jakarta-log4j
SUBDIR+= jakarta-struts
SUBDIR+= jalview
SUBDIR+= jamaica
SUBDIR+= java-BigDecimal
SUBDIR+= java-asm
SUBDIR+= java-bcel
SUBDIR+= java-charva
SUBDIR+= java-crimson
SUBDIR+= java-frozenbubble
SUBDIR+= java-getopt
SUBDIR+= java-gnucrypto
SUBDIR+= java-gnujaf
SUBDIR+= java-gnujaxp
SUBDIR+= java-jbluez
SUBDIR+= java-jep
SUBDIR+= java-jflex
SUBDIR+= java-mecab
SUBDIR+= java-muse
SUBDIR+= java-qdbm
SUBDIR+= java-swingwt
SUBDIR+= java-swt
SUBDIR+= java-xmlrpc
SUBDIR+= javascript-guide
SUBDIR+= javascript-mode
SUBDIR+= javascript-reference
SUBDIR+= jbmgen
SUBDIR+= jdk14
SUBDIR+= jdk15
SUBDIR+= jemboss-standalone
SUBDIR+= jetty
SUBDIR+= jgloss
SUBDIR+= joomla
SUBDIR+= jpgtn
SUBDIR+= jumpnbump
SUBDIR+= jwm
SUBDIR+= kaffe
SUBDIR+= kaffe-x11
SUBDIR+= kahakai
SUBDIR+= kahua
SUBDIR+= kannel-gateway
SUBDIR+= kapital
SUBDIR+= kawa
SUBDIR+= kchmviewer
SUBDIR+= kino
SUBDIR+= kissme
SUBDIR+= klamav
SUBDIR+= kobodl
SUBDIR+= korelib
SUBDIR+= kpanta
SUBDIR+= kplayer
SUBDIR+= ktorrent
SUBDIR+= kvirc
SUBDIR+= kxmleditor
SUBDIR+= kylix-openedition
SUBDIR+= kyra
SUBDIR+= kyra2
SUBDIR+= l2tpd
SUBDIR+= lammpi
SUBDIR+= lcrack
SUBDIR+= ldapbrowser
SUBDIR+= ldapdns
SUBDIR+= lde
SUBDIR+= ldp
SUBDIR+= leo
SUBDIR+= lhs2tex
SUBDIR+= libGenome
SUBDIR+= libSoundTouch
SUBDIR+= libargp
SUBDIR+= libassa
SUBDIR+= libavc1394
SUBDIR+= libbtctl
SUBDIR+= libdaemon
SUBDIR+= libdialog
SUBDIR+= libdisasm
SUBDIR+= libgadu
SUBDIR+= libgeotiff
SUBDIR+= libgksu
SUBDIR+= libgksuui
SUBDIR+= libglade-java
SUBDIR+= libgnome-java
SUBDIR+= libgrass5
SUBDIR+= libgtk-java
SUBDIR+= libgtkhtml-java
SUBDIR+= libhttpd
SUBDIR+= libixp
SUBDIR+= libjudy
SUBDIR+= liblingoteach
SUBDIR+= libmaa
SUBDIR+= libmtp
SUBDIR+= libmusclecard
SUBDIR+= libnettle
SUBDIR+= libneural
SUBDIR+= libnjb
SUBDIR+= libobby
SUBDIR+= libopenmodeller
SUBDIR+= libp11
SUBDIR+= libpano12
SUBDIR+= libparsifal
SUBDIR+= libpcap-latest
SUBDIR+= libpusb
SUBDIR+= libraw1394
SUBDIR+= librxspencer
SUBDIR+= libspf2
SUBDIR+= libticables
SUBDIR+= libticalcs
SUBDIR+= libtifiles
SUBDIR+= libtlen2
SUBDIR+= libupnp
SUBDIR+= libuuid
SUBDIR+= libuxre
SUBDIR+= libvc
SUBDIR+= libvg
SUBDIR+= libwbxml2-patched
SUBDIR+= libxcb
SUBDIR+= libxfce4gui
SUBDIR+= libxfce4mcs
SUBDIR+= libxfce4util
SUBDIR+= lidia
SUBDIR+= lilo
SUBDIR+= lingoteach-lesson
SUBDIR+= lingoteach-ui
SUBDIR+= links-hacked
SUBDIR+= links1
SUBDIR+= linphone
SUBDIR+= linux-acl
SUBDIR+= linux-attr
SUBDIR+= linux-ch
SUBDIR+= linux-chprofessional
SUBDIR+= linux-hotplug
SUBDIR+= linux-kbd
SUBDIR+= linux-kernel
SUBDIR+= linux-kernel-headers
SUBDIR+= linux-makedev
SUBDIR+= linux-module-init-tools
SUBDIR+= linux-modutils
SUBDIR+= linux-modutils-old
SUBDIR+= linux-nfs-utils
SUBDIR+= linux-wlan-ng
SUBDIR+= linux24-kernel
SUBDIR+= linux24-kernel-headers
SUBDIR+= linuxdcpp
SUBDIR+= linuxigd
SUBDIR+= linuxigd-current
SUBDIR+= linuxtv-dvb-apps
SUBDIR+= lirc
SUBDIR+= lives
SUBDIR+= lletters
SUBDIR+= lmarbles
SUBDIR+= lmtp2nntp
SUBDIR+= logrotate
SUBDIR+= lorder
SUBDIR+= lpdsrv
SUBDIR+= ltrace
SUBDIR+= lua-pgsql
SUBDIR+= luacheia
SUBDIR+= luaposix
SUBDIR+= luasocket
SUBDIR+= lwc
SUBDIR+= lzs-lkm
SUBDIR+= mac-robber
SUBDIR+= mailfilter
SUBDIR+= majordomo-devel
SUBDIR+= man
SUBDIR+= man-db
SUBDIR+= manatee
SUBDIR+= map-browse
SUBDIR+= mapserver
SUBDIR+= matanza
SUBDIR+= mathopd
SUBDIR+= mc-mp
SUBDIR+= mcabber
SUBDIR+= mcats
SUBDIR+= mcats-iodbc
SUBDIR+= mdadm
SUBDIR+= mdbtools
SUBDIR+= meanwhile
SUBDIR+= mecab
SUBDIR+= mecab-base
SUBDIR+= mecab-ipadic
SUBDIR+= mecab-jumandic
SUBDIR+= mednafen
SUBDIR+= memdump
SUBDIR+= memgrep
SUBDIR+= menumaker
SUBDIR+= metalog
SUBDIR+= metatheme
SUBDIR+= mg-lsh
SUBDIR+= microcom
SUBDIR+= mid2gmc
SUBDIR+= mim
SUBDIR+= mingw
SUBDIR+= mingw-binutils
SUBDIR+= mingw-gcc
SUBDIR+= mingw-runtime-bin
SUBDIR+= mingw-w32api-bin
SUBDIR+= minimalist
SUBDIR+= mixmaster
SUBDIR+= mixxx
#SUBDIR+= mk # not a package
SUBDIR+= mkdep
SUBDIR+= mksend
SUBDIR+= mlmmj
SUBDIR+= mmm-mode
SUBDIR+= mnogosearch
SUBDIR+= modular-xorg-libs
SUBDIR+= moe
SUBDIR+= molmol
SUBDIR+= monkey-bubble
SUBDIR+= monodoc
SUBDIR+= mopac
SUBDIR+= moregroupware
SUBDIR+= mozplugger
SUBDIR+= mp3chop
SUBDIR+= mpgedit
SUBDIR+= mplayer
SUBDIR+= mplayer-share
SUBDIR+= mppdec
SUBDIR+= mppenc
SUBDIR+= mpq-tools
SUBDIR+= msworkbench
SUBDIR+= mtf
SUBDIR+= mtrack
SUBDIR+= muine
SUBDIR+= multisync
SUBDIR+= multisync-backup
SUBDIR+= multisync-ldap
SUBDIR+= multisync-opie
SUBDIR+= multisync-palm
SUBDIR+= multisync-syncml
SUBDIR+= mupen64
SUBDIR+= mupen64-base
SUBDIR+= mupen64-plugin-input
SUBDIR+= mupen64-plugin-rsp
SUBDIR+= mupen64-plugin-sound
SUBDIR+= mupen64-plugin-video
SUBDIR+= muscle-cflexplugin
SUBDIR+= muscle-mcardplugin
SUBDIR+= muscle-pam
SUBDIR+= muscle-pkcs11
SUBDIR+= muscletool
SUBDIR+= musepack
SUBDIR+= mutagen
SUBDIR+= mutella
SUBDIR+= mutt-ng
SUBDIR+= muttvcquery
SUBDIR+= mvsis
SUBDIR+= mysql++
SUBDIR+= mysql-docs
SUBDIR+= mythtv
SUBDIR+= natali
SUBDIR+= naturaldocs
SUBDIR+= navigatrix
SUBDIR+= nbfc
SUBDIR+= ncbi
SUBDIR+= ncbi-bin
SUBDIR+= ncbi-c++-lib
SUBDIR+= ncbi-lib
SUBDIR+= ncc
SUBDIR+= neb-cd512
SUBDIR+= neb-hdtoolbox
SUBDIR+= neb-wipe
SUBDIR+= nehe-opengl-tutorials
SUBDIR+= nestra
SUBDIR+= net-quanta
SUBDIR+= net-tools
SUBDIR+= net6
SUBDIR+= netkit-base
SUBDIR+= netkit-routed
SUBDIR+= netkit-telnet
SUBDIR+= netkit-tftp
SUBDIR+= netrik
SUBDIR+= netwib
SUBDIR+= netwox
SUBDIR+= netx
SUBDIR+= nfdump
SUBDIR+= nginx
SUBDIR+= nicotine+
SUBDIR+= ninvaders
SUBDIR+= nnrpd
SUBDIR+= noip
SUBDIR+= noiptun
SUBDIR+= nos-tun
SUBDIR+= nrpe
SUBDIR+= nullpop
SUBDIR+= nuppelvideo
SUBDIR+= nvidia-freebsd
SUBDIR+= nx-client-bin
SUBDIR+= nzbget
SUBDIR+= oak
SUBDIR+= octave-nox11
SUBDIR+= ode
SUBDIR+= oops
SUBDIR+= opal
SUBDIR+= opax
SUBDIR+= opd
SUBDIR+= open21xx
SUBDIR+= openca
SUBDIR+= openct
SUBDIR+= opendchub
SUBDIR+= openlogos
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-af
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-be-BY
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-bg
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-bn
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-br
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-cs
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-cy
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-da
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-de
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-el
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-et
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-fi
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-fr
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-ga
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-it
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-km
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-langs
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-lo
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-mk
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-nb
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-ne
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-nl
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-nn
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-nr
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-sk
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-sl
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-st
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-sv
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-th
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-tn
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-ts
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-xh
SUBDIR+= openoffice2-bin-zu
SUBDIR+= opensc
SUBDIR+= openscep
SUBDIR+= openvrml
SUBDIR+= opera-devel
SUBDIR+= oqtplayer
SUBDIR+= or1ksim
SUBDIR+= orion
SUBDIR+= orpie
SUBDIR+= ortp
SUBDIR+= osmose
SUBDIR+= owl
SUBDIR+= p3nfs
SUBDIR+= p5-Accessor-Chained
SUBDIR+= p5-Aceperl
SUBDIR+= p5-Algorithm-C3
SUBDIR+= p5-Apache-AuthenNTLM
SUBDIR+= p5-AppConfig-Std
SUBDIR+= p5-Authen-Htpasswd
SUBDIR+= p5-AxKit
SUBDIR+= p5-B-Deobfuscate
SUBDIR+= p5-B-Keywords
SUBDIR+= p5-Bit-Vector-Minimal
SUBDIR+= p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-DevPopup
SUBDIR+= p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-TT
SUBDIR+= p5-CGI-Simple
SUBDIR+= p5-Cache-FastMmap
SUBDIR+= p5-Cache-Mmap
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Engine-Apache
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Log-Log4perl
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Model-CDBI
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Model-DBIC
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Plain
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-CDBI
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-DBIC
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-Htpasswd
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-ACL
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-Roles
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-FileCache
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Plugin-DefaultEnd
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Email
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Plugin-FillInForm
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Plugin-FormValidator
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Plugin-HTML-Widget
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Plugin-I18N
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Pluggable
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Prototype
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-FastMmap
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-Cookie
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-URI
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-File
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Singleton
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Plugin-StackTrace
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Static
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Plugin-SubRequest
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Unicode-Encoding
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-Plugin-XMLRPC
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-View-Mason
SUBDIR+= p5-Catalyst-View-TT
SUBDIR+= p5-Class-Accessor-Chained
SUBDIR+= p5-Class-C3
SUBDIR+= p5-Class-DBI-AsForm
SUBDIR+= p5-Class-DBI-FromForm
SUBDIR+= p5-Class-DBI-Loader
SUBDIR+= p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-RetrieveAll
SUBDIR+= p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-Type
SUBDIR+= p5-Class-DBI-SQLite
SUBDIR+= p5-Class-DBI-Sweet
SUBDIR+= p5-Class-Data-Accessor
SUBDIR+= p5-Class-Date
SUBDIR+= p5-Class-ISA
SUBDIR+= p5-Class-Throwable
SUBDIR+= p5-Class-Virtual
SUBDIR+= p5-Crypt-PasswdMD5
SUBDIR+= p5-DBIx-Class
SUBDIR+= p5-DBIx-Class-Loader
SUBDIR+= p5-DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader
SUBDIR+= p5-Data-Page
SUBDIR+= p5-Data-Properties
SUBDIR+= p5-Data-Visitor
SUBDIR+= p5-Date-Range
SUBDIR+= p5-DateTime-Format-Mail
SUBDIR+= p5-Devel-Profiler
SUBDIR+= p5-Email-Address
SUBDIR+= p5-Email-Date
SUBDIR+= p5-Email-FolderType
SUBDIR+= p5-Email-LocalDelivery
SUBDIR+= p5-Email-MIME
SUBDIR+= p5-Email-MIME-ContentType
SUBDIR+= p5-Email-MIME-Creator
SUBDIR+= p5-Email-MIME-Encodings
SUBDIR+= p5-Email-MIME-Modifier
SUBDIR+= p5-Email-MessageID
SUBDIR+= p5-Email-Send
SUBDIR+= p5-Email-Simple-Creator
SUBDIR+= p5-Encode-Detect
SUBDIR+= p5-Encode-compat
SUBDIR+= p5-Exporter-Lite
SUBDIR+= p5-File-Copy-Recursive
SUBDIR+= p5-File-HomeDir
SUBDIR+= p5-File-Path-Expand
SUBDIR+= p5-Frontier-RPC
SUBDIR+= p5-GPS-Garmin
SUBDIR+= p5-Geo-Distance
SUBDIR+= p5-Geo-IPfree
SUBDIR+= p5-HTML-CalendarMonthSimple
SUBDIR+= p5-HTML-GenerateUtil
SUBDIR+= p5-HTML-Latex
SUBDIR+= p5-HTML-Strip
SUBDIR+= p5-HTML-TableContentParser
SUBDIR+= p5-HTML-TagCloud
SUBDIR+= p5-HTML-TokeParser-Simple
SUBDIR+= p5-HTML-Widget
SUBDIR+= p5-HTTP-BrowserDetect
SUBDIR+= p5-HTTP-Request-AsCGI
SUBDIR+= p5-Image-EXIF
SUBDIR+= p5-Imager
SUBDIR+= p5-Lingua-PT-Stemmer
SUBDIR+= p5-Lingua-Stem
SUBDIR+= p5-Lingua-Stem-Fr
SUBDIR+= p5-Lingua-Stem-It
SUBDIR+= p5-Lingua-Stem-Ru
SUBDIR+= p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-Da
SUBDIR+= p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-No
SUBDIR+= p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-Se
SUBDIR+= p5-Lingua-StopWords
SUBDIR+= p5-Log-Log4perl
SUBDIR+= p5-MP3-Mplib
SUBDIR+= p5-Mail-Webmail-Gmail
SUBDIR+= p5-MasonX-Apache2Handler
SUBDIR+= p5-Math-FixedPrecision
SUBDIR+= p5-Math-IntervalSearch
SUBDIR+= p5-Module-Find
SUBDIR+= p5-Module-Pluggable-Fast
SUBDIR+= p5-Module-Pluggable-Ordered
SUBDIR+= p5-NNTPClient
SUBDIR+= p5-Net-Amazon
SUBDIR+= p5-Net-Delicious
SUBDIR+= p5-Net-Dict
SUBDIR+= p5-Net-PcapUtils
SUBDIR+= p5-Net-Whois-RIPE
SUBDIR+= p5-News-Newsrc
SUBDIR+= p5-Object-Signature
SUBDIR+= p5-Parallel-ForkManager
SUBDIR+= p5-Path-Class
SUBDIR+= p5-Petal
SUBDIR+= p5-Plucene
SUBDIR+= p5-Plucene-Plugin-Analyzer-SnowballAnalyzer
SUBDIR+= p5-PluceneSimple
SUBDIR+= p5-Quota
SUBDIR+= p5-RRD-Simple
SUBDIR+= p5-Return-Value
SUBDIR+= p5-SQL-Abstract-Limit
SUBDIR+= p5-Set-Object
SUBDIR+= p5-Spread
SUBDIR+= p5-Sub-Override
SUBDIR+= p5-Task-Catalyst
SUBDIR+= p5-Template-Provider-Encoding
SUBDIR+= p5-Template-Timer
SUBDIR+= p5-Term-Encoding
SUBDIR+= p5-Test-Class
SUBDIR+= p5-Test-Differences
SUBDIR+= p5-Test-MockObject
SUBDIR+= p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst
SUBDIR+= p5-Test-use-ok
SUBDIR+= p5-Text-ASCIITable
SUBDIR+= p5-Text-CHM
SUBDIR+= p5-Text-Context
SUBDIR+= p5-Text-German
SUBDIR+= p5-Text-Hatena
SUBDIR+= p5-Text-SimpleTable
SUBDIR+= p5-Text-VimColor
SUBDIR+= p5-Tie-Array-Sorted
SUBDIR+= p5-Tie-DB_Lock
SUBDIR+= p5-Time-Piece-Range
SUBDIR+= p5-Tk-TableMatrix
SUBDIR+= p5-Tree-Simple-VisitorFactory
SUBDIR+= p5-URI-Find
SUBDIR+= p5-URI-Find-Rule
SUBDIR+= p5-URI-Title
SUBDIR+= p5-mecab
SUBDIR+= p5-podlators
SUBDIR+= pal
SUBDIR+= palm-db-tools
SUBDIR+= pam-pkcs11
SUBDIR+= pam-pop3
SUBDIR+= pam-pwdfile
SUBDIR+= panda
SUBDIR+= parted
SUBDIR+= pasmo
SUBDIR+= passepartout
SUBDIR+= pbbuttonsd
SUBDIR+= pcsc-lite
SUBDIR+= pcsx
SUBDIR+= pdb2ldif
SUBDIR+= pdftk
SUBDIR+= pdnsd
SUBDIR+= pdq
SUBDIR+= pear-HTTP_Client
SUBDIR+= pekwm-nightly
SUBDIR+= perl59
SUBDIR+= perltidy
SUBDIR+= pgp6
SUBDIR+= phlib
#SUBDIR+= php-doc # not a package
SUBDIR+= php-doc-ar
SUBDIR+= php-doc-br
SUBDIR+= php-doc-de
SUBDIR+= php-doc-en
SUBDIR+= php-doc-es
SUBDIR+= php-doc-fi
SUBDIR+= php-doc-fr
SUBDIR+= php-doc-hk
SUBDIR+= php-doc-hu
SUBDIR+= php-doc-it
SUBDIR+= php-doc-ja
SUBDIR+= php-doc-kr
SUBDIR+= php-doc-nl
SUBDIR+= php-doc-ro
SUBDIR+= php-doc-ru
SUBDIR+= php-doc-sk
SUBDIR+= php-doc-sl
SUBDIR+= php-doc-sv
SUBDIR+= php-fcgi
SUBDIR+= php-mode
SUBDIR+= php-recode
SUBDIR+= php-suhosin
SUBDIR+= picasm
SUBDIR+= picprog
SUBDIR+= pike
SUBDIR+= pike-Gettext
SUBDIR+= pike-Gz
SUBDIR+= pike-Pipe
SUBDIR+= pike-Regexp-PCRE
SUBDIR+= pike-core
SUBDIR+= pike-gdbm
SUBDIR+= pike-mime
SUBDIR+= pinball
SUBDIR+= pizza
SUBDIR+= pkg_fake
SUBDIR+= pkg_install-testing
SUBDIR+= pkg_rmleaves
SUBDIR+= pkg_select
SUBDIR+= pkgmanager
SUBDIR+= planner
SUBDIR+= plugger
SUBDIR+= pmars
SUBDIR+= png2ico
SUBDIR+= pngnq
SUBDIR+= pointless
SUBDIR+= policyd-weight
SUBDIR+= pop-before-smtp
SUBDIR+= pop3.proxy
SUBDIR+= portmap
SUBDIR+= postal2-mpdemo-bin
SUBDIR+= postgis74
SUBDIR+= postgresql-uniqueidentifier
SUBDIR+= postgresql74-postgis
SUBDIR+= postgresql80-postgis
SUBDIR+= postoffice
SUBDIR+= powerdns-recursor
SUBDIR+= ppp
SUBDIR+= ppr
SUBDIR+= premake
SUBDIR+= procps
SUBDIR+= progreiserfs
SUBDIR+= prothon
SUBDIR+= proxychains
SUBDIR+= proxyknife
SUBDIR+= prozilla
SUBDIR+= prtunnel
SUBDIR+= pscpug
SUBDIR+= pts
SUBDIR+= ptunnel
SUBDIR+= pwlib
SUBDIR+= pxlib
SUBDIR+= pxview
SUBDIR+= py-Brenda
SUBDIR+= py-DirectoryStorage
SUBDIR+= py-EditObj
SUBDIR+= py-Fnorb
SUBDIR+= py-Fnorb-docs
SUBDIR+= py-Genetic
SUBDIR+= py-Impacket
SUBDIR+= py-MayaVi
SUBDIR+= py-OpenAL
SUBDIR+= py-OpenGL
SUBDIR+= py-PEAK-docs
SUBDIR+= py-Protocols
SUBDIR+= py-Protocols-docs
SUBDIR+= py-Py2Play
SUBDIR+= py-PythonDirector
SUBDIR+= py-Quotient
SUBDIR+= py-SQLObject
SUBDIR+= py-SciPy
SUBDIR+= py-Soya
SUBDIR+= py-albatross
SUBDIR+= py-aspell
SUBDIR+= py-bsddb
SUBDIR+= py-buildbot
SUBDIR+= py-dateutil
SUBDIR+= py-divmod-axiom
SUBDIR+= py-divmod-epsilon
SUBDIR+= py-divmod-mantissa
SUBDIR+= py-divmod-nevow
SUBDIR+= py-divmod-vertex
SUBDIR+= py-f2py2e
SUBDIR+= py-fastaudio
SUBDIR+= py-generateDS
SUBDIR+= py-gettext-tools
SUBDIR+= py-gtk2-docs
SUBDIR+= py-ipython
SUBDIR+= py-jabber-aimt
SUBDIR+= py-jabber-icqt
SUBDIR+= py-jabber-msnt
SUBDIR+= py-jabber-yahoo-transport
SUBDIR+= py-kyra
SUBDIR+= py-mecab
SUBDIR+= py-mmpython
SUBDIR+= py-mysqldb-docs
SUBDIR+= py-oak
SUBDIR+= py-orm
SUBDIR+= py-osd
SUBDIR+= py-pcapy
SUBDIR+= py-plucker
SUBDIR+= py-rcsparse
SUBDIR+= py-rlcompleter2
SUBDIR+= py-scapy
SUBDIR+= py-scipy_distutils
SUBDIR+= py-shtoom
SUBDIR+= py-snmp
SUBDIR+= py-spambayes
SUBDIR+= py-spark
SUBDIR+= py-speex
SUBDIR+= py-stem
SUBDIR+= py-tagger
SUBDIR+= py-twisted
SUBDIR+= py-twisted-conch
SUBDIR+= py-twisted-core
SUBDIR+= py-twisted-lore
SUBDIR+= py-twisted-mail
SUBDIR+= py-twisted-names
SUBDIR+= py-twisted-news
SUBDIR+= py-twisted-runner
SUBDIR+= py-twisted-web
SUBDIR+= py-twisted-words
SUBDIR+= py-twisted-zopeinterface
SUBDIR+= py-tz
SUBDIR+= py-visionegg
SUBDIR+= py-visionegg-contrib
SUBDIR+= py-visionegg-demos
SUBDIR+= py-visionegg-docs
SUBDIR+= py-vtkmodule
SUBDIR+= py-weave
SUBDIR+= py-willow
SUBDIR+= py-wxWidgets-unicode
SUBDIR+= py-xdg
SUBDIR+= py-xmpppy
SUBDIR+= py-xsdb
SUBDIR+= pycrypto
SUBDIR+= pydance
SUBDIR+= pydb
SUBDIR+= pynfo
SUBDIR+= pypanel
SUBDIR+= pysite
SUBDIR+= pywm
SUBDIR+= pyzor
SUBDIR+= q3-urbanterror
SUBDIR+= qcomicbook
SUBDIR+= qemu-qvm86
SUBDIR+= qgis
SUBDIR+= qhacc
SUBDIR+= qico
SUBDIR+= qinx
SUBDIR+= qjackctl
SUBDIR+= qn-x11
SUBDIR+= qtre
SUBDIR+= quickie
SUBDIR+= quilt
SUBDIR+= quodlibet
SUBDIR+= r8s
SUBDIR+= rar3
SUBDIR+= rawphoto
SUBDIR+= rc.d.Interix
SUBDIR+= rc.subr
SUBDIR+= rdup
SUBDIR+= readseq
SUBDIR+= realtimebattle
SUBDIR+= realvnc
SUBDIR+= redfang
SUBDIR+= regexxer
SUBDIR+= rekall
SUBDIR+= relaydb
SUBDIR+= rep-gtk2
SUBDIR+= rgb
SUBDIR+= rhapsody
SUBDIR+= ripe-rpsl-objectlibrary
SUBDIR+= ripole
SUBDIR+= rlab
SUBDIR+= rlpr
SUBDIR+= rolo
SUBDIR+= rootcheck
SUBDIR+= rosegarden-current
SUBDIR+= rsyslog
SUBDIR+= rte
SUBDIR+= ruby-GalleryAdministrator
SUBDIR+= ruby-ldap
SUBDIR+= ruby-mecab
SUBDIR+= runit
SUBDIR+= samhain
SUBDIR+= sara
SUBDIR+= sarg
SUBDIR+= sawfish-gtk2
SUBDIR+= scare
SUBDIR+= scim
SUBDIR+= scim-anthy
SUBDIR+= scim-canna
SUBDIR+= scim-chewing
SUBDIR+= scim-fcitx
SUBDIR+= scim-hangul
SUBDIR+= scim-pinyin
SUBDIR+= scim-sinhala
SUBDIR+= scim-skk
SUBDIR+= scim-tables
SUBDIR+= scite
SUBDIR+= scm
SUBDIR+= scmail
SUBDIR+= scourge
SUBDIR+= scr2png
SUBDIR+= scribus-devel
SUBDIR+= scsh-install-lib
SUBDIR+= scummvm-nightly
SUBDIR+= scx
SUBDIR+= sdd
SUBDIR+= sdlmame
SUBDIR+= seamonkey
SUBDIR+= seamonkey-bin
SUBDIR+= seamonkey-gtk1
SUBDIR+= send-pr
SUBDIR+= sendmailX
SUBDIR+= serlook
SUBDIR+= sflphoned
SUBDIR+= sgmltools-lite
SUBDIR+= shadow
SUBDIR+= shaper
SUBDIR+= shed
SUBDIR+= shoutcast
SUBDIR+= showmesh
SUBDIR+= sic
SUBDIR+= sid-milter
SUBDIR+= siege
SUBDIR+= silky
SUBDIR+= sim-kde
SUBDIR+= sim-qt
SUBDIR+= simgear
SUBDIR+= simplec
SUBDIR+= sipp
SUBDIR+= siproxd
SUBDIR+= sis
SUBDIR+= six
SUBDIR+= sks
SUBDIR+= slackpkg2pkgsrc
SUBDIR+= slate
SUBDIR+= sleuthkit
SUBDIR+= slime
SUBDIR+= slocate
SUBDIR+= slock
SUBDIR+= slony1
SUBDIR+= slrn-pl
SUBDIR+= slune
SUBDIR+= sm-change_ldappass
SUBDIR+= sm-change_qldforward
SUBDIR+= sm-compatibility
SUBDIR+= smbldap-tools
SUBDIR+= smc
SUBDIR+= smlnj-current
SUBDIR+= smtp-gated
SUBDIR+= smtp.proxy
SUBDIR+= smtprc
SUBDIR+= smtprc-gui
SUBDIR+= smtpscan
SUBDIR+= snark
SUBDIR+= snes9express
SUBDIR+= socklog
SUBDIR+= sockstat
SUBDIR+= songwrite
SUBDIR+= soundtracker
SUBDIR+= spamassassin-cvs
SUBDIR+= spe
SUBDIR+= speedx
SUBDIR+= speex-devel
SUBDIR+= spfmilter
SUBDIR+= sqlitebrowser
SUBDIR+= squirrelmail-avelsieve
SUBDIR+= squirrelmail-chg_sasl_passwd
SUBDIR+= squirrelmail-compatibility
SUBDIR+= squirrelmail-vlogin
SUBDIR+= srvx
SUBDIR+= ssu
SUBDIR+= stardict
SUBDIR+= stmpclean
SUBDIR+= stonx
SUBDIR+= stunnel3
SUBDIR+= subtitleeditor
SUBDIR+= sudoscript
SUBDIR+= sun-j2me
SUBDIR+= sunterlib
SUBDIR+= super-smack
SUBDIR+= supertux
SUBDIR+= suse100_SDL
SUBDIR+= suse100_devel
SUBDIR+= svgalib
SUBDIR+= swami
SUBDIR+= swfmill
SUBDIR+= swftools
SUBDIR+= sxemacs
SUBDIR+= sxid
SUBDIR+= sysjail
SUBDIR+= sysklogd
SUBDIR+= sysstat
SUBDIR+= sysvinit
SUBDIR+= t-coffee
SUBDIR+= t-gnus
SUBDIR+= tac_plus-libradius
SUBDIR+= tacacs-shrubbery
SUBDIR+= taskbar
SUBDIR+= tcc
SUBDIR+= tcmplex-panteltje
SUBDIR+= tcpspy
SUBDIR+= tcptrack
SUBDIR+= tcpxtract
SUBDIR+= tde
SUBDIR+= tea
SUBDIR+= teamspeak
SUBDIR+= tendra
SUBDIR+= tenmado
SUBDIR+= tesseract
SUBDIR+= testdisk
SUBDIR+= tetrinet
SUBDIR+= tex-arphic-ttf
SUBDIR+= tex-baekmuk-ttf
SUBDIR+= tex-kochi-ttf
SUBDIR+= tftp-hpa
SUBDIR+= thaixfonts
SUBDIR+= thcrut
SUBDIR+= theme-gtk-bluecurve
SUBDIR+= thunderbird-bin
SUBDIR+= thunderbird2
SUBDIR+= thunderbird2-gtk1
SUBDIR+= tilda
SUBDIR+= tilp
SUBDIR+= tinyca2
SUBDIR+= tinycobol
SUBDIR+= tinyfugue-beta
SUBDIR+= tinylogin
SUBDIR+= tkabber
SUBDIR+= tleenx2
SUBDIR+= tleenx3
SUBDIR+= topless
SUBDIR+= toppler
SUBDIR+= tops-bin
SUBDIR+= tor
SUBDIR+= tr2latex
SUBDIR+= traceroute-nanog
SUBDIR+= trayer
SUBDIR+= treetool
SUBDIR+= treeview
SUBDIR+= tripwire2
SUBDIR+= tsh
SUBDIR+= tsm
SUBDIR+= ttr
SUBDIR+= ttysnoop
SUBDIR+= tuareg-mode
SUBDIR+= tumble
SUBDIR+= tutos
SUBDIR+= tuxtype2
SUBDIR+= twinkle
SUBDIR+= txt2html
SUBDIR+= txt2tags
SUBDIR+= typespeed
SUBDIR+= typhoon
SUBDIR+= uade
SUBDIR+= ubit
SUBDIR+= uclibc
SUBDIR+= udhcp
SUBDIR+= uebimiau
SUBDIR+= umix
SUBDIR+= unix2tcp
SUBDIR+= unmo3
SUBDIR+= unrealtournament-server
SUBDIR+= uqm
SUBDIR+= uqwk
SUBDIR+= urlgfe
SUBDIR+= uschedule
SUBDIR+= ussp-push
SUBDIR+= util-linux
SUBDIR+= vcdgear
SUBDIR+= vche
SUBDIR+= viewer
SUBDIR+= viewglob
SUBDIR+= virus
SUBDIR+= vis
SUBDIR+= vixie-cron
SUBDIR+= vkeybd
SUBDIR+= vm-pop3d
SUBDIR+= vmac
SUBDIR+= vmsbackup
SUBDIR+= vncselector
SUBDIR+= vpr
SUBDIR+= vreng
SUBDIR+= wang-ttf
SUBDIR+= wavpack
SUBDIR+= webcleaner
SUBDIR+= weplab
SUBDIR+= west
SUBDIR+= which
SUBDIR+= wide-dhcpv6
SUBDIR+= wimon-devel
SUBDIR+= wings
SUBDIR+= wireless-tools
SUBDIR+= wise2
SUBDIR+= wkf
SUBDIR+= wmii-3
SUBDIR+= wmitime
SUBDIR+= wmmp
SUBDIR+= wmnetload
SUBDIR+= wordnet
SUBDIR+= words
SUBDIR+= worker
SUBDIR+= wxGTK-contrib-unicode
SUBDIR+= wxGTK-unicode
SUBDIR+= xace
SUBDIR+= xanim-codecs
SUBDIR+= xar
SUBDIR+= xaralx-bin
SUBDIR+= xauth
SUBDIR+= xbase
SUBDIR+= xbelmark
SUBDIR+= xbsql
SUBDIR+= xcb-proto
SUBDIR+= xchat2-perl
SUBDIR+= xchat2-python
SUBDIR+= xchat2-tcl
SUBDIR+= xdiskusage
SUBDIR+= xfce4
SUBDIR+= xfce4-appfinder
SUBDIR+= xfce4-desktop
SUBDIR+= xfce4-dev-tools
SUBDIR+= xfce4-exo
SUBDIR+= xfce4-extras
SUBDIR+= xfce4-fsguard-plugin
SUBDIR+= xfce4-genmon-plugin
SUBDIR+= xfce4-gtk2-engine
SUBDIR+= xfce4-icon-theme
SUBDIR+= xfce4-mcs-manager
SUBDIR+= xfce4-mcs-plugins
SUBDIR+= xfce4-mixer
SUBDIR+= xfce4-mousepad
SUBDIR+= xfce4-orage
SUBDIR+= xfce4-panel
SUBDIR+= xfce4-print
SUBDIR+= xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin
SUBDIR+= xfce4-session
SUBDIR+= xfce4-taskmanager
SUBDIR+= xfce4-terminal
SUBDIR+= xfce4-thunar
SUBDIR+= xfce4-utils
SUBDIR+= xfce4-wm
SUBDIR+= xfce4-wm-themes
SUBDIR+= xfce4-xarchiver
SUBDIR+= xfce4-xkb-plugin
SUBDIR+= xgfe
SUBDIR+= xgobi
SUBDIR+= xhkeys1
SUBDIR+= xinetd
SUBDIR+= xkeyboard-config
SUBDIR+= xmail
SUBDIR+= xmim
SUBDIR+= xmlformat-docs
SUBDIR+= xmlformat-perl
SUBDIR+= xmlformat-ruby
SUBDIR+= xmlsysinfo
SUBDIR+= xmms-dumb
SUBDIR+= xmms-infopipe
SUBDIR+= xmms-pac
SUBDIR+= xmms-pitch
SUBDIR+= xmms-scrobbler
SUBDIR+= xmms-skins
SUBDIR+= xmms-status
SUBDIR+= xmms-xmp
SUBDIR+= xmms2
SUBDIR+= xmoto
SUBDIR+= xorg-server
SUBDIR+= xpde
SUBDIR+= xpdq
SUBDIR+= xpilot-ng
SUBDIR+= xplore
SUBDIR+= xrdp
SUBDIR+= xscribble-fs
SUBDIR+= xsm
SUBDIR+= xspd
SUBDIR+= xspdapp
SUBDIR+= xspread
SUBDIR+= xtrace
SUBDIR+= xxdiff
SUBDIR+= xxkb
SUBDIR+= xyssl
SUBDIR+= yabause
SUBDIR+= yafray
SUBDIR+= yaws
SUBDIR+= yp-tools
SUBDIR+= ypbind-mt
SUBDIR+= ypserv
SUBDIR+= zapping
SUBDIR+= zinf
SUBDIR+= zope3-unstable
SUBDIR+= zsnes-devel
SUBDIR+= zvbi
${ECHO_MSG} "Extracting complete dependency database. This may take a while..."
npkg=1; \
list=`${GREP} '^[[:space:]]*'SUBDIR Makefile | ${SED} 's,.*=[[:space:]]*,,'` ; \
for pkgdir in $$list ; do \
if [ ! -d $$pkgdir ]; then \
${ECHO} " " ; \
${ECHO} "WARNING: the package directory $$pkgdir is listed in" > /dev/stderr ; \
${ECHO} $$pkgdir | ${SED} 's;/.*;/Makefile;g' > /dev/stderr ; \
${ECHO} "but the directory does not exist. Please fix this!" > /dev/stderr ; \
else \
cd $$pkgdir ; \
l=`${MAKE} print-summary-data` ; \
if [ $$? != 0 ]; then \
${ECHO} "WARNING (printdepends): the package in $$pkgdir had problem with" \
> /dev/stderr ; \
${ECHO} " ${MAKE} print-summary-data" > /dev/stderr ; \
${ECHO} " database information for this package" > /dev/stderr ; \
${ECHO} " will be dropped." > /dev/stderr ; \
${MAKE} print-summary-data 2>&1 > /dev/stderr ; \
else \
${ECHO} "$$l" >> $$DB ; \
fi ; \
fi ; \
${ECHO} -n "." ; \
if [ `${EXPR} $$npkg % 100 = 0` -eq 1 ]; then \
${ECHO} " " ; \
${ECHO} "$$npkg" ; \
fi ; \
npkg=`${EXPR} $$npkg + 1` ; \
cd $$PKGSRCDIR ; \
.PHONY: index
index: ${.CURDIR}/INDEX
${AWK} -f ../mk/scripts/genindex.awk PKGSRCDIR=${.CURDIR} SORT=${SORT:Q} ${.CURDIR}/PKGDB
${GREP} -v '||||||||||$$' ${.CURDIR}/INDEX > ${.CURDIR}/INDEX.tmp && \
.include "../mk/"