Filip Hajny cf31937f69 Update umurmur to 0.2.16 to fix build with security/mbedtls
[FIX] Reworked timestamping code (fatbob313)
[FIX] Banning works again when using IPv6 (fatbob313 and fmorgner)
[NEW] Sharedmemory API (snowblind)
	to enable use:
	- '--with-shmapi' with Autotools
	The shm API allows you to use/write tools that communicate directly with
	umurmurd. For an example, see:
[NEW] GnuTLS backend (fmorgner)
[NEW] SELinux type-enforcement rules for umurmur (fmorgner)
	The SELinux rules can be found at

IPv6 dual-stack support (fmorgner).
CMake build system added alongside Autotools (fmorgner).
Update to use Protobuf-C 1.0.0.

Add 'silent' option to channel configuration.
Add 'position' option to channel configuration.
Support PolarSSL 1.3.x.
Handle PolarSSL compiled with zlib-support.
Use CLOCK_MONOTONIC instead of gettimeofday() which can cause mayhem if
	time changes dramatically, e.g. when synchronizing with time
Add support for certificate chain delivery for OpenSSL via new option 'ca_path'.

Fix Opus not working.
Add timestamp when logging to file.

Fix crash at client disconnect using PolarSSL >= 1.2.6
Fix usage of /dev/urandom for random numbers (PolarSSL)

Support Mumble protocol 1.2.4.
Support Opus codec.
Add config file option for 'Opus threshold'.
Support PolarSSL 1.2.x.
Remove support for PolarSSL versions prior to 1.0.0.
Fix disconnect when using PTT.
Fix possible crash when many clients disconnects simultaneously.
Fix error message at client disconnect when using OpenSSL.
Autoconf './configure' switches added:
--enable-polarssl-test-certificate - use and link the PolarSSL
	test certificate. Not used by default, causing umurmurd to exit
	with error if no certificate and/or key file is found.
--enable-polarssl-havege - use PolarSSL's HAVEGE random number
	generator. Defaults to /dev/urandom.
+ some other fixes.
2015-06-13 11:48:57 +00:00

7 lines
319 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.3 2015/06/13 11:48:57 fhajny Exp $
SHA1 (umurmur-0.2.16.tar.gz) = 58674a5b91296368b030349bd56046bd0077ae99
RMD160 (umurmur-0.2.16.tar.gz) = f9246740927b1497cc4cea999b2b35285a045ce0
Size (umurmur-0.2.16.tar.gz) = 91106 bytes
SHA1 ( = 5404f10e4774df53ce56c2c8d921bafaced65f7a