2005-05-23 10:27:02 +00:00

28 lines
1.6 KiB

DUMB is an IT, XM, S3M and MOD player library developed by
Robert J Ohannessian and Ben Davis.
* Freeware
* Supports playback of Impulse Tracker (IT), Scream Tracker 3 (S3M),
Fast Tracker 2 (XM) and Amiga Module (MOD) files
* Faithful to the original trackers, especially IT; if it plays your module
wrongly, please tell me so I can fix the bug! (But please don't complain
about differences between DUMB and ModPlug Tracker)
* Accurate support for low-pass resonant filters for IT files
* Very accurate timing and pitching; completely deterministic playback
* Click removal
* Facility to embed music files in other files (e.g. Allegro datafiles)
* Three resampling quality settings: aliasing, linear interpolation and
cubic interpolation
* Number of samples playing at once can be limited to reduce processor
usage, but samples will come back in when other louder ones stop
* All notes will be present and correct even if you start a piece of music
in the middle
* Fast seeking to any point before the music first loops (seeking time
increases beyond this point)
* Audio generated can be used in any way; DUMB does not necessarily send it
straight to a sound output system
* Makefile provided for DJGPP, MinGW, Linux, BeOS and Mac OS X; project
file provided for MSVC 6 (please contact me if you'd like to submit or
request a makefile for a new platform; the code itself should port
anywhere that has a 32-bit C compiler)
* Can be used with Allegro, can be used without (if you'd like to make DUMB
more approachable to people who aren't using Allegro, please contact me)