pancake ;) 080901b39f Initial import of memtester
memtest is a utility for testing the memory subsystem in a computer to
determine if it is faulty.  The original source was by Simon Kirby
<>.  I have by this time completely rewritten the original
source, and added many additional tests to help catch borderline memory.  I
also rewrote the original tests (which catch mainly memory bits which are stuck
permanently high or low) so that they run approximately an order of magnitude
2003-07-19 02:09:40 +00:00

4 lines
183 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 2003/07/19 02:09:40 poppnk Exp $
SHA1 (memtester-2.93.1.tar.bz2) = 9085bb0f6003f47bd06f815151f90703466b4918
Size (memtester-2.93.1.tar.bz2) = 22665 bytes