Mike M. Volokhov 2d196a07c2 Upgrade to version 4.31.3. A major changes since 4.30:
- bugfixes for key file parsing and CGP, Outlook files parsing
	- viruses removing was fixed
	- problem with unix-socket deleting was fixed
	- MissingHeader rule handling was fixed
	- deadlock while SIGHUP handling was fixed
	- nested multipart messages curing was fixed
	- no evaluation banner in */signed messages
	- added multilines keys in ini-file handling

Please take a look to share/doc/drweb/ChangeLog file for complete
list of changes.

Changes for this package:

	- added support for FreeBSD 3.x
	- automatic handling of old virus databases at installation stage
2004-04-06 15:19:35 +00:00

17 lines
593 B

$NetBSD: MESSAGE.common,v 1.4 2004/04/06 15:19:35 bubuchka Exp $
Add the similar to following to /etc/services:
drwebd 3000/tcp # DrWeb daemon
Add the similar to following to crontab(5) file:
* */2 * * * ${PREFIX}/sbin/drweb-update
If you are doing upgrade from DrWeb version prior to 4.30, you MUST
merge your existent "${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/drweb32.ini" file within
clean copy installed in "${EGDIR}/drweb32.ini".