Aleksey Cheusov 7fbe459652 pipestatus - source file for POSIX shell that allows
to obtain an exit status of every program in a pipe.


When we program in shell we often run pipes like this

    prog1 args1 | prog2 args2 | ... | progN argsN

POSIX says that exit status of pipe is the exit status of LAST program
in it, i.e.  progN in our example. That is, exit status of all other
programs in pipe is silently ignored.  But in many situations exit
status of all programs in pipe should be checked to make program
robust. Some shells like BASH and ZSH have special extensions for
doing this but POSIX shell unfortunately doesn't provide an EASY way
for doing this.

In order to solve the problem, described above pipestatus was written.
2008-01-24 22:15:11 +00:00

5 lines
253 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.1 2008/01/24 22:15:12 cheusov Exp $
SHA1 (pipestatus-0.4.0.tar.gz) = 8d65778f52060a3bdd8f8fcbf65b8f1db8213acf
RMD160 (pipestatus-0.4.0.tar.gz) = c7db4f37f413396fa8a15d723707dae1bfdb9dc2
Size (pipestatus-0.4.0.tar.gz) = 5358 bytes