PHO / phonohawk 4964774cd4 Import mic-paren-3.7 as wip/mic-paren.
mic-paren.el is an extension and replacement to the packages paren.el
and stig-paren.el for Emacs. When mic-paren is active Emacs normal
parenthesis matching is deactivated. Instead parenthesis matching will
be performed as soon as the cursor is positioned at a parenthesis. The
matching parenthesis (or the entire expression between the
parentheses) is highlighted until the cursor is moved away from the
2008-07-17 00:19:26 +00:00

5 lines
227 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 2008/07/17 00:19:26 phonohawk Exp $
SHA1 (mic-paren.el) = 02edb7fc13b0223b2c4942e1859b8b6684cde814
RMD160 (mic-paren.el) = 3f090294ffed4b741c9555fff1a85ca5f9ac733d
Size (mic-paren.el) = 63072 bytes