OBATA Akio 93f1594b64 Update ap-chxj to 0.12.12.
libapache2-mod-chxj (0.12.12-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fixed Bug.
    - cookie cannot be acquired in model of old SoftBank.
   (Reported by tiruda1600 _at_ thanks!)
  * Fixed Bug & Added Features.
    - Query in the action attribute of the form tag cannot be acquired.
   (Reported by tiruda1600 _at_ thanks!)

 -- Atsushi Konno <>  Thu, 24 Jul 2008 16:02:02 +0900

libapache2-mod-chxj (0.12.11-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Changed features.
    - After it had converted it by a former image,
      the priority of the image type was selected.
      (Requested by someone. thanks!)
  * Fixed Bug.
    - Dynamic image converter is not available.

 -- Atsushi Konno <>  Tue, 22 Jul 2008 12:52:13 +0900

libapache2-mod-chxj (0.12.10-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added Features.
    - For anchor's name for cookie simulator.
    (Requested by tiruda1600 _at_ thanks!)

 -- Atsushi Konno <>  Mon, 21 Jul 2008 15:11:53 +0900

libapache2-mod-chxj (0.12.9-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Changed Specification.
    - When the size after it reduces becomes 0, it compels it to 1.
      (Reported by someone. thanks!)
  * Emergency measure
    - MagickQuantizeImage function doesn't return.
      (Reported by someone. thanks!)

 -- Atsushi Konno <>  Sun, 20 Jul 2008 23:28:36 +0900

libapache2-mod-chxj (0.12.8-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added function.
    - The au terminal is handled as NO Cookie model. (For http -> https or https -> http exchange.)
      (Requested by someone. thanks!)

 -- Atsushi Konno <>  Sun, 13 Jul 2008 15:20:39 +0900

libapache2-mod-chxj (0.12.7-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fixed bug.
    - It doesn't become a conversion target when setting as JXHTML.
     (Reported by someone. thanks!)

  * Added name attribute of form tag.
    (Requested by tiruda1600 _at_ thanks!)

 -- Atsushi Konno <>  Sat, 12 Jul 2008 02:11:04 +0900

libapache2-mod-chxj (0.12.6-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fixed bug.
    - cannot be redirected since 0.12.4
      (Reported by tiruda1600 _at_ thanks!)

 -- Atsushi Konno <>  Thu,  3 Jul 2008 22:06:28 +0900

libapache2-mod-chxj (0.12.5-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fixed bug.
    - The bug that was not able to be displayed correctly when a double quart
      was included in value.

 -- Atsushi Konno <>  Fri, 27 Jun 2008 16:37:26 +0900

libapache2-mod-chxj (0.12.4-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fixed Bug.
    - Because Input_filter of Apache is a fuck-shit, it abolishes it.
      Proxy is made at one's own expense by using libserf instead.
      (Reported by tiruda1600 _at_ thanks!)

 -- Atsushi Konno <>  Thu, 26 Jun 2008 10:32:44 +0900

libapache2-mod-chxj (0.12.3-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fixed bug.
    - changes line in place in which it doesn't intend it.
     (Reported by someone. thanks!)

 -- Atsushi Konno <>  Sat, 21 Jun 2008 18:39:14 +0900

libapache2-mod-chxj (0.12.2-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fixed bug.
    - Failed reading cookie for SoftBank.
      (Reported by R.Komoriya. thanks!)

 -- Atsushi Konno <>  Sun,  1 Jun 2008 02:11:33 +0900

libapache2-mod-chxj (0.12.1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fixed bug.
    - Set-Cookie is not executed at CGI.
      (Reported by R.Komoriya. thanks!)

 -- Atsushi Konno <>  Thu, 29 May 2008 03:11:16 +0900

libapache2-mod-chxj (0.12.0-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fixed bug.
    - '+' has not been converted into ' '.
    - A double quart and a single quart were able to be used for the attribute
    - When the request parameter name is Japanese, the parameter name is a bug
      that doesn't convert the character-code.
    - The bug that the result area has not been initialized while processing
      the cookie loading of the COOKIE MYSQL function
    - In the COOKIE MYSQL function, the connection to MYSQL was not
      occasionally closed.
  * Added Features.
    - Added alink attribute for body tag.
    - Added vlink attribute for body tag.
    - Added dir attribute for dir tag.
    - Added size attribute for font tag.
    - Added color attribute for hr tag.
    - Added bgcolor attribute for marquee tag.
    - Added type attribute for ul tag.
    - Added lang="jxhtml" attribute value for chxj:if tag.
  * Revoked apr_memcache and used libmemcached.

 -- Atsushi Konno <>  Sat, 10 May 2008 17:08:48 +0900

libapache2-mod-chxj (0.11.1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fixed bug.
    - ``Off'' did not work by the ChxjImageEngine directive.
      (Reported by R. thanks!)

 -- Atsushi Konno <>  Thu, 24 Apr 2008 19:54:14 +0900

libapache2-mod-chxj (0.11.0-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fixed bug.
    - chxj_encoding and chxj_rencoding invalid destlen.
    - <p>a</p> ==> <p></p>a convertion defect.
    - The line feed code is disregarded at <pre> tag.

  * Added Features.
    - Added <blockquote> tag to CHTML1.0 converter.
    - Added <br> tag clear attribute to CHTML1.0 converter.
    - Added <dir> tag to CHTML1.0 converter.
    - Added <dl> tag to CHTML1.0 converter.
    - Added <dt> tag to CHTML1.0 converter.
    - Added <dd> tag to CHTML1.0 converter.
    - Added <menu> tag to CHTML1.0 converter.
    - Added <p align> attribute to CHTML1.0 converter.
    - Added <plaintext> tag to CHTML1.0 converter. (no parse mode)
    - Added <blockquote> tag to CHTML2.0 converter.
    - Added <dl> tag to CHTML2.0 converter.
    - Added <dt> tag to CHTML2.0 converter.
    - Added <dd> tag to CHTML2.0 converter.
    - Added <h1 align> attribute to CHTML2.0 converter.
    - Added <h2 align> attribute to CHTML2.0 converter.
    - Added <h3 align> attribute to CHTML2.0 converter.
    - Added <h4 align> attribute to CHTML2.0 converter.
    - Added <h5 align> attribute to CHTML2.0 converter.
    - Added <h6 align> attribute to CHTML2.0 converter.
    - Added <li type> attribute to CHTML2.0 converter.
    - Added <li value> attribute to CHTML2.0 converter.
    - Added <menu> tag to CHTML2.0 converter.
    - Added <ol type> attribute to CHTML2.0 converter.
    - Added <ol start> attribute to CHTML2.0 converter.
    - Added <p align> attribute to CHTML2.0 converter.
    - Added <textarea accesskey> attribute to CHTML2.0 converter.
    - Added <textarea istyle> attribute to CHTML2.0 converter.
    - Added <blink> tag to CHTML2.0 converter.
    - Added <marquee> tag to CHTML2.0 converter.
    - Added <plaintext> tag to CHTML2.0 converter. (no parse mode)
    - Added <blockquote> tag to CHTML3.0 converter.
    - Added <dir> tag to CHTML3.0 converter.
    - Added <dl> tag to CHTML3.0 converter.
    - Added <dt> tag to CHTML3.0 converter.
    - Added <dd> tag to CHTML3.0 converter.
    - Added <h1 align> attribute to CHTML3.0 converter.
    - Added <h2 align> attribute to CHTML3.0 converter.
    - Added <h3 align> attribute to CHTML3.0 converter.
    - Added <h4 align> attribute to CHTML3.0 converter.
    - Added <h5 align> attribute to CHTML3.0 converter.
    - Added <h6 align> attribute to CHTML3.0 converter.
    - Added <blink> tag to CHTML3.0 converter.
    - Added <marquee> tag to CHTML3.0 converter.
    - Added <ol type> attribute to CHTML3.0 converter.
    - Added <ol start> attribute to CHTML3.0 converter.
    - Added <p align> attribute to CHTML3.0 converter.
    - Added <textarea accesskey> attribute to CHTML3.0 converter.
    - Added <textarea istyle> attribute to CHTML3.0 converter.
    - Added <li type> attribute to CHTML3.0 converter.
    - Added <li value> attribute to CHTML3.0 converter.
    - Added <menu> tag to CHTML3.0 converter.
    - Added <plaintext> tag to CHTML3.0 converter. (no parse mode)
    - Added <blockquote> tag to au XHTML converter.
    - Added <dir> tag to au XHTML converter.
    - Added <dl> tag to au XHTML converter.
    - Added <dt> tag to au XHTML converter.
    - Added <dd> tag to au XHTML converter.
    - Added <h1 align> attribute to au XHTML converter.
    - Added <h2 align> attribute to au XHTML converter.
    - Added <h3 align> attribute to au XHTML converter.
    - Added <h4 align> attribute to au XHTML converter.
    - Added <h5 align> attribute to au XHTML converter.
    - Added <h6 align> attribute to au XHTML converter.
    - Added <hr align> attribute to au XHTML converter.
    - Added <hr size> attribute to au XHTML converter.
    - Added <hr width> attribute to au XHTML converter.
    - Added <li type> attribute to au XHTML converter.
    - Added <li value> attribute to au XHTML converter.
    - Added <menu> tag to au XHTML converter.
    - Added <ol type> attribute to au XHTML converter.
    - Added <ol start> attribute to au XHTML converter.
    - Added <plaintext> tag to au XHTML converter. (no parse mode)
    - Added <textarea accesskey> attribute to au XHTML converter.
    - Added <textarea istyle> attribute to au XHTML converter.
    - Added <plaintext> tag to au XHTML converter. (no parse mode)
    - Added <blockquote> tag to au HDML converter.
    - Added <dir> tag to au HDML converter.
    - Added <dl> tag to au HDML converter.
    - Added <dt> tag to au HDML converter.
    - Added <dd> tag to au HDML converter.
    - Added <h1 align> attribute for au HDML converter.
    - Added <h2 align> attribute for au HDML converter.
    - Added <h3 align> attribute for au HDML converter.
    - Added <h4 align> attribute for au HDML converter.
    - Added <h5 align> attribute for au HDML converter.
    - Added <h6 align> attribute for au HDML converter.
    - Added <menu> tag to au HDML converter.
    - Added <p align> attribute to au HDML converter.
    - Added <plaintext> tag to au HDML converter. (no parse mode)
    - Added <pre> tag to au HDML converter.
    - Added <textarea> attribute to au HDML converter.
    - Added <blockquote> tag to SoftBank HTML converter.
    - Added <br clear> attribute to SoftBank HTML converter.
    - Added <dir> tag to SoftBank HTML converter.
    - Added <dl> tag to SoftBank HTML converter.
    - Added <dt> tag to SoftBank HTML converter.
    - Added <dd> tag to SoftBank HTML converter.
    - Added <h1 align> attribute for SoftBank HTML converter.
    - Added <h2 align> attribute for SoftBank HTML converter.
    - Added <h3 align> attribute for SoftBank HTML converter.
    - Added <h4 align> attribute for SoftBank HTML converter.
    - Added <h5 align> attribute for SoftBank HTML converter.
    - Added <h6 align> attribute for SoftBank HTML converter.

 -- Atsushi Konno <>  Sat, 19 Apr 2008 16:44:57 +0900

libapache2-mod-chxj (0.10.5-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fixed bug.
    - the value of the script tag is displayed.
    - the value of the object tag is displayed.

 -- Atsushi Konno <>  Fri, 18 Apr 2008 22:25:55 +0900

libapache2-mod-chxj (0.10.4-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fixed bug.
    - Disregarded the tag did not know.
    - The tag closing by itself

 -- Atsushi Konno <>  Fri, 18 Apr 2008 03:13:27 +0900

libapache2-mod-chxj (0.10.3-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fixed bug.
      - Cookie ID is not given, except when Content-type is text/html and
        application/xhtml+xml.  (Reported by bayside. Thanks!)

 -- Atsushi Konno <>  Thu, 10 Apr 2008 23:30:52 +0900

libapache2-mod-chxj (0.10.2-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fixed bug.
    - cookie ID is not added when redirect.(reported by bayside)

 -- Atsushi Konno <>  Tue,  1 Apr 2008 23:47:26 +0900

libapache2-mod-chxj (0.10.1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fixed bug.
    - forgot to do -1 in the string length specification part though sizeof was used with STRNCASEEQ.

 -- Atsushi Konno <>  Tue,  1 Apr 2008 19:08:27 +0900

libapache2-mod-chxj (0.10.0-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added Features.
    - Added cookie path validator.
    - Added cookie domain validator.
    - Added cookie expires validator.
    - Added cookie secure validator.
    - Added content-type ``application/xhtml+xml''
    - use Buffering.
    - Added Cookie Lazy ID mode.
    - Cookie simulator(delete experimental)
  * Fixed bug.
    - Parsing is abnormal of the comment tag.
    - Parsing is abnormal of the script tag.

 -- Atsushi Konno <>  Mon, 31 Mar 2008 17:58:05 +0900

libapache2-mod-chxj (0.9.0-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added Features
    - Cookie can have been recorded in MySQL.
    - Cookie can have been recorded in memcached.
  * Fixed Bug
    - When mpeg is downloaded, it memory a large amount of consumes it.

 -- Atsushi Konno <>  Mon, 24 Mar 2008 00:57:55 +0900

libapache2-mod-chxj (0.8.7-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fixed Bug
    - Using AC_FUNC_MALLOC by mistake.
      AC_FUNC_MALLOC is neatly used because it is too good though
      it is not necessary.
      AC_FUNC_MALLOC reacts for CentOS due to the bug of autoconf2.59.
    - When ap_regex.h is not found, pcre.h is used. In that case, to use
  * Changed Features
    - Abolition of libiconv. use glibc/iconv.

 -- Atsushi Konno <>  Mon, 17 Mar 2008 23:02:33 +0900

libapache2-mod-chxj (0.8.6-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added error messages
    - the error message of the parsing machine of HTML.
    - the error message when the character-code is converted.
  * Fixed Bug
    - forgotten that apache2.0.x doesn't have ap_regex.h. (reported by R)

 -- Atsushi Konno <>  Wed, 12 Mar 2008 01:49:16 +0900

libapache2-mod-chxj (0.8.5-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fixed Bug
    - when the image of non-correspondence is converted, and aborted.
  * Changed features.
    - Being able to convert the image changed only to jpeg, png, and gif.

 -- Atsushi Konno <>  Thu, 14 Feb 2008 20:53:02 +0900

libapache2-mod-chxj (0.8.4-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fixed Bug that deb package doesn't correspond to Apache2.2.
  * Added features:
    - ``ChxjImageCacheLimit'' directive.
    - The serial number of "image workfile name" is deleted.
  * Added Document:
    ``ChxjImageCacheLimit'' directive.

 -- Atsushi Konno <>  Tue,  5 Feb 2008 20:33:16 +0900

libapache2-mod-chxj (0.8.3-1) unstable; urgency=high

  * Fixed Bug
    - The image conversion is not operated at the access by PC.
    - Bug that doesn't delete cache file.
      + default limit size is 10MByte.
        but the setting cannot be changed now.

 -- Atsushi Konno <>  Mon,  4 Feb 2008 12:53:21 +0900
2008-08-27 05:04:39 +00:00